Umbrella Winterfin: description, useful properties, use and contraindications

Kingfisher is a plant from the large Heather family. In the people it has many different names. It is called a pear and winter grass, a horseman and an outcast boron, a core and a drier, boletus and pear.

This is a perennial plant that forms curtains. Propagated vegetatively. An umbrella frog more than twenty years ago was included in the Red Book (Komi Republic). It is used in pharmacology in Germany and the USA.


Umbrella winter hobby - a shrub (perennial) with a height of not more than twenty-five centimeters. It differs in creeping, branched rhizome and slightly rising shoots that branch in the lower part. Leathery evergreen leaves are rather dense, sessile, pointed, about fifteen centimeters long and no more than one and a half centimeters wide.


The upper part of the leaves has a dark green surface, shiny. The inside of the sheet is noticeably lighter. Drooping flowers are located on long pedicels. They gather in tassels up to twelve flowers.

Bracts dentate, linear, awl-shaped or linear. The Umbrellas Umbrella begins to bear fruit in mid-September. Its fruits are spherical-flattened boxes with short hairs.


Umbrellas are found in the northern hemisphere, in the temperate zone. On the territory of our country is not common. Distributed in non-chernozem regions of the Far East and Siberia. The plant feels comfortable on sandy soils.

Chemical composition

The Umbrella Umbrella plant contains various substances. Among them are the following:

  • triterpenoids (ursolic acid, beta-amyrin, taraserol);
  • glycosides:
  • organic compounds;
  • bitterness;
  • methyl esters;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids (avicularin, hyperin, quercetin, dihydroquercetin);
  • phenols.
    umbilical umbrella medicinal properties

Umbrella Winterfin: medicinal properties

The plant has many useful properties that are used in traditional medicine. Preparations that use umbrellas herb, have an excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. The herb is useful for painful uterine bleeding (after consultation with a gynecologist), for diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis), and for omission of the uterus and kidneys.

Collection and harvesting of raw materials

Grass is harvested during flowering plants. Cut it off carefully. Then it must be disassembled: remove the darkened and damaged leaves. After this, the raw materials are laid out on a pallet, having previously covered it with parchment. It must be turned over daily. This will help raw materials not to get wet.

After the grass is completely dry, it should be laid out in canvas bags, you can use thick paper bags. Do not try to pack bags as tightly as possible. The raw materials should be laid quite loose, this will provide the necessary air circulation.

umbrellas grass

After this, the bags should be placed in a well-ventilated place, for example on a veranda or balcony. It is necessary to use the grass for two years, after this period its medicinal properties will be lost.

Umbrella Winterfin: use in traditional medicine

Since ancient times, people have noticed that this inconspicuous plant is an excellent astringent, tonic. Tea and infusion were used as a diuretic. With the help of a decoction, eye diseases were treated by making warm lotions. I would like to clarify: the official medicine of our country does not use this plant, and the traditional medicine of Altai and Siberia has long and fairly widely used it in the form of decoctions and tinctures.

Umbrella parasite is successfully used in folk medicine to get rid of edema, with some liver diseases, with gout, gastrointestinal problems, rheumatism. In chronic cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), kidneys recommend an infusion of fresh herbs. In addition, it can be used for diseases of the prostate gland.

Umbrellas Umbrella Application

Folk healers note the effect of the winter hemorrhage with diseases of the internal organs that occur with severe physical exhaustion. Fresh leaves are applied to long non-healing wounds, having previously washed and crushed them. Pufferfish-based poultices are used to treat solid tumors in the mammary gland.

For weight loss

Today, many women seek to get rid of extra pounds by any means. It is advisable that they leave without any physical exertion, but only after the use of "magic" herbs or overseas funds of unknown origin.

Umbrellas parasite for weight loss is used and gives a certain effect due to its diuretic effect. True, it is believed that it can significantly reduce appetite and reduce the absorption of fats and sugars. Lovely girls! There is no scientific confirmation of this fact. The visible (short-term!) Effect is observed due to fluid withdrawal, while fat deposits are not split.

Umbrella Umbrella Plant

Most women are skeptical (and justifiably) of the fact that one weed can quickly and easily cope with body fat accumulated over the years. Limit the use of salt, sugar, flour, increase physical activity - and you will not need any miraculous means.


In acute cystitis, it is recommended to take tea on the basis of the winterhub (up to 500 ml per day). For the same purpose, you can use water tincture - two teaspoons of dry raw materials must be filled with 150 ml of cold water. The composition should be infused for at least twelve hours, after which it can be filtered and applied a tablespoon before meals, three times a day. Store the infusion in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

The second version of the infusion should be taken with jade, urethritis. To prepare it, you will need a spoon of dry grass (tea), which should be filled with 200 ml of boiled chilled water. The infusion is prepared for four hours.

umbilical umbrella for weight loss

A decoction is usually used for gynecological problems. It is able to stop bleeding, relieve inflammation, and will help in the treatment of prostatitis. Doctors say that it helps with some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is very simple to prepare such a decoction: pour a spoon of the winter hams (a tablespoon) into 250 ml of chilled water and boil over low heat for three minutes. Take a tablespoon before meals three times a day.


Like all medicinal plants, the Umbrella Umbrella is contraindicated. These include:

  • tendency to allergies;
  • individual intolerance;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hemorrhoids.

It should be said that the winterhub has not been studied very well, including its contraindications, therefore, before taking any drug based on this herb, consult your doctor.


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