Hair dye purple: review, shades, manufacturers and reviews

Do you think purple hair is bad taste? Yes, you are simply behind the times! After all, for a long time unusual colors for their hair were chosen not by grandmothers, but by completely young and dynamic girls. Violet dye for hair is a risky choice, but you will definitely not be left without attention. And, then, with the opposite sex, everything will definitely be fine. Discover yourself new in the simplest way - change the color. Let it be just for the season, even if it will be a tonic, not paint. But you will definitely get new impressions!

dark purple hair dye

The Tale of Grandmothers Left Out of Fashion

And now let's think about why so often older women choose a purple hue? Why do not they seek to return to the color of their natural head of hair? Craving for originality? Love of color? The desire to stand out? Note that all three options can be combined into one desire - to be noticeable. Even at an advanced age, any grandmother who has long been nursing her grandchildren remains a woman. And she wants men on the street to turn around. Yes, sometimes ladies forget about the other components of their appearance, exclude cosmetics, manicures and beautiful clothes from everyday life. Perhaps they think that hair color is enough ?!

hair dye purple ash

We adopt the trend

But young girls also want to be bright! Adopting the trend is not a sin, even if the pioneers were people of age. True, the dark purple hair dye for young people will do better, and the result will be brighter. It has been a long time since Moveton dyed hair in neon colors. The trend is all shades of purple: plum, lilac, eggplant. Katy Perry and Kelly Osbourne painted their curls . On chestnut or black strands, only a shade will give the paint purple.

For light hair, the process will be more radical. But really extreme! By the way, such coloring is suitable not only for reckless extreme girls, but also for adherents of the classical style. Adult women, for sure, will give preference to eggplant or burgundy, and for ceremonial publication, the hairstyle is emphasized by tinting of individual strands. If suddenly it becomes boring, then they will skillfully use highlighting or colorizing to give the hairstyle liveliness.

hair dye purple blond

The nuances of staining

Remember that not everyone can use purple hair color. Paint can be quite resistant and you can’t fix the shortcomings quickly. And therefore, take into service a simple rule for selecting a color type. Violet is a cold tint. This means that it will be successfully combined with your face and skin, provided that your natural color is also close to cold.

If the skin has more heat, then you can try experimenting with deep shades of purple. By the way, they can quite give visual volume to curls. For blondes with delicate skin, shades of lavender will go. If the girl is quite dark, then full staining is not recommended. In this case, the violet color will make the skin yellow. But you can color individual strands.

Experts say

If you are mentally prepared for a change of image and there is purple dye for hair on the table, then we will not back down. Let's get started! For a radical color, hair was necessary to bleach. Remember that purple is a color far from natural. And its durability leaves much to be desired. Color will wash off quickly. Several times a month, you will have to discolor the overgrown roots and paint them again. We must not forget that the hair undergoes a powerful chemical attack and becomes thin, brittle and weak.

The ideal result when dyeing is healthy hair with a clean, even color. Is it realistic to achieve this? Yes, quite, but on condition that you are not too lazy to maintain your hair in this state and follow the recommendations of specialists. The ideal starting color is a platinum blonde without yellowness. If the base is clean and white, then even rinsing off the color will remain pleasant and delicate. If yellowness remains, then a dark purple hue, as well as red and even dark orange, will look pretty decent. You should not experiment with others.

hair dye brown-violet shade

For brunettes

If you are a burning brunette, then it will be difficult to discolor. And the hair is likely to just fall off. If you still want a frantic color, but the mind advises you to keep your hair, it is better to discolor the tips. And just paint them in a bright color. There will be even more problems with curly hair. Decide whether you will paint curls at home or contact the salon.

For home staining, the best choices are Stargazer and Directions. Firstly, they have a rich palette of shades that are easy to mix with each other. This purple hair dye is almost completely harmless. She will not make a peeling washcloth from your hair. Of course, if you look after the result. But the Russian brand "Tonic" lovers of bright colors do not favor. Users talk about stiff hair and dry tips. The hue from her remains completely bright crimson, and not purple. So beware!

purple hair color dye

Strictly not at home

If you have achieved an ash blonde for the source material , then you can not go deep into the lilac distances, but try to only deepen the shade. Hair dye does not always give a radical result . The violet-ash shade from Estelle, for example, is chosen by business and active ladies. This is a very cultural, elegant and laconic color that revitalizes the face and even visually removes age. Painting Estelle is a complicated process if you do the work at home. So it’s best to go to a salon.

There are a lot of shades of purple in the brand’s palette, so there will be plenty to choose from. In addition, the company produces hair powder to help lighten the roots. Estelle is a universal hair dye. “Purple blond” in her palette is one of the most popular shades. It suits purely blondes and it is necessary to purchase oxygen to it. In the resulting consistency, glitter is clearly visible, which, by the way, will remain on the hair until the first wash. Do not be scared? Then continue. The result is a pearl color with a pinkish tint and a hint of purple.

hair dye purple

With warmth

If a decision has not yet come to carry out a radical change in image, then on the shelves of our stores there is a more modest hair color. Brown-violet tint is quite popular among girls and women of all ages, regardless of social status. Ladies speak with great warmth about COLOR CREME cream-paint. It gives a vibrant color and is very convenient to apply, according to the test. By the way, this paint perfectly paints gray hair. Estel girls rarely try the brownish-violet hue in pure form, since the color is not entirely attractive due to its dryness and lack of brilliance. But in a tandem with a purple-red blond, the result is interesting and playful.

Professional cream paint NOUVELLE generally receives positive reviews, since it completely paints gray hair, nourishes and moisturizes hair. In addition, it contains conditioning elements and a whole collection of herbs. An excellent composition, according to most girls, has cream-cream Concept PROFY Touch with cedar oil and glucose. The hair after it has a deep and rich color. The price, of course, bites a little. But the effect persists for at least two weeks.


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