An automated system is ... Computer aided design systems

AIS, or automated information system, is a combination of computer hardware, software configured to perform specific information and analytical work, which includes communication, computing, distribution, processing and storage of information. These systems include computers, word processing systems, network settings and other electronic data processing systems, as well as related equipment. Automated control systems are a common example of AIS.

automated system is

The essence of AIS

Automation repeats the principles of mechanization, that is, its implementation depends on devices for performing functions, many of which were first performed manually. Mechanization can be seen as a step between manual labor and automation: it eliminates the need for physical labor, but operators are still required to control the operation of machines, as well as to provide maintenance and feedback. The creation of an automated system, in turn, eliminated the need for human participation, as there appeared feedback and self-managed programs. The result of this process is the emergence of an autonomous system of machines that can perform the task to the fullest without the participation of people.

Automated control systems were quickly integrated in numerous industries and services: from performing production tasks to processing telephone exchanges. In everyday life, a person encounters them every time he uses, for example, an ATM.

automated control systems

AIS varieties

The level of dependence of modern people on control systems is very high, because they are entrusted with numerous functions: financial management, phone calls, work computers and so on.

Since the range of applications is so wide, it is not surprising that each automated system is a unique phenomenon. Depending on the particular function being performed, one of several different tools may underlie the AIS: a neural artificial network, a human-machine interface, a distributed control system, supervisory control and data collection, or a logical programmable controller.

Artificial neural network

This tool can be represented as a mathematical or computational model, the principle of functioning of which is similar to the action of biological neurons. The network structure is adaptive. This means that it can change depending on the internal or external exchange of information in it.

Artificial neural networks are used to identify models in a data stream and classify relationships (for example, for sequence recognition). Applications based on this tool include spam filtering in email, pattern recognition in systems (radars, for example), pattern recognition in speech, movements and text, as well as automated trading systems of a financial type.

computer aided design systems

Distributed control system

This is a tool that contains individual controls throughout the system. Controls are usually distributed depending on which part of the complex monitoring is needed. This means that each element is connected to others in the network through a special connection, which ensures the provision of automated systems. Such AIS, as a rule, are used in production processes more often in cases where the action or production is carried out continuously.

Controllers can be defined for each process individually and can be manipulated to improve or control machine operation. Traffic lights are usually controlled by distributed control systems. Also, these tools can be applied in the field of oil refining and power generation at the central station.

Human machine interface

Typically, these tools are called the user interface. In other words, this is processed automated information, the control system of which depends on human interaction with it. This is required in order for it to fully function. A person will perform certain actions, and the system, in turn, will produce a result that coincides with the user's intention. To ensure the operability of this complex, users must have access to AIS and the means by which it can be controlled.

For example, ATMs are designed in such a way that people can easily determine what the system should do at one time or another, how to respond and provide relevant results. The buttons that are responsible for depositing or withdrawing funds provide the user with an easy way to initiate a chain of commands within the internal system.

automated accounting system

Dispatching and data collection

Data Acquisition and Supervisory Control (SCADA) is a large tool with which a global automated accounting system can function. Typically, this is an industrial control network, often consisting of several subsystems, including systems with a user interface and remote devices connected to them, which translate incoming signals into acceptable data. These AIS can work together to control the entire production site or even the whole region, combining data from several different manufacturers.

SCADA systems are very similar to distributed control systems, and it can often be difficult to distinguish between them. Their main difference lies in the fact that SCADA-systems are not responsible for real-time control of each process, but only coordinate them.

Logic Programmable Controllers

These are real-time system tools. Their work is based on the established timelines and time frames in which the desired result should be achieved. At its core, such an automated system is a computer that controls production machines in the industrial sector. Such equipment most often has many capabilities, for example, a variety of temperature ranges and input and output parameters, as well as the ability to overcome adverse conditions. Programmable logic controllers can be used to program various day-to-day applications. An example is any amusement park.

automated information system

How work is implemented in automated systems

Using AIS can be very useful for both government agencies and private companies. The process of rapid dissemination of information using an automated system helps to save a lot of time, thereby ensuring savings in various areas of life.

An automated information system is one of the indispensable means of organizing data in various archives and libraries. This is especially useful when you need to find certain information.

In private business, an automated information system can also be very important, especially when it comes to sales and customer service. For example, businesses that run mass marketing campaigns over the phone can use AIS to track customers. Some of these systems can not only dial a number, but also provide sales automatically. In other cases, the telephone network settings will direct calls directly to the user. A certain type of automated system can also be used to record staff time and payroll.

work in automated systems

AIS for business and accounting

As a well-known example, AIS can be considered as specialized software intended for use on office and home PCs. The most famous are economic and accounting applications.

Software designed to monitor business processes is often configured to allow easy cross-posting of receivables and payables. This functionality eliminates the need to enter several postings in order to carry out accounting in accordance with generally accepted principles.

Many of the most well-known automated accounting systems can be adapted to meet the needs of a particular company that buys software for their needs. Such computer-aided design systems allow you to create various specific reports, as well as use specially designed formats.

AIS in accounting

The automated accounting process can save a lot of time when working with financial information. Instead of writing in several books, as is done in standard ways, most accounting software packages are structured. This means that they allow manual data entry in one field on one page. From there, the software automatically binds the transactions of all other relevant records. After the transaction is entered, the data will be included in any report that is generated automatically.

development of automated systems

Along with simplifying the process of manually entering data into the accounting system, many software packages can be associated with bank accounts and cards. Using a special interface that is built into the software, payments can be transferred automatically to the appropriate account. At the same time, customers can make online payments through links that AIS generates on its own.

Today, computer-aided design and accounting systems are considered the main component in enterprise management strategies. Protected functions and time saving can significantly increase the efficiency of any company.

Final conclusions

Thus, an automated information system is a set of interactions with which information is processed for collection and distribution. It is implemented using a number of special processes. A system often requires little user interaction, with the exception of its installation and maintenance.

The development of automated systems today is aimed at simplifying access to information and processing it as much as possible. As can be seen from the examples above, AIS are used everywhere: at the international global level and among individuals.


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