The most evil person in the world: a list of the most evil and cruel people, the most terrible human qualities

At different times, people lived who are alien to the concepts of humanism, goodness and mercy. They did one evil after another. The worst thing is that many of them have become influential people. Because of their impunity, not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of people suffered. What is evil, who tops the list of the most evil people in the world?

What is evil?

Understanding of good and evil comes from childhood, although, rather, it is absorbed with mother's milk. Gradually, the child himself comes to the conclusion that an evil person is a person who shows aggression, directs negative emotions to other people.

Today, bitterness has become an epidemic of the 21st century. An evil person is one who is paralyzed by inner weakness, suffering and torment. Gradually, a person loses everything: loved ones, family, love and self-satisfaction.

evil man is

During severe bitterness in the human body, cortisol and adrenaline are released. As a result - severe pain in the neck, back of the head, stomach ulcer.

An evil person builds up hatred, reproaches for the world around him and begins to take revenge on everyone around him. With an increase in rage, a psychological complex is created that leads to internal destruction. Who became the embodiment of evil in real life? Think it's Hitler? No, not at all. The first place was taken by Stalin. We will talk more about the most evil people in the world.

Dolphin LaLori

The calm, at first glance, girl in real life turned out to be a bloodthirsty sadist from New Orleans.

Her family belonged to secular society and had great authority in New Orleans. As a little girl, Dolphin got used to unprecedented luxury. No one could even imagine that a real monster would grow out of this lovely lady.

the most evil person in the world

140 Royal Street is the address of the house where Madame LaLorey lived. Rather, this is the address of the truth of the chamber of torture, pain and horror.

April 10, 1834 at this address there was a fire in the kitchen. Firefighters discovered two slaves who were chained to a stove. Many thought then that the slaves themselves set fire to themselves to attract attention. After their release, firefighters went into the attic, where a terrifying picture awaited them: dozens of mutilated slaves were chained to the walls and floor by shackles. One male Delphine LaLori underwent a sex change operation. The woman who sat next to her had mutilated hands that resembled the extremities of a crab. Another young girl was discovered without arms and legs. It turns out that the mistress who survived from the mind wanted to turn her into a caterpillar. Many victims of this “cute” woman were found dead. Some firefighters managed to save.

They were going to hold a real people's court over Delphine LaLori. People wanted to execute her. However, Madame managed to escape to Europe. It was later known that a sadist died in France during a boar hunt.

Does this lady deserve the status of “The Wickest Man in the World”? We think that they didn’t have time to execute her in vain.

Buchenwald Witch - Ilse Koch

Surely each of us at least once in my life heard the phrase "Buchenwald witch." Meet the bearer of this title - Ilsa Koch. She is the wife of the chief commandant of the concentration camps Majdanek and Buchenwald.

the most evil person in the world photo

Ilsa was ideologically savvy in the theory and practice of the racial superiority of the Aryans over other nationalities. The so-called "Buchenwald witch" conducted humiliating sophisticated experiments on prisoners of concentration camps.

In 1936, Ilsa became a security guard and secretary in Sachsenhausen (the city in Germany where the Nazi concentration camp was located). A year later, in 1937, her husband Karl Koch received a new position: commandant of Buchenwald. Since then, Ilsa began to organize brutal killings and bullying.

When she walked through the concentration camp, she beat people who met on the road with a whip, and then set a German shepherd on them. The prisoners said that the Nazi gave orders to kill all prisoners with tattoos. Then she personally made “original” crafts out of leather: gloves, lampshades, and even book bindings. In 1941, for "special" services, Ilsa became the senior overseer among female guards.

In 1945, Ilsa was arrested by the Americans. Two years later, she was sentenced to life imprisonment. However, a few years later, the general of the American army, the commandant of the American occupation zone in Germany, Lucius Clay, freed her. The main motive is the lack of evidence of making souvenirs from human skin and orders for the execution of prisoners. Naturally, this phenomenon caused a resonance among the public. Therefore, in 1951, Ilse was again arrested by Germany and sentenced to life imprisonment. However, on September 1, 1967, Ilse committed suicide: she hanged herself in the cell of the Bavarian prison Aybah.

Ivan IV, aka Grozny

The prefix to the name "Terrible" - correspondence to the title "The most evil man in the world." Ivan IV - the Russian Tsar, famous for the introduction of strict centralization of power through bloody executions.

Ivan the Terrible distinguished himself and is particularly cruel to his own children. In 1581, he beat his pregnant daughter for putting on a calling toilet. Accordingly, a miscarriage could not be avoided. Upon learning of what had happened, his son wanted to reason with the stern father, but he hit the heir on the head, which led to his death.

the most evil person in the world in history

Ivan the Terrible showed unprecedented cruelty during the massacre of the Novgorodians. Arriving in Novgorod, the tsar accused all the townspeople of treason and began to carry out massacres. Adults and children were tied to a sleigh and dragged to the Volkhovsky Bridge, and then thrown into the river. Those who survived were pushed under the ice with sticks. Historians still argue about the number of victims. The numbers range from 1,500 to 40,000 executed.

Countess Dracula - Elizabeth Bathory

Meet the most evil person on the female planet - Elizabeth Bathory, better known as Countess Dracula. The girl killed more than 650 young girls in order to look young longer.

the most evil person in the world

Historians claim that she ate her minions. Their blood replaced her usual water, she took a bath in it.

Vlad Dracula - man - "count"

Vladislav Tepes is known as Count Dracula. Translated from the Romanian language, his last name means count. He loved to put people on a stake.

the most evil person in the world

He also roasted poor children in poor health. Then he forced his parents to eat them.

Mao Zedong

The most evil person in the world and in China is Mao Zedong. He was a dictator in China for 33 years, starting in 1943 and ending in 1976.

the most evil person in the world

Mao is responsible for the deaths of more than one million people. He staged executions, famines, and mass suicides. Mao Zedong’s main goal is similar to Hitler’s goal - to make China a superpower.

Benito Mussolini

Mussolini is the founder of the fascist doctrine in Italy, which promoted cruel methods in the wars against Yugoslavia and the Ethiopian empire.

In 1919, he personally organized the fascist party. October 28, 1922 staged a military coup in the country and took power into their own hands. November 1, proclaimed a new government. Mussolini gave himself the authority of a dictator. He became famous as one of the terrible aggressors in foreign policy. Together with Germany, he entered the Second World War.

In his methods for the destruction of nations, he used mustard gas and bombed Red Cross hospitals. Mussolini is the most evil person in the world (photo - below).

the most evil person in the world

It is also known that he personally carried out mass executions without the permission of the court. In 1945 he was sentenced to death.

Osama bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden is the founder of the first international Islamist terrorist organization called Al Qaeda. Later, it was this organization that committed the attack on September 11, 2001 at the WTC and the Pentagon, the bombings of the United States embassies in Africa. Then thousands of people died.

Bin Laden is an Islamist native of Saudi Arabia. He lived in a wealthy family. His father is a billionaire.

In 1979, he dropped out of university and went to Pakistan. There he joined the Mujahideen, who fought against the Soviet military in Afghanistan. He later declared war on the United States and gave orders for a series of terrorist attacks.

He is the most evil person in the world (photo - below).

the most evil person in the world

On May 2, 2011, Bin Laden was killed during a special operation by US forces, on the orders of Barack Obama, who was then US President.

Saddam Hussein

The most evil person in the world is the president of Iraq.

the most evil person on the planet

He is responsible for the numerous killings of his citizens. More than 2 million people have been killed in the history of his reign. It is also known that he videotaped these executions, and at home he reviewed them as entertainment.

Heinrich Himmler

The most evil person in the world is the main ideologist of the decision on the Jewish question. If not for him, the mass extermination of Jews, Gypsies, Poles and Soviet prisoners of war under the name “Holocaust” would not have occurred.

the most evil person in the world

He was previously a bankrupt farmer. After - the head of the Gestapo and the Waffen-SS. He is one of the most influential and significant German Nazis.

In fact, after Stalin and Hitler, Heinrich Himmler is the third person who killed millions of people. After the war, Himmler was captured. He tried to enter negotiations with the West, but the attempts were in vain. In the end, Henry committed suicide: he saw through a capsule with potassium cyanide (poison).

Adolf Gitler

The most evil person in the world in history is the leader of the Third Reich, the most evil genius of the 20th century is Adolf Hitler. In 1933, he was appointed chancellor of Germany. In 1934, the Fuhrer. He is the leader of Nazi Germany, the initiator of the Holocaust, the creator of the Gestapo police, a concentration camp system.

the most evil person in the world in the history of mankind

His ideology bore the superiority of the indigenous Aryans over other peoples. Hitler's main goal was to become the only leader in the world in which Soviet citizens should become "slaves" and the lower races (Jews, Gypsies) should be destroyed.

Hitler's personality is the embodiment and model of evil. He did a massive operation to capture all of Europe. He initiated the Second World War. At that time, he became a brilliant leader for his citizens, who would make their country a “superpower”. For Soviet citizens, Hitler is a monster, sadist and criminal.

His era of 10 years began to be called the "Hitler". His path and his whole life is literally saturated with human blood of 11 million people.

Joseph Stalin

The most evil person in the world in the history of mankind and the most controversial historical figure is Joseph Stalin. Historians still argue over his ideology. Some call him “the greatest man,” others hate him as a classic dictator.

Guinness World Record

During his reign, large land plots were under his personal control. Millions of farmers who refused to give their plots just like that were destroyed. This has led to a famine in the country.

Under his totalitarian regime, the so-called secret police worked. She urged all citizens to spy on each other, and "displeased" to "merge."

As a result of his policies, millions were killed and sent to the Gulag. As a result of his tyrannical rule, more than 20 million were killed. According to various estimates, the figure reaches 60 million. Therefore, we can safely assume that in the column "the most evil man in the world" the Guinness Book of Records would have entered the name Stalin.

Executions, brutal killings, concentration camps and more than one million innocent victims are signs by which the most evil and merciless people of the past and present can be united.


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