Best Backlit E-Book Reader. How to choose.

My wife wanted an e-book and constantly hinted to me about this, they say, I am waiting for her as a gift from you. Once a gift, then you need to guess which book is better, what parameters to pay attention to. First of all, I clearly understood one thing - the e-book should be backlit, since she only has time to read in the evening and she likes to read in bed, so you need to turn on the light, at least a nightlight. But I myself do not read books, and while she is reading, I prefer to take a nap, and the light bothers me. Therefore, the book should be backlit and must be built-in so that others do not interfere with external light. The backlight for e-books in the form of flashlights, illuminated covers and other similar accessories is not suitable for this and I did not consider them.

It remains to determine the remaining parameters. Of course, price is not the least important thing. I was ready to fork out a maximum of 8-10 thousand rubles, as a result I met nine, and a month later in some online stores the price fell by another one thousand.

I began to read reviews about electronic books, to study the values ​​of the characteristics of electronic books. I approximately chose for myself those characteristics that I would like to see in an e-book with a backlight. I say what exactly I would like to see, since the burden of choosing a gift lies with me, and it should be a good gift, maybe even the best. Therefore, I began to choose only the best values ​​of parameters and characteristics.

The type of display is only E-Ink, of both generations, and Vizplex and Pearl, eyes should be protected, and this type is still the best and ergonomic, LCD screens are outliving their age. Decided on the size of the screen. Six-inch, the most common and preferred by reading enthusiasts, most not small - comfortable to read, not large - comfortable to wear. The screen is naturally touch-sensitive and multi-touch, but we only leaf through a paper book, and other navigation methods are outdated already, I want a new one. The screen must be of excellent resolution, so that HD-quality, no less, and that the contrast is good.

Design. It is almost the same for all readers, and the stricter the better, at least I like the strict design more than all sorts of delights. But the cover, as they say, is a necessary thing, so I would have to buy it separately if I did not choose a book with a cover in the kit.

The presence of Wi-Fi, the processor frequency, the amount of RAM and built-in memory, support for additional memory cards, the Russian-language interface, the duration of the work without recharging, the number of supported formats, ease of navigation and some other characteristics should also be at the level so that everything works, does not hang and no inconvenience.

Having studied a lot of information received from the Internet, I selected three models that are most suitable for such requirements. I read reviews about each, considered the significance for me of the shortcomings noted by users and compiled a table where all their parameters are collected and put down comparative evaluations of these parameters. By the number of first places occupied by each of the parameters, he determined the winner. The winner took only one last place, at a price, since it is slightly more expensive than the others, but scored 3-4 times the first places and 2-3 times the second places more than the competitors.

The choice is made, the best e-book with a screen backlight is determined, a mountain from the shoulders. Ordered in the online store, picked up at the pick-up point, solemnly handed it to his wife. My wife is still happy, and so am I. The book pleases constantly and does not fail a lot.

Now I know how to choose a good e-book with a backlight and how to choose the best. To everyone who asks such a question, I suggest using my experience. The material accumulated during research I set out in detailed comparative review of these three best models and posted it on one of the specialized publicly available portals.


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