What does Russia export to Europe, China and the USA?

Many people think that Russia exports abroad, exporting only timber, gas, oil and their derivatives. But if you analyze the world market, it turns out that Russia has long been a raw materials appendage of the Western world. Close relations with China significantly increased the market for domestic goods. The West, despite the sanctions, still continues to acquire Russian-made goods. Of course, a very large share is occupied by goods for the military industry, heavy, rocketry, and also natural resources.

Wood export

Non-commodity goods and services of Russian export in the first part of 2017 increased by almost 20%, which is a big success compared to last year. Between 2017 and 2025, the Russian Federation plans to increase exports by 7–8% each year. For the current year (2018), there is no data on trade turnover, so in our article we will examine past periods and the entire market in detail to assess its current state and understand what goods are exported by Russia.

Export of goods in 2016 from Russia to other countries

In 2016, exported goods from the Russian Federation were presented as the basic types of all production goods:

  1. Mineral fuel, oil and oil products. Substances of bituminous bases and mineral wax accounted for a total of 47% of the total.
  2. Other goods not specified by type accounted for almost 16%.
  3. Ferrous metals accounted for 4.85%.
  4. Precious stones, jewelry, metals, coins, pearls of natural composition and others like him - 3, 11%.
  5. Equipment and mechanical devices, nuclear reactors, boilers and their components occupied a share of 2.34%.
  6. All types of agricultural fertilizers - 2.36%.
  7. Charcoal, wood and all its components - 2.29%.
  8. Aluminum products and its pure product amounted to 2.10%.

One of the important questions, “what kind of oil does Russia export”, can be answered quite easily. One has only to turn to official sources. They say that oil is produced exclusively reference grades. Therefore, after a sharp drop in oil prices, Russian exports faced some problems.

Oil supplies were growing, but if compared with 2014, the drop reached 55% (in the dollar monetary system). Such conditions do not allow Russia to fully reveal its potential in this industry. Non-energy non-resource exports of products account for 38% of the total mass. Rising oil prices will become the basis for lower supplies. But there are positive aspects, Russia can easily supply other materials (except oil), as it has great potential and supply opportunities.

It is necessary to study all possible sectors for further increasing exports in order to maximize our position in the world. Notable indicators are given by the production of fertilizers. Which countries does Russia export its products to:

  1. United States of America (USA).
  2. India
  3. Ukraine.
  4. China.
  5. Brazil and many other countries.

Since the Russian Federation occupies more than 14% in this industry, it is one of the most significant figures. This year has good chances to strengthen and develop in this market niche. Political disagreements are not a reason for the termination of cooperation. The global market for the most part depends on the Russian Federation.

Industrial Products Export

The leading position today is the production of various equipment, computer and mechanical equipment. Ukraine, China and Kazakhstan received more than 2.4% of all exports from Russia. These data indicate that diversification is needed for this industry. It is required in connection with the arising difficulties in risk insurance. For example, when the price of oil fell, which affected Kazakhstan, the difficult crisis situation in Ukraine affected. For safety and friendly purposes, such a precaution is essential for all parties to the transaction.

Russian grain

Almost all grain exports go to the Egyptian and Turkish markets. The Russian state has taken a leading place in the export of this raw material; it has reached almost 25 million tons of grain over the past year. Therefore, we can calmly answer the question, “What does Russia export other than oil and gas” by showing a list of all products that include a diverse assortment, from grain to military equipment.

It is believed that military equipment occupies a leading position in quality, durability and endurance. Therefore, many countries are very happy to purchase weapons from the Russian Federation.

In 2017-2018, medical equipment and optics are delivered abroad, and the share of exports is gradually increasing. This industry entered the economic priorities of the state. Our competitors in this area are:

  1. Germany.
  2. China.
  3. India.
  4. CIS countries.
Oil export

It is worth noting that Russia exports goods manufactured in all industries in which there is any competition. But this does not prevent the development of Russian production on the world stage. Each country chooses its supplier, so there is no difficulty in selling goods.

Exported goods from Russia also contain inorganic chemistry. It includes:

  1. Plastic.
  2. Paper.
  3. Rubber.

The goods listed above are promising in terms of exports from the Russian Federation. It is worth noting the fact that deliveries do not stop due to competition or external pressure. The Russian government promptly introduced the latest export system. Many large and small enterprises have solved their problems at the expense of the Russian Export Center; now the trading house will begin to search for foreign partners that every manufacturer needs.

Export from Russia abroad, not including gas and oil

Many illiterate people ask themselves, but what does Russia export other than oil and gas? The answer to this question is obvious. The Russian Federation is a huge country in which there are a large number of natural wealth. It is generally accepted by some politicians that without gas and oil purchases, the country will become poorer. What can be exported from Russia? To do this, you need to study the second part of the article in detail.

Nuclear complex and its equipment

One of the champions in the construction of nuclear reactors is Rosatom. Russia is a major exporter of nuclear technology worldwide. It all starts from development and ends with the commissioning. And full service of all facilities in the future. Export is sent to neighboring countries:

  1. Belarus.
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Jordan.
  4. Slovakia.

Russian enterprises are counting on an increase in scale, concluding contracts with other countries for the supply of their equipment.

Transport Services

The Russian company Volga-Dnepr Group of Companies takes a leading place on the world stage. They work as an air carrier of superheavy and oversized cargo. A turnover of 40–45 billion Russian rubles takes place annually.

Space technology

Our country is famous not only for air and ground technologies, but also for space. More than one billion dollars every year the Russian treasury is replenished by delivering goods into orbit, qualified specialists and satellites.

Exports from Russia to the United States

The sanctions that America imposed on our country do not prevent Russian goods from regularly arriving in this country. According to some sources, exports to the US market have only increased, despite complex political relations. The basic group of products that arrived in the USA:

  1. Products of mineral origin (total amount reaches 33%).
  2. Metals and ore - 32%.
  3. Components of the chemical industry and its products - 25%.
  4. Precious stones and metals (the total amount slightly exceeds 4%).
  5. Vehicles (various types of equipment) - 55%.
  6. Pulp and paper products and wood - 1.51%.

What can be exported from the Russian Federation is established exclusively by the Government of our country. Despite the crisis and sanctions, trade relations are still ongoing between Russia and the United States. Export statistics are published and put on public display, they are not classified. It is worth noting that fertilizers, ferrous metals, nuclear reactors, mechanical devices, aluminum, varieties of precious and semiprecious stones, and much more, are also on the list for export to the United States of America.

What is exported from Russia to Europe?

Answering the question “what is Russia exporting to Europe”, we can safely touch on the official approval of Eurostat (a special statistical service of the European Union, their work is aimed at collecting information from all countries and its full harmonization).

Cargo export

It was they who said that in the first quarter of 2017 there was a jump in the share of Russian exports by 47%. American and Middle Eastern competitors could not squeeze our country, since there was a huge demand for Russian energy products. List of current exports:

  1. Fuel and energy products.
  2. Oil and gas products.
  3. Russian fuel. Basically, this product goes to Germany (almost 16.9%). Therefore, there is a decrease in oil prices, the orientation is aimed at an agreement on gas supplies to Europe. The benefit of the Russian Federation in the oil market is increasing due to all cubic meters sold.

Russia supplies its goods almost all over the world. Which countries are part of Europe and are consumers of exports:

  1. Germany.
  2. Ukraine.
  3. Poland.
  4. Italy.
  5. France.
  6. Finland.

The rest of the countries have a share of about 20% of the export of the Russian Federation. Exported goods from Russia occupy an important role on the world stage.

Export from Russia to China

Commodity relations between the Russian Federation and China are very diverse. It is believed that the Chinese market is self-sufficient, but this is not the case. China's economy has grown due to the solvency of citizens of the Middle Kingdom. Therefore, the increased demand is quite high. So what can be exported from Russia to China if the country needs to export our innovations? A wide range of products:

  1. Nutrition.
  2. Different car models.
  3. Jewelry and more.
Russian gas

Many Russian companies have risen precisely in the Chinese market. There are great opportunities, regardless of political differences and unstable exchange rates. This is precisely what is becoming a lifeline for enterprises exporting goods from Russia. For the Chinese consumer at the current economic moment, the following supplies are needed:

  1. All possible products for consumption. China has over one billion citizens. This fact suggests that the need for food is increasing every day. Therefore, these products are extremely important for the population. Foreign-made agricultural products and meat are exported to China at a fairly rapid pace. Therefore, it is clear where Russia exports important products for life. China accepts exports from Russia: cheeses, sausages, honey and many other products. And this is despite the fact that such a cuisine is unusual for this culture.
  2. Alcoholic products. Some Chinese settlements open the door to Western "culture." And more precisely, they inculcate in the habits of Western culture, including unhealthy ones. Interest in drinking alcohol is increasing. Opens many clubs and bars. A wide range of alcoholic products is exported by the Russian Federation, and this opens up new opportunities for domestic entrepreneurs and organizations.
  3. Jewelry and jewelery. The Chinese population has recently become interested in jewelry. Luxury items have become commonplace for them. But well-known brands can not afford the PRC, so they opt for less well-known manufacturers from Russia. Quality is not inferior to current ideals. The Chinese believe that Russian jewelry has three main trump cards: the quality of the material, traditions and exclusivity. Therefore, export from Russia to China (just such products) pleases everyone.
  4. Garbage. It will seem that this type of export is the most incredible for Russia, but in the Middle Kingdom they are interested in what the Russians send to the dump. It was the People's Republic of China that saw prospects in this direction. Namely, that garbage can be recycled using the latest technology. It is believed that with the current growth of the economy of a given country, they may not have their resources. Therefore, they are happy to accept even such a product. Consider it cheap to buy and a profitable business for the future.

In 2017, Russia exported mainly waste consisting of plastic and metal scrap, waste paper, faulty equipment, machinery and other parts thereof. These materials become raw materials mainly for industrial needs. Today, such activity can bring tangible income.

Ferrous metal export

Income from the United States of America from such garbage in China has reached several billion dollars. Russia for this period of time does not count on its waste recycling organizations. Therefore, in this way, our country not only replenishes the treasury, but also solves important environmental problems.

Results of exports to China and the global market

Russian weapons for export

The People's Republic of China is ready to accept everything that we export. The Chinese economy allows this, and Russian exports are quite in demand for them. China is a new strategically important partner of Russia. Such conclusions were made due to the difficult political situation in the world. The trade partnership between the two countries lasts more than seven years.

Consumer demand is growing, over 359 million Chinese are considered the middle class, which indicates their solvency. One of the most important tasks is to simplify relations with the main partners, quickly respond to the needs of the People's Republic of China and high-quality exports.

Despite the difficult political atmosphere between the countries, Russia, the USA and Europe continue to conduct foreign trade. The main requirements of transactions are profitable trade. Opening the question, “what goods does Russia export”, you can learn a lot of new things for yourself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10100/

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