Management styles

Management styles - this is nothing but a manner of management, as well as techniques that are used by the leader, interacting with subordinates and organizing the work process. Agree, the effectiveness of work often depends on how the authorities expressed their requirements and wishes. It takes into account not only the position of the manager, but also his personality, manner of communication, attitude towards people and so on.

Management styles

Varieties are different. Often they are combined. In general, it is worth noting that an experienced leader is simply obliged to be able to switch from one style to another, since some difficult situations can be solved only at the expense of specific means.

There are authoritarian (autocratic) management styles. The leader, by all possible means, tries to emphasize his dominant position. The manager in this case should not ask advice from subordinates - all decisions are made by him and only him. The authoritarian style of management is tough methods, the exception of compromise, clear positions. In the organization, everyone should know their place, violation of subordination and discipline is punished in all severity. As a rule, many administrative measures have been developed.

This management style will be very effective during the formation of the organization, when any slip can lead to failure. Also note that during this period not all team members understand the goals that the company is trying to achieve. An authoritarian management style is a great way to convey the meaning of these goals.

In general, this style can lead to the fact that subordinates will be annoyed, the atmosphere inside the team itself will become unfavorable, there will be a staff turnover.

The direct opposite of authoritarianism is a democratic management style. In this case, of course, everything is also built on the principle of one-man management, however, subordinates are also involved in the organization management process . Sometimes they are allowed to solve certain issues related to the direction of development and activities of the entire company. In a democratic style, the emphasis is on the equality of subordinates and superiors. Often in organizations that have chosen this management style, they turn to their superiors for "you."

The described style is perfect for building team relationships. This is due to the fact that it creates a favorable atmosphere within the team, brings people together. Conflicts are not allowed.

In this case, methods of coercion are remarkably combined with methods of persuasion. People work well for the reason that they do not want to lag behind their colleagues. Lags, as a rule, are pulled up. Often held various kinds of parties, group visits to the cinema, theater, field trips and so on. Everyone's birthdays are celebrated.

This management style is bad because it is not always easy to take into account the opinion of everyone. Also note that in an emergency, it can be extremely ineffective.

The liberal management style of all of these is perhaps the most specific. It is based on the fact that superiors allow employees to perform work as they wish. Of course, this is provided that the work is done on time and efficiently. Here you need to act as competently as possible, since the team can instantly become "messy" and incapable of work. With the right approach, the result will be impressive.

Before deciding, it is recommended to consider all possible management styles. It is necessary to rethink everything several times. It is necessary to take into account the current situation of the company, to think about what will happen to it in the near and distant future, to take into account the characteristics of those people with whom it is necessary to work.


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