How to make large curls on long hair at home - features, methods and recommendations

Laying with curls on long hair is not much different from a similar hairstyle for medium or short hair, but everywhere there are little tricks and secrets that will help make perfect curls. Long-haired young ladies should be given special attention to the good fixation of the finished styling and the thorough preparation of the strands for curling in a hot way.

Key recommendations

If hot tools are used to create the waves (thermal curlers, curling irons or flatteners), the hair should be dry. In other cases, they should be slightly moist. After washing, you need to either dry the strands well with a bath towel (you should not rub your hair), or wait until they dry naturally. Dry hair should be lightly sprayed with clean water from the spray gun before styling.

curls on long hair at home

Waving must be done, starting from the roots. Before this, each strand needs to be carefully combed over the entire length, this will help to avoid tangling the hair in the future. The optimal thickness of the curls is no more than the little finger or about one centimeter. If you take too much hair, a beautiful curl will not work.

To fix the hairstyle is best comb with rare teeth or fingers. Hard brushes can not be used, because they can ruin the styling.

Getting to the modeling of the curl, you need to keep the curling iron or ironing at a distance of about 5 centimeters from the roots of the hair. This will avoid unaesthetic creases on the hair, which are then difficult to fix. The remaining strand can be twisted later.

Helpful helpers

Curls on long hair are best kept on freshly washed strands, it is advisable not to additionally use conditioner, balm and other special cosmetics that will only make curls heavier. But it is extremely necessary to use thermal protection, it would also be good to stock up with special means for laying and fixing.

It is necessary to treat with mousse or gel each strand separately, but spray the finished hairstyle with varnish. With a varnish, the hairstyle is fixed, slightly tilting down. Otherwise, the curls will lose volume under the weight of styling.

curls on long hair

Persistent fixation

It is better for owners of thin hair to buy a varnish of light or medium fixation (from 1 to 3), but girls with thick long hair will definitely need a styling fixation varnish - otherwise the curls will simply β€œwilt” under their own weight.

Get involved in special tools is not worth it. If you use a volume larger than that recommended by the manufacturer or stylists, the hair will look dirty and dull. The optimal volume of mousse is with a tennis ball, and lotion with a large sweet cherry. For aerosol products, three clicks are sufficient. The only exception is thermal protection. Such sprays are very light, so you can make 3-6 "zilch".

If the hair does not hold well (and this is often typical for long curls), it is preferable to apply a salt or sugar spray.

How to make curls on long hair

A hairstyle in waves looks beautiful, but there are several disadvantages to this styling. Firstly, curls on long hair at home is a lengthy procedure. Winding up can take up to 1.5 hours - this is one of the main disadvantages of styling. Secondly, it may turn out that making curls on long hair with or without bangs is quite problematic. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is advisable to call mom, sister or girlfriend as an assistant in advance. Then the result eliminates all the disadvantages.

styling curls on long hair

Standard curling iron

To create a hairstyle with curls on long hair using a standard or cone curling iron, you must first wash the hair and allow it to dry naturally. If you plan to use regular curling, stick to the following algorithm:

  1. Apply a little heat-shielding agent and foam or styling mousse to the strands.
  2. Carefully comb the hair and divide into separate strands.
  3. Start to wind the hair from the back of the head. Take one strand and fix its tip between the plates of the curling iron, while holding the tool vertically.
  4. Screw a curl around the curling iron.
  5. After about 10-15 seconds, loosen the strand. You can still fix the curl with an invisible one until it cools completely, and dissolve it when the whole hairstyle is ready.
  6. Repeat the previous point until all the strands are curled. You need to move from the back of the head to the crown.
  7. Separate the hairstyle with your fingers and sprinkle with varnish.

Cone Curling Iron

Using a conical curling iron to make curls on long hair is not more difficult:

  1. Apply the same thermal protector and suitable styling to your hair.
  2. Divide the hair into pieces. If necessary, you can stab the interfering strands with a clip.
  3. Separate the strand, comb it and wind it on the curling iron, starting with the roots. The tip should be on the narrowest part of the tool. The hair should be held by hand using a special glove that comes with the instrument.
  4. Wait about 15 seconds, then dissolve the curl.
  5. Form waves starting at the back of the head.
  6. Correct the finished installation with your fingers and fix with a special tool.
curls on long hair with bangs

Traditional curlers

Large curls on long hair can be made by no means with any curlers. Velcro, for example, can easily get entangled in lush hair, and whooping cough is suitable for forming small curls, but not for waves on hair of impressive length. It is best to choose the so-called velvet curlers, foam rollers, boomerangs or spirals. For exceptional cases, heat curlers are also suitable. Often they should not be used, you can easily ruin your chic hair.

large curls on long hair

Beautiful curls on long hair with curlers can be done simply:

  1. On wet hair, apply a suitable styling product.
  2. Divide the strands into several equal parts, comb well. If you separate thin strands, then the curls will be more elastic, and if wide, large waves will be obtained.
  3. Starting from the crown, wind the strands on the curlers from the tips to the roots. Care must be taken so that there are no creases.
  4. Curlers should be well fixed by bending the edges.
  5. In the same way, you need to wind the remaining hair.
  6. Hold the curlers for several hours, you can dry it with a hairdryer, and then unwind it (but only after it has completely cooled down, if you used a hairdryer).
  7. Gently separate the finished installation with your fingers, and optionally sprinkle with varnish.

Thermo curlers

Large curls on long hair can be done quite quickly with the help of thermal curlers. To form curls you need:

  1. Dry hair thoroughly after washing and treat with suitable cosmetic products: styling and thermal protection.
  2. Heat the curlers according to the manufacturer's instructions. Some of these devices must be placed in a special container and plugged into a power outlet, while others must be heated in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  3. Fix the device as close to the hair roots as possible. The kit can be crab hair clips or clips. You need to start winding the hair from the back of the head, moving towards the temples and the crown.
  4. Wait until the curlers are completely cooled, remove them in the same sequence (from the nape to the crown).
  5. Model styling with your fingers or comb with rare teeth, sprinkle with a small amount of varnish.
how to make curls on long hair


With the help of an iron for alignment, you can form beautiful curls on long hair at home. There are several ways. Natural curls will turn out if you twist the strand into a tight tourniquet, smoothly walk it with an iron 2-3 times, wait until it cools down, and then dissolve it. The thicker the strands, the larger the waves. In the same way you need to curl the rest of the hair. Be sure to process the hairstyle with varnish.

Hairdryer and brushing

In this way, make real Hollywood waves on long hair that look great and deserve to shine on the red carpet. As in previous cases, clean hair must first be treated with styling and heat-protective spray. Then it is necessary to divide the hair into two parts, fix the top with hairpins. Separate one strand of the lower layer from the entire pile of hair, wind it on the brush and dry it. Lock the curl with a stream of cold air for several seconds. Sprinkle the curl with varnish, removing the comb. Follow the same steps with all the strands of the lower tier, and then go to the upper.

hairstyles with curls on long hair

Hair dryer and diffuser

If you use a hairdryer and a diffuser - a special nozzle, you get sloppy curls on long hair. You can twist the tips or make light waves in the following way:

  1. Treat wet strands with a suitable styling agent. Thermal protection must be applied to the ends.
  2. Divide the hair into two parts, the top should be fixed with hairpins.
  3. Separate the strand from the bottom, put it in the diffuser and blow dry with a hairdryer, pressing the nozzle to the roots of the hair.
  4. Turn on cold air to lock the curls.
  5. Having dried all the hair in this way, gently separate the curls with your fingers. The hairstyle will be more voluminous, while keeping your head down. Curls for long hair are ready.

You can also make curls using braids. It is enough to braid wet hair in braids, leave everything for the night, and in the morning to braid everything and gently untangle. Curls for long hair with bangs can be formed using chemistry or biowaving, but these are already aggressive methods.

beautiful curls on long hair

Hairstyles with curls

There are many beautiful hairstyles on long hair. You can not just wind the strands, leaving them loose, but also lay them on their sides and, for example, decorate with a bright accessory or braid them in the tail. Weave hairstyles look beautiful, where the rest of the hair is wound. You can also remove the upper strands in a malvinka or make a braid-waterfall on wavy hair. Curls on long hair with a curling iron or in another way look great, but if you’re just tired of curls, then you have enough space for imagination.


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