Pigtails from childhood in a new way: hairstyle "French Falls"

Women of all times and peoples should be thankful to those who once came up with braids. Indeed, on their basis a huge number of hairstyles was created - strict and business, fervent and unusual, romantically feminine and always amazingly beautiful. One of them - “French Falls” - will be discussed here.

A few words about the hairstyle

hairstyle french waterfall
It is worth noting that the French Waterfall hairstyle is ideal for medium and long hair, regardless of its texture. She looks great on thick and rare, straight and wavy. Even cool curls and curls will fit and find their harmonious place in styling, if the length of the strands allows. Another amazing property - the French Falls hairstyle is equally advantageous both at a gala event and at a friendly party, you can do it if you are going to fit into your native, worn jeans or dress up in a haute couture evening dress. The main thing is that in any situation, styling will emphasize the femininity of your image, in the best way it will highlight your "I" against the background of others.

Talking name

hairstyle french waterfall photo
Hairstyle "French Falls" received such a beautiful and sonorous name on an associative basis. Soft, silky, shiny female hair, flowing lightly on the shoulders and flowing along the back, along the entire camp - what could be more delightful and erotic than this wonderful sight? Isn’t it that the waterfall’s jets fall from rocks and cliffs, sparkling and shimmering in the sun? Surely, the one who invented the hairstyle itself and the name for it was an observant person, a delicate esthete, a connoisseur of beauty in its purest form. Thanks to him from all our female tribe! Moreover, the “French Falls” hairstyle itself is not so difficult, it is quite possible to make it at home, with your own hands or with the help of a girlfriend, mother, sister. The main thing is to practice, experiment, and a worthy reward for your efforts will be the admiring glances of others, turned in your direction.

How to make a French Falls on your head

In this part of the article we will talk about how to depict “French Falls” on the head. A hairstyle, the scheme of which is quite simple, requires some sleight of hand and the ability to weave well ordinary braids from kindergarten and unforgettable school times.

french waterfall hairstyle scheme

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly so that it is easily divided into strands and not tangled. You can even moisten them slightly or apply a special gel on the palms, from which the hair becomes more obedient. This is especially true for freshly washed - they easily crumble.
  2. On the left side, just above the temple, separate the strand of medium thickness, divide it into 3 parts and start weaving the usual braid. Having reached the ear level, let go of that strand that turned out to be from below, and instead of it you take from the total mass another one that is close in thickness. If it’s not entirely clear to you how the French Waterfall hairstyle is formed, the photos in the article will help you figure it out, study them carefully.
  3. Then we work with the braid according to the same algorithm: the upper strand is woven, the lower one is released, a lock of free hair is taken instead. So you can lead along the entire circumference of the head and fix the braid already in the region of the right temple with a beautiful hair clip. And you can stop in the center of the occipital region, fix and repeat the procedure with the left side. Then connect the two braids, laying out a bow, butterfly or flower from the ends, secure with hairpins and hairpins. It will turn out amazingly effective and beautiful!
  4. If weaving is made weak, the hairs will be knocked out of the styling, giving your image a slight negligence and mystery. The free ends can be wound, the curls are slightly fluffed with your fingers - they will wrap themselves up freely and picturesquely. And intentionally pulled out from the braid, they will add a delicacy to weaving.
  5. Letting your imagination run free in the seas of imagination, you can put one braid in several rows, zigzag or arrange it somehow, tapping your hair to your taste, sticking hairpins with flowers or rhinestones in them or weaving a bright ribbon, elegant braid. Please note: weaving is suitable for hairstyles for little girls and teenagers, young girls, young women and mature beauties!

Dare, try, improve - and be irresistible!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10136/

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