How to get into someone else's "comp": the simplest methods

Today, quite a lot is said about hacking other people's computers. However, according to many experts in this field, it would be more correct to say not "how to hack someone else's" computer ", but" how to gain unauthorized access to it. " In this case, there can be no talk of any destructive actions. Let's try to consider the simplest methods with which you can solve the problem of how to get into someone else's "computer".

Fictitious prejudices

Unfortunately, today, many users are beginning to show an increasing fear that their computer terminals may be hacked or hacked. Frankly, this is complete nonsense. Who do you need? It is also clear when confidential information is stored on computers or servers . Then yes. Many are not averse to profit from it.

how to get into someone else's computer

Home computer systems are hacked mainly by hooligan amateurs who simply have nothing to do. Sometimes, however, there are also those who can steal access passwords to sites or bank card codes (provided that they are stored in the home terminal in unencrypted form). But this is a rarity.

Dealing with how to get into someone else's “computer”, one can say (oddly enough it sounds), even a child can do this if they have the appropriate utilities and the ability to use them. Consider the most primitive ways.

What is the basis for hacking a "computer"

In most cases, the simplest but most effective method is used. In principle, the problem itself, how to get into someone else's “computer”, comes down to only obtaining the IP address of the computer terminal and one of the victim's open ports . What is most interesting, in most cases, many amateurs do not select someone specifically, but simply scan a predetermined range of IP addresses of vulnerable computer systems, just for the sake of interest or testing their abilities.

how to hack someone else's computer

Therefore, for those who are too afraid for their data, it is better to take care of security in advance by installing the appropriate software.

Using Shared Resource Scanner

So, you wondered how to log into someone else's "computer". For starters, you can use one of the simplest methods, which consists in using the Shared Resource Scanner 6.2 utility.

Before starting work, in the command line (menu "Run"), for example, in Windows XP, you must enter the winipcfg command to find out your own IP address. A window will appear with your address. It must be remembered.

how to go to someone else's computer

We open the program and in the upper field we enter our own IP with the last two digits changing to “1”. In the bottom field, enter the same IP, only the last two digits are changed to 255. The line TimeOut (time out) must contain the value "80". It remains to press the scan start button.

At the end of the process, computers in different fonts will appear in the application window. Thin font - protected terminal, bold - weakly protected, bold red - without protection at all. It remains to select the computer marked in red bold and click the "Open" button. Oh pa! Disks and logical partitions of another computer appeared on the screen of your “computer”.

Using Online Sniffer and XSpider

A somewhat more complex but more effective method is to use an online sniffer. To do this, you need to register on a particular site (for ethical reasons it is not indicated on which one), after which, for example, we upload some kind of picture. After that, a link is issued to the sniffer with the content of the redirect (redirect) to the downloaded image (here you must check the box “Write IP to the log”).

Now, either from the site or from an anonymous electronic mail box, send the victim a letter with the content such as “So-and-so has been sent to your e-mail. Click here to view. ”

hacking computer

Now the victim can only follow the link, and you will have the required IP in your hands.

In the XSpider 7.5 scanner, create a new profile and go to the “Port Scanner” tab. Below, next to the inscription "default.prt", click another button on the right, and in the new window, click the "New" button. Below is the line "Add Ports." Here we add “4889” and “3389”.

Then, as described above, another profile is created. After that, the value "23" is added to the ports. Now enter the received IP of the victim and start scanning. If at least one of the ports is open, try to connect. If a password is requested, enter “12345678” by default. Everything on the victim’s computer can do everything. whatever you like.

For reference: 4889 - Radmin port, 3389 - Remote Desktop , 23 - Telnet.

Lamescan program

Now a few words about another method that allows you to learn how to get into someone else's "computer". First, the VNC-scanner GUI 1.2 program is used for the presence of IP addresses with an open port 4899 or 3389.

how to get into someone else's computer

Now in the Lamescan application we enter the necessary addresses and select the password. You can think of it yourself, you can download a list of the most frequently used passwords from the Internet. Once a match is found, you can rejoice.

Ethical considerations

In conclusion, I want to note that this article is not an incentive to action. Rather, it is general educational material, in no way harming users. And those who are going to do this should think about the legality of such actions and ethical considerations.


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