Lightening hair at home: tools, photo results, reviews

The girl, who decided to dye her hair in light colors, is naturally worried about the question of how to keep them healthy and strong, without spending a lot of money on it. The solution is to lighten hair at home. Each girl can perform this procedure if she carefully reads the recommendations set forth in this article.

Blondes are in fashion at all times

Since the time of the legendary Marilyn Monroe, the image of a blonde is used by millions of girls, regardless of their status, age and financial capabilities. There is a wide palette of shades of blonde, so you can choose and experiment again and again.

Marilyn Monroe - the legendary blonde

So that such experiments do not harm the hair, it is important to carry out procedures to lighten curls after a careful study of the characteristics of a particular coloring agent. Consider the most common staining methods using natural and chemical dyes. We also describe the photos and reviews about lightening hair.

In search of excellence

Even a lady who has preferred dark shades of paint all her life can become a blonde. Sometimes such a need is dictated by a change in taste, so may be the desire of her partner.

The achievement of the ideal tone when lightening hair is greatly influenced by the peculiarity of pigmentation. It is often quite difficult to get rid of the manifesting yellow tint. It will take a lot of experimentation so that the result will please the girl and her surroundings.

Hairdressers advise to be sure to consider what structure of hair. After all, the process of lightening hair is often an aggressive method of exposure to hair. Treat staining responsibly, be careful not to get a completely different result than you wanted.

The natural beauty of blondes

Brighteners Overview

Means for lightening hair - a wide selection of natural and chemical:

  • paints;
  • herbs;
  • mixtures.

Proper use of them will achieve the desired shade. Consider some ways to achieve a light tone, starting with useful for hair.

Reviews on lightening hair with kefir with chamomile indicate the safety and effectiveness of this method. In addition to the beauty of the hairstyle, the components help to achieve a therapeutic effect - a double benefit with minimal cost. Successfully practiced the use of honey, cinnamon and lemon. The listed products are affordable and healthy. But for the preparation of masks and decoctions, one must be patient, carefully prepare.

Cinnamon for blondes

Reviews about lightening hair with cinnamon indicate the absolute harmlessness of such a natural remedy that safely and effectively affects hair. The use of this natural component at home does not require large financial investments, but guarantees an impressive result.

The benefits of cinnamon are to soften and moisturize, give the hair a pleasant aroma of sweetness. It is important to note that in order to obtain the desired tone, several stains may be required with an interval of at least a week. Indeed, for one dyeing, the hair is lightened no more than 3 tones. Using cinnamon in combination with conditioner will help to better distribute the mask over the entire surface of the hair and easier to wash it off at the end of the procedure.


There are several options for using cinnamon in order to achieve a light tone:

  • a combination of cinnamon and conditioner;
  • with honey;
  • with essential oils;
  • with kefir.

Hair color after lightening depends on individual characteristics:

  • On black hair, dye may evenly distribute, resulting in a brown tint. Several repeated stains - to obtain a red tone.
  • For a light brown color, a reddish or reddish hue is characteristic.
  • Chemically dyed hair may also show yellow after several washes.
  • From dark, it can become brown or light brown with a possible red tint.
  • Applying cinnamon to fair hair can cause a brown, red, or red tint.

As a rule, about what the hair has become after lightening, reviews are positive. After all, this natural dye does not exert an aggressive effect, only slightly shades the color. The presence of shine, smoothness and silkiness, a noticeable increase in volume up to 1.5 times. Therefore, the harm from its use will definitely not be.

Women often use cinnamon because they like the effect of hair and its aroma. Inexpensive and high quality. A cinnamon mask is suitable for their hair, and the ladies like the resulting shade.

The use of baking soda

Lightening hair at home can be done using regular baking soda. It is recommended to combine the following components to get a hair wash designed for use within two months and an effective result:

  • soda - 8 tbsp. l;
  • water - Β½ cup;
  • shampoo - 100 g.

Our grandmothers were also able to use soda. A natural remedy with a therapeutic effect is used to make the hair lighter. After all, it is a natural bleach, not harmful to health. Soda bleach body skin, teeth and hair. Anyone who tries such a tool will be satisfied.

Ways to lighten dark hair

For dark hair, achieving a light tone can be problematic. It's all about pigmentation. Sometimes it is so strong that even strong chemicals can not affect the color change.

Brown-haired women and brunettes are better off using chemical dyes. But if they are worried about the state of hair after aggressive exposure, you can try recipes for folk remedies. The whitening procedure will need to be repeated several times to achieve the desired result.

Photo before and after painting

The harmless use of kefir

Photos of lightening hair using natural ingredients indicate that the hairstyle becomes more well-groomed. Using kefir, you can significantly improve the condition of the hair, facilitate combing.

The fatter the selected kefir will be, the better it nourishes the hair and scalp. The application of kefir is performed on a dry head with light massage movements until the product is completely absorbed. After that, it is recommended to wrap the head with a film and a towel, leaving the mask for two to three hours.

Another way to use a fermented milk product:

  • kefir - 50 g;
  • cognac - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Β½ lemon juice;
  • any hair balm - 1 tsp.

Mix all the ingredients and use the above method. Leave the mask overnight, then rinse without using shampoo.

Women who began to lighten their hair with kefir a few years ago are very pleased with the effect. Kefir nourishes the hair, makes them a little brighter. But if you want to brighten significantly, this method will not work. It will only require store paints.

If the hair is blond by nature, you can additionally use kefir to get a shade a little lighter than your own. It’s not necessary to buy a fresh product - leftovers will do. The mask from this fermented milk product helps nourish the hair and it grows faster.

The benefits of chamomile

The use of chamomile infusion has long been known. The recipe is simple: pour 2 tbsp. l chamomile flowers with two glasses of water and simmer in a water bath for up to 10 minutes. Use for washing hair, first you need to strain the broth. There is no need to rinse - this will keep the bewitching aroma of this medicinal herb.

Lightening hair with chamomile

Rinse the hair with chamomile broth after each hair wash. They become light, shiny, silky.

Using lemon

A famous natural brightener is lemon. Its juice triumphs over freckles, and it will help to get a light shade of hair.

Dilute lemon juice and water in proportions of 2 to 3. Rinse your hair after washing your hair. To get the result, you will need to repeat the procedure several times.

Aggressive methods: hydrogen peroxide

Lightening hair with peroxide can greatly affect hair follicles. It is important to take into account the listed nuances, so that instead of hair, there is no washcloth left:

  • if you decide to dye your hair, they must be protected by a fat layer. For this, do not wash your hair for 2-3 days;
  • smearing a fat cream on the forehead will protect it from irritation;
  • to apply peroxide, use a wooden stick by wrapping cotton on it;
  • start the application of the mixture from the back of the head. For strands, the rule is to start from the tip. It is proved that hair lightening is faster;
  • the density of the paint will be provided by liquid soap, it is not recommended to use shampoo for this purpose, it will slow down the clarification process;
  • it is necessary to keep peroxide until you get the desired effect;
  • wash hair with soap, which contains no alkali;
  • lemon rinse or vinegar is used as a rinse aid. So the chemical reaction from the use of hydrogen peroxide will be stopped.

Proponents of such methods claim that the hair has become more magnificent, and the hairstyle is more voluminous. In order not to damage the hands, gloves must be worn. The first clarification does not always give the desired result, but repeated use corrects this drawback. Peroxide overdries the hair, they will need to be β€œfed” with balms and masks.

Using hair dye without going to the hairdresser

Many ladies like to create a new look on their own. It is not only economical, but also interesting. The photo before and after lightening the hair allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical dyes. It is important to carefully study the instructions for using a particular coloring agent, products from different manufacturers can have significant differences.

Chemical hair dyeing

Start by choosing the tone you want to get in the end. On the packaging with paint, as a rule, there is a palette of shades that can be achieved depending on the initial color of the hair. To lighten more than 2 shades, you must first bleach the hair.

Here are some guidelines for using chemical dyes:

  • components must be diluted in dishes made of ceramics or glass, the metal is oxidized;
  • it is necessary to apply the mixture immediately after its preparation, do not leave it a second time;
  • staining is recommended to start from the root of the head, gradually moving to strands;
  • the occipital part is stained longer, so the paint is applied on it first of all;
  • clearly follow the recommendations on the package, calculating the time of use of the paint;
  • rinse your hair until clear water, then wash it with shampoo.

One-tone hair color changes

An alternative to a powder for lightening hair is a tint shampoo. It is applied after washing the hair. You can also successfully apply masks that can be prepared and applied directly at home.

A mask of rhubarb is prepared as follows:

  • Shredded leaves and roots of rhubarb - Β½ cup.
  • Boiling water or white wine.

The components are combined and insisted before cooling. A strained broth is applied to the hair and held for 1 hour. This is a pastel shade.

Why spoil your hair if you only want to slightly change their shade. Using natural means, the hair looks well-groomed, and the color is beautiful and natural.

Using a vinegar-calendula mask will help lighten hair by one tone without harming them. Take these components:

  • water - Β½ cup;
  • apple cider vinegar - Β½ cup;
  • dry calendula - 1 glass.

Combine all the ingredients and boil them. Let cool, pass through a sieve. Pour into a spray bottle and distribute evenly through the hair. Let them dry in the air, do not use a hair dryer in this situation.

Calendula for masks

If a lady used chemical dyes for a long time, she changed color as she wanted, her hair was in a terrible state. The salvation in this situation will be recipes for natural hair masks. They must be used often, combined with rinsing with decoctions. Not immediately, but it will be possible to put my head in order. The shine and silkiness will return, the hair will again become well-groomed and luxurious.


If a girl wants to change her hair color, she has a choice of two methods - natural and chemical. It is important to think not only about how beautiful it will be in white tones, but also what kind of hair will become after applying this or that remedy.

Modern coloring agents of chemical type are equipped with protective masks and balms. But all of them in one way or another harm the structure of the hair. Allergic reactions can sometimes occur, the hair begins to fall out intensively, their density suffers significantly. Do not allow to such a state.

The use of natural dyes, according to girls, not only does not harm, but also improves the condition of the hair. There are many recipes with natural ingredients. Thus, it is possible to achieve a well-groomed appearance and a natural shade.

Experiment, look for your image, but do not forget about the benefits for hair.

At all times, natural beauty was valued the most. And today she will charm your chosen one. Most importantly - well-groomed appearance and healthy shine. They make you want to touch and feel the softness of your hair. Be healthy and attractive when choosing what is good.


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