How to cook eggs with garlic and cheese

Appetite awakens from the aroma of this dish alone! And if you spread an appetizer on freshly toasted toasts, then an amazing smell instantly appears in the air. Preparing such a treat is very easy and fast.

Salad Recipe

To cook eggs with garlic and cheese, use the following components:

  • 150 g of hard cheese.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic.
  • 150 g of mayonnaise.
  • Salt and black pepper to taste.

It is necessary to grind hard cheese on a fine grater. Hard boil and peel the eggs, then grate on the same grater. In the garlic, crush the garlic. Then put eggs with cheese and garlic in a bowl, add mayonnaise, salt, pepper. Mix everything until smooth.

eggs with garlic and cheese

The result is a very tasty and satisfying salad made from products such as cheese, garlic, mayonnaise, egg. Now you just need to make toasts in a few minutes - and you can enjoy the dish. In addition, the recipe can be adjusted: to reduce or increase the usefulness and calorie content of food due to mayonnaise, vegetables, meat, other ingredients.

How to diversify the recipe

This cheese paste can be consumed for breakfast, but in this case it is better not to add garlic or put it just for smell. In the reviews about the dish, it was noted that it is good to start the day with a sandwich of rye bread and such an appetizer in combination with black coffee. Moreover, eggs with garlic and cheese are cooked very quickly, on average in 15 minutes.

eggs with cheese and garlic

You can show imagination or use the recommendations:

  1. Add a finely chopped bunch of parsley to the dish for flavor.
  2. Put the salad not on toasts, but on sliced ​​tomatoes or egg whites. In this case, tomatoes (eggs) must be carefully laid out, add snacks to each teaspoon and decorate with greens.
  3. For sandwiches, use not bread from the toaster, but slices of bread fried in butter.
  4. Supplement the composition of the salad with different vegetables, namely corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant and so on.
  5. Use prunes for an extra flavor.
  6. Add meat or fish to make the salad more nutritious.

Cheese, mayonnaise and garlic for salad

By adding cheese, the salad is very healthy. After all, high-quality cheese serves as a source of nutrients necessary for excellent well-being. To cook eggs with garlic and cheese, mainly hard cheese is taken . But instead, it is allowed to use feta cheese, feta or Adyghe cheese.

Mayonnaise for salad is best to get the most ordinary salad. Although the choice of mayonnaise is most dependent on personal preferences. A good dressing is a mixture of mustard, cooked at home on their own, as well as sour cream.

The dish "eggs with garlic and cheese" is quite savory, therefore, it is strongly welcomed on the festive table. Thanks to the light pungency that garlic gives, the salad acquires completeness. In addition, garlic must be consumed because it is a strong natural protector against viral and colds.

cheese garlic mayonnaise egg

In general, the salad is a simple cooking solution on a weekday and a spicy addition to the festive table. And such a mix salad should be prepared just to please the household. Moreover, it is very simple to do, but there is very little time for this. Bon Appetit!


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