Effective linoleum cleaner - review, features and reviews

Hundreds of thousands of square meters of linoleum are bought annually in the world. And this is not surprising, because such a floor covering has a lot of advantages. But there are also disadvantages, the main of which is the difficult removal of stains from the surface. A correctly selected linoleum cleaner will help solve this problem. Which of them will be not only effective, but also safe to use? It’s worth sorting out.

Safety is an important aspect of choice

It is important for ordinary consumers choosing floor detergent to be careful. After all, not all drugs are equally effective, and those that have proven themselves well need to be carefully checked and evaluated to eliminate potentially dangerous components in the composition.

  • Inhalation of the vapor of some products can cause coughing, breathing problems, and allergy sufferers may even choke.
  • Children are constantly in contact with the floor, playing on a seemingly clean floor with the remnants of chemical components, can be poisoned gradually - accumulatively.
  • Hostesses who are directly involved in cleaning and come in contact with detergents are at the greatest risk. After all, even cleaning with gloves does not guarantee that water containing linoleum detergent does not get on exposed skin.
  • Pet lovers should be no less vigilant, because pets spend most of the time on the floor - they sleep, eat and play.

Note: for daily cleaning, it is enough to use clean water. Specialized preparations should be used only during general / Saturday cleaning. In addition, you can alternate washing linoleum with household and chemical compounds - a week after a week, for example.

how to wash linoleum

Homemade or purchased - what to prefer?

Almost all cleaning products purchased at the store contain dubious, potentially hazardous to health components. And especially attentive women prefer harmless home-made detergents. Although they require a longer use, especially when washing off stains from linoleum, they are completely harmless.

If we examine in more detail, then the percentage of toxic components is so small that it is unlikely to harm even with frequent use. So the choice always remains with the consumer: someone will prefer the purchased detergent for washing linoleum, and someone will be more calm using a home-made “shampoo”.

shine linoleum detergents

Caution with a choice

Manufacturers often present their products as universal, and many consumers, following the lead of advertising, do not buy the most suitable detergent. But the floor of this type is very capricious and can easily become worthless.

  • You should immediately exclude from the list of potential purchases products containing small / large abrasive components - after all, micro-scratches, which subsequently turn into large cracks, will be inevitable.
  • Chlorine-containing mixtures, although they can cope with the task, will regularly discolor the linoleum pattern with regular use.
  • You should also be careful with hot water - linoleum is likely to swell if it is regularly cleaned with hot mixtures with chemistry.
  • All purchased formulations must be diluted in the required proportions with water (indicated on the label), since concentrated alkalis / acids will easily destroy the surface and then deeper layers of linoleum.

It is important to know: in order to properly clean the floor, it is not enough to purchase an effective tool for washing linoleum, because using a normal rag is difficult to clean the surface without leaving a streak. So you should also take care of choosing a good mop with a convenient grip-holder and a microfiber nozzle or similar porous material.

washing linoleum with folk remedies

Popular remedies - tips for consumers

Before you get an effective tool for washing linoleum, you should pay attention to the features of the flooring itself. Indeed, this polymer fabric is not only distinguished by its pattern, thickness, but also by its constituent layers.

  • If you have a high-quality surface protective layer, you can buy almost all detergents on the market.
  • If there is no protective layer or it is thin, it is important to choose a product with a minimum level of aggressive substances in the composition.

Tip 1: to increase the operational life of linoleum, you should personally apply protective components to its surface - immediately after purchase and during operation.

Tip 2: a stronger and more durable floor covering intended for commercial establishments also wears out over time and requires no less quality care than a household counterpart. So, choosing a good tool for washing linoleum, it is important to pay attention to its composition and potential aggressive effect on the floor.

Layers of linoleum

"Mister proper"

The detergent composition suitable for cleaning linoleum (other coatings) and walls is packaged in a full liter bottle - it is nice to meet such honesty from the manufacturer in relation to the client.

  • Shelf life is usual, as for this type of product, and is up to 18 months after opening the package.
  • Not aggressive in dissolved state (in the proportions indicated on the package) on contact with skin.
  • It is simple to use - dilute one part of the product (dispenser) in 5 l of water and wash linoleum / other hard surfaces. You can not rinse.

Reviews: despite the minimum damage to the coating, as well as the absence of an obvious harsh chemical flavor, low cost, this product could not win the attention of consumers due to low efficiency. Most of those who tried to wash stains / dirt with this compound had to sweat - it does not work so fast, it takes a long time to wipe the floor covering.

If you take into account the fact that this is a review of the best tools, cleaning linoleum with this product will be unjustified. Indeed, in addition to the above disadvantages, it is also poorly washed off, leaving unpleasant stains.

means for washing linoleum "Mr. proper"


The product (950 ml) intended for washing linoleum of this brand does not have an aggressive effect on the skin (in a diluted state) and does not require special storage conditions.

  • In the composition, glycerin can be found, which additionally protects the body from chemical damage.
  • In addition to washing, this product has a bactericidal effect - it will be very useful when washing the floor in the hallway.
  • It is a universal product - it is suitable for cleaning all types of floor coverings, as well as walls, tiles / tiles.
  • When used under normal conditions, it is enough to simply dilute the substance with water (for 4 liters of water - 1 cap of the product dispenser).
  • If it is necessary to precisely wash paint / grease, it must be applied undiluted to the treated area and then washed off with water.

Reviews: this is a very effective, according to most, a tool that can quite easily cope with different types of pollution. They can wash everything from greasy stains to tea / compote spilled on the floor. The product has a very delicate, unobtrusive aroma.

means for washing linoleum "Stork"


This product is suitable for the care of linoleum, tiles and even wooden flooring.

  • The volume of the bottle instead of the usual liter of product contains only 750 ml.
  • The label indicates that the product contains tal oil, which adds gloss to the surfaces. In fact, it is this additive that requires thorough rinsing - the only way it will be possible to completely remove the stains from the floor.
  • With a small amount of packaging, the contents are not so economically consumed - 5 liters of water will require not the usual 1, but as many as 2 caps of concentrate.

Reviews: not very sharp, but an unpleasant chemical smell remains after using this tool. It should be used only in extreme cases - when it is necessary to wash grease stains. This product does not cope with pollution from paints, spilled coffee or just traces of shoes, even in a concentrated form.

means for washing linoleum "Pronto"


Despite the fact that this tool for washing linoleum has positive reviews, it is the only one on the label of which the precautions for use are indicated - protection of the hands and respiratory tract from contact. It is worth immediately thinking about the safety of its use in everyday life.

  • This product is intended exclusively for washing floors covered with linoleum. Although the company offers universal variations for all types of flooring.
  • Shelf life and storage method are standard - keep 18 months out of the reach of children.
  • One cap containing 50 ml (total packaging volume 1 l) of the concentrate should be diluted with 4 l of water and used as intended.
  • When removing complex stains, an undiluted mixture is applied to the problem area for 5 minutes and then washed off.

Reviews: the product of this brand has a pronounced aroma, but not sharp. Almost all consumers note that the smell of this substance is more reminiscent of a mild cosmetic than a repellent synthetic. But it does a poor job of washing linoleum - it leaves stains on the surface, poorly cleans fat.

Glorix linoleum cleaner

"Our mother"

A very effective and expensive linoleum cleaner is packaged in a 500 ml bottle - a small amount for its price.

  • According to the manufacturers, this special tool is so safe that it is recommended for mopping in a children's room.
  • Absolutely harmless - it can easily be used without gloves and a respirator, because it is produced on a plant basis.
  • It is extremely effective not only cleans, but also disinfects the floor cloth, without damaging it and without discoloring the picture.
  • It belongs to the universal types of products of this kind - suitable for washing parquet, tile, etc.

Reviews: the floors after using this product simply shine. According to most, this is an ideal tool for washing linoleum for shine, which, incidentally, does not fade for a long time. He launders paint equally well, grease, moreover, it is very economically consumed. The fragrance is generally non-toxic - delicate and floral, almost neutral (exactly what all housewives want).

It is important to consider: for greater safety and preservation of the health of all family members, it is better not to be lazy and still additionally wash the detergent from linoleum, even if the manufacturer claims that the liquid does not require rinsing.

means "Our mother"

Homemade recipes - is it worth the time?

In truth, almost any washing of linoleum with folk remedies comes down to diluting the same chemical components in a certain volume of water and rubbing the stains with a washcloth / rag. Often you can even find tips with minimal effectiveness and recipes that are categorically contraindicated for washing soft floors.

  • What can not be washed linoleum?

It is not recommended to use solutions with soda when cleaning linoleum coating from street stubborn dirt, juice, paint (gouache, watercolor). Yes, undoubtedly, small abrasive particles of powder will help to quickly wipe off almost any dirt, but serious damage will also be caused to the floor. The surface layer is immediately covered with microcracks and scratches, which subsequently turn into visible abrasions. In these places, the pattern will quickly become discolored, and dirt will accumulate even more.

Beware of aggressive chemical components. In case of contamination of the floor cloth with oil paints / varnish difficult to remove, it is better to purchase the appropriate products in the store. Concentrated solvents, along with paint stains, will “eat” the linoleum protective layer - a whitish faded spot will remain on the surface.

“Lemon” - a mixture of citric acid, laundry soap and the same soda will produce a similar effect. That is, the dirt will be washed off, but it will cause irreparable harm to the soft floor covering.

  • Allowed home compositions.

Surprisingly, the most ordinary laundry soap has proved to be quite good. And not brand new white fragrant pieces, namely brown bars, which are sold even without special packaging and have a very characteristic smell. This solid alkaline product, almost harmless and indispensable in everyday life, is rubbed on a grater and diluted in water. With this soapy composition, you need to wash the entire floor, and simply rub the problem areas with a moistened bar of soap. And do not worry about the aroma - it disappears almost immediately.

Laundry soap

Another good linoleum dishwashing detergent that works well with greasy stains is a regular dishwashing gel. It is applied directly to a greasy stain and immediately washed off with a rag / sponge. The rest, less polluted floor is washed with a weak solution with the same gel-like mass.

Soap solution

It should be understood that any folk remedy in itself is not intended for mopping and will leave behind either stains or soapy areas - it will have to be washed off with additional clean water.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10137/

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