Cyanosis blue: medicinal properties and contraindications

Cyanosis blue is a beautiful plant with bright blue or purple flowers, collected in panicle-shaped inflorescences at the top of the stems. This grass not only has an unusual attractive appearance, but is also able to get rid of many ailments.

Cyanosis root blue

Plant description

Cyanosis blue belongs to the family of cyanosis. This is a perennial with a horizontal rhizome and thin subordinate roots. The stems are hollow, single. The leaves are lower petiolate, and the upper sessile, unpaired.

Cyanosis blue blooms in large blue or purple flowers. They are collected in inflorescences resembling a whisk. After flowering, boxes with spherical fruits are formed. They contain numerous seeds.

In the first year of growth, blue cyanosis increases the root mass, so it does not bloom. Flowers bloom only from the second year of life. Flowering occurs in early summer and does not last long: seeds begin to ripen in August.

Where grows

In the wild, the plant is found in European countries, in Asia, in Siberia, the Caucasus, in the middle zone of the Russian Federation, in Kazakhstan. This grass prefers to grow in wetlands, edges and glades, along river banks and where there are sparse forests. Now the flower is grown in gardens as a decorative crop.

The plant has long been used in Russia. They were treated for insomnia, rabies, mental illness, and ailments. In the last century, official medicine drew attention to cyanosis. After studying the composition, saponins were found in the grass: the use of cyanosis blue instead of senega, which was imported from America, was considered. After a series of tests, scientists were able to find out that our cyanosis is superior in many respects to Senegia. Now they even began to cultivate the plant to obtain raw materials.

Cyanosis blue

Grass composition

The healing properties of cyanosis blue are determined by its chemical composition. This plant contains up to thirty percent of saponins, tarry substances, organic acids, essential oils, ash, macro- and microelements, including iron. The grass contains a lot of magnesium, potassium, calcium, there is sulfur and other elements.

Healing properties

The unique properties of cyanosis blue are appreciated because of the saponins that make up the plant: thanks to them, the plant has an expectorant property.

Infusions and decoctions of grass can reduce locomotor activity, excitability. They are able to regulate motor function, excitability. Herbal preparations help stimulate the adrenal glands and also regulate lipid metabolism. Drugs accelerate blood coagulation, inhibit the development of atherosclerosis.

Infusions and decoctions can be used as a good sedative for disorders of the central nervous system, for pathologies associated with a violation of cholesterol metabolism.

Blue cyanosis treatment

Traditional medicine for diseases

Rhizome, the root of blue cyanosis, is used as an expectorant, sedative, wound healing agent. From it make decoctions, infusions, which are taken with acute and chronic bronchitis, with acute respiratory diseases. The herb has proven itself in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Infusions from the plant are used for epilepsy, whooping cough, and fever. Cyanosis helps with an ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, with dysentery. Concentrated infusions are used externally in the form of poultices for snakebites.

The vegetative part helps with dysentery, with nervous diseases, as a calming, expectorant. The powder from the plant is used for bites of rabid animals.

In gynecology, with leucorrhoea, women are recommended to use cyanosis flowers.

Cyanosis blue medicinal properties and contraindications

Recipes and dosages

Before using grass, it is necessary not only to find out the medicinal properties of cyanosis blue and contraindications, but also consult a doctor.

To make an infusion, you need to take two tablespoons of the roots and pour them with a glass of water. It is better to immediately place the raw materials in an enameled bowl, in which the product is brought to a boil, cooked for fifteen minutes. Then the composition is allowed to cool, and then filtered. The resulting volume of infusion is adjusted to two hundred grams: topped up with cooled boiled water. Then the tool is allowed to infuse for at least an hour. It is taken in a spoon no more than five times a day as an expectorant. In case of an ulcer, the composition is taken in a spoon no more than three times a day.

A decoction is prepared from the grass. For it, you need five grams of the plant, pour a glass of water and boil for twenty minutes over low heat. Then the composition is filtered, taken in a spoon no more than five times a day after meals.

In folk medicine, root powder is used. To prepare medicine from it, you need to take six grams of powder and pour a glass of boiling water. The remedy is infused for an hour. It is taken in a tablespoon three times a day.

Cyanosis blue contraindications

Charges with cyanosis

For the preparation of the medicine in all of the following recipes, herbs are taken in equal parts and mixed. Then a spoonful of the mixture is poured with two glasses of boiling water for three hours. Means are taken before meals on a spoon no more than four times a day.

  1. From bronchitis. For its treatment, the root of cyanosis, fennel, chicory, cloves of leaves, sage, clover, primrose, chandra, chamomile are taken. The remedy is taken thirty days.
  2. For the treatment of pneumonia, it is necessary to take the roots of cyanosis, fennel, dogrose, Veronica, motherwort, sage, pine buds, plantain, clover flowers, hawthorn, calendula. Composition is taken a month.
  3. From peptic ulcer, the root of cyanosis, calamus, oregano, highlander, flax seeds, rose hip, lemon balm is used - the drug is taken for seven weeks.
  4. You can get rid of chronic duodenitis by taking a remedy prepared from the root of cyanosis, urban gravel, grass of cinnamon, yarrow, nettle, sweet clover, flax seeds, rose petals, hop fruits. The composition is taken for five weeks.
  5. With hyperthyroidism take the root of cyanosis, celandine, St. John's wort, hawthorn, fireweed, mountain ash. The composition is taken for eleven weeks.
  6. When menopause helps composition, which includes the root of cyanosis, shoots of rosemary, cuff, leaves of wild strawberry, sage, hawthorn, sweet clover, mint, cloves, calendula and chamomile. The drug is taken for four months.
  7. From migraine: root of cyanosis, flax, verbena, oregano, calendula.
  8. The following remedy saves you from depression: cyanosis root, sage, celandine, lemon balm, St. John's wort, tatarnik, linden, calendula, chamomile, hawthorn.

There are many other fees that help from a variety of pathologies, which include cyanosis.

This video shows the beneficial properties of a plant.

Overdose, contraindications

Relative contraindications for cyanosis blue include increased blood pressure. Absolute - violation of blood coagulability, increased thrombosis, intolerance to one of the components that make up the grass.

With uncontrolled use of the plant, side effects in the form of vomiting, nausea, shortness of breath, headaches, diarrhea can be observed.

Cyanosis blue healing properties

Growing cyanosis

Many people who do not trust official medicine independently grow cyanosis and other medicinal herbs on their sites.

The plant is easy to care for: it is worth planting it once. Seeds are collected after browning boxes. Before sowing, the seeds are prepared: for a month for planting, they are covered with moist sand and placed in the refrigerator for three weeks. This method is suitable for growing plants in spring. In autumn, it is best to let the seeds undergo a natural stratification: they are sown in beds, and in spring, the plant sprouts. This is how seeds germinate in natural conditions.

Seeding is not carried out deeply - about two centimeters. They are covered with soil and watered.

Caring for a plant is simple: timely loosening, weeding, watering is necessary.

In the first year, cyanosis grows roots and does not give color. Such a plant is not suitable for treatment. In folk medicine, only adult specimens that bloomed are used.

The vegetative part is collected during flowering, cutting it at the level of twenty centimeters from the soil. If necessary, leaves two or three branches with seeds.

The collection of roots is carried out after the upper part has dried. The dead leaves are cut, the roots are washed with water.

Cyanosis blue species

Harvested roots are dried in the sun, and the upper part under a canopy. Finished raw materials are stored in a dark glass container for no more than a year.

The use of any folk remedy requires mandatory consultation with a doctor, since they all have contraindications. Moreover, treatment with cyanosis should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. This herb is potent, and if the dosage is violated, there may be poisoning.


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