What is shmal and what is it eaten with?

Many phenomena of the world around us, well known to everyone, have many names. Therefore, often behind an unfamiliar word is a long-known object. What is shmal and what is it eaten with? Yes, sometimes it’s even eaten ... But when this item is called that way, usually it’s not about food, but about smoking.

What is shmal?

Shmal is not a literary word, but rather a slang or slang word, who likes to call it what you like. It refers to the vocabulary of the street, criminal and, so-called, drug addiction. Although what kind of world and culture belongs to what it implies can be argued.

The main meaning of the word shmal is marijuana (it is hemp). It can be applied to all its types and manifestations, but this is usually called a ready-made product for smoking - that is, not a living or drying plant, but a crushed dry mass, often already filled with a cigarette, cigarette or hashish pollen.

Sometimes generically the word shmal means a completely legal smoke - cigarettes and cigarettes with tobacco. But such an application of the term is rather an exception to the rule.

Hemp leaves

Other names of marijuana

Having found out that shmal is such a plant familiar to everyone as hemp, you can talk about many other names. To designate marijuana, its various parts, as well as types and products made from it, many words have been invented that either convey the essence of the impact on the mind (for example, dope sounds rather rude, but reflects the stupefying properties), or are borrowed from foreign languages ​​(cannabis) , or can generally characterize the appearance (weed).

Some names often used by one social group will never enter the active vocabulary of another. So, the representative of Rastafarianism (a philosophical trend, a religious cult in which the use of marijuana is considered useful and is generally accepted) does not have the idea of ​​applying neglectful shmal to an almost sacred plant. Depending on the field of application and the situation in which it is being discussed, the following synonyms may be used:

  • Shmal.
  • Ganja
  • Nonsense.
  • Ganjubas
  • Grass.
  • Anasha.
  • Cannabis
  • Hashish (a marijuana pollen product).
  • Cones, boshki, crown (used for smoking inflorescences of female hemp plants).
  • Indica, sativa, hybrid - types of plants that differ in appearance and effect on consciousness. Such terms can hardly be called full synonyms, but if we are talking about growing or discussing the effect on the nervous system, their use will be quite justified.
    Marijuana cigarette

The use of hemp as a psychotropic agent

Many, having heard about marijuana, paint in their imagination the image of a drug addict - an unhealthy person, dependent, weak-willed, untidy and unpleasant, and probably even potentially dangerous to others. This possibility should not be ruled out, since any abuse can cause a person to lose himself and push him to unsightly actions.

However, for the sake of justice, it is worth noting that moderate smoking or other use of marijuana does not cause aggression, which is proved by research and many years of medical practice of using hemp as a sedative and pain medication. People who are ready for crime and self-mutilation are more likely victims of chemical analogues or hard drugs, and most often - of permitted and completely legal alcohol.

The danger of marijuana use in this case is rather different - expanding the horizons of consciousness, it can cause interest in further experiments with it, becoming only a step towards tasting other drugs.

The attitude to marijuana use varies widely in the world - some states impose a severe ban, including the death penalty, others, for example, some European countries, part of Canada and several US states, on the contrary, allow the use of certain categories of citizens (seriously ill in order to alleviate symptoms ) or legal use by residents of this territory without significant restrictions.

All positive qualities and apparent harmlessness do not cancel the negative effect on the body with constant and immoderate use. Besides the fact that marijuana is addictive, it can also negatively affect the ability to concentrate, memory, cause depression and psychosis, have a destructive effect on the lungs and other components of the respiratory system, increase blood pressure and accelerate the heartbeat, which can be very dangerous when combination with individual characteristics of the body or other factors.

The use of hemp in everyday life

The use of hemp in the home

A plant may contain a different amount of psychotropic substance and can be used not only to affect the nervous system. Since ancient times, hemp has been famous for its unique qualities in the production of textiles, edible and essential oils, paper products, incredibly strong ropes, serves as feed for farm animals and poultry, and in modern production it is used to create medical and cosmetic preparations, varieties of plastic and even building materials. Such use is unlikely to cause anyone to associate with drug addiction and dissonant names like nonsense or shmal. What is hemp in everyone’s life is a matter of conscious choice of life position.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10134/

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