Do you know how to freeze dill for the winter?

how to freeze dill for the winter
The rich aromatic smell and taste of fresh dill are surprisingly combined with almost all the first and second courses. In addition to essential oil, it contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. In summer, of course, fresh dill is always on the table. But what about winter? It can be dried, but at the same time the plant loses some of its properties, and its aroma becomes completely not summer. There is an exit. The plant can be stored in the freezer. How to freeze dill? Read about the methods below. Such a plant laying for the winter is justified: almost all vitamins, as well as microelements, valuable taste qualities, and the appearance of frozen dill are the same as fresh (unlike dried).

How to freeze dill for the winter?

There are many ways to freeze a plant without compromising its taste while maintaining beneficial properties. Let's consider some of them. How to freeze dill for the winter so that it does not turn into a solid lump in the freezer? The most important thing is to properly prepare it for storage. To do this, select fresh herbs, rinse thoroughly under running water and lay on a clean towel so that the glass is completely glass. You can get the plant twigs wet with a napkin. And only after such preparation can we begin the further procurement process.

How to freeze dill for the winter so that you can take it if necessary

how to freeze dill
use without extra hassle?

To do this, finely chop the prepared dill, and then pour it into plastic jars, containers, bottles with a wide neck, you can use ordinary plastic bags. So you can freeze not only dill, but also a mixture of herbs, for example from the same dill, parsley, green onions. You can compose the components to your own taste, and then all winter you will not suffer from a lack of your favorite greens on the table.

How to freeze dill in the winter for a bunch?

Very simple. Prepared for freezing, the plant is placed in a bag and placed in the freezer. It is desirable that the branches of greenery were young, without a thick stem. Next, the frozen bundle is taken out and cut as necessary. Dill can be chopped without chopping it. It is enough to roll a rolling pin with a bag of frozen greens. Then dill can be scattered in small containers or sachets.

Is it possible to freeze dill
Is it possible to freeze dill in ice?

Of course you can. Its quality will not be lost from this. To harvest dill in this way for the winter, it is not necessary to wait until all the water drains from it. Young plants (without a thick stem) are cut very finely, laid out in small tins, poured with boiled, cooled water (you can use mineral water without gas for this). Remove the frozen cubes and place them in large containers or in bags. If they are hardly shaken out of the molds, then the bottom can be placed in warm water.

Now, knowing how to freeze dill for the winter, you can safely proceed to harvest it. Such greens are stored for a long time, preserves all their useful and taste qualities. But we must remember that it can not be re-frozen, because it will be tasteless, and the beneficial properties will no longer be the same.


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