Means for hair Fully: reviews, application, prices

Have you ever tried Fully Hair? Reviews of him, found everywhere, indicate the fabulousness of its effect on the hairstyle. For example, girls who are not comfortable with their natural hair color often start dyeing them even at school age.

fully for hair reviews

Hair restoration preparation Fully. Reviews of ordinary users

Inexpensive paints used by young fashionistas often give a side effect in the form of brittle, overdried hair, similar to a washcloth. In this case, many women are trying to change the means for dyeing, which does not always lead to good results. Those who do not naturally have blond hair, but who seek snow-white curls, are especially affected. Discoloration is always a very traumatic process for one's own curls.

The color palette will suit everyone!

How in this case can Fully help for hair? Reviews report that a single use of the drug almost completely eliminates the negative effects to which the hair was subjected. The curls are soft and silky, and the color palette allows you to choose a tool in accordance with the natural tone of hair. This hair thickener, reviews about which are mostly positive, is available in ten color options, among which you can choose shades of brown (4 tones), black, three varieties of the drug for blondes (from light blond to dark blond), as well as samples for gray hair and to help owners of fiery hair.

hair thickener reviews

What does a miracle remedy consist of?

In its composition, Fully, a remedy for hair loss, is a finely divided powder consisting of natural fibers of Moroccan cotton and a derivative of keratin. This substance, which has a negative electric charge (a positive discharge accumulates on the hair), is attracted to small hair in the thinning area of ​​the head and to healthy curls located nearby, which allows you to create the effect of ordinary hair that looks natural and does not feel like a wig. Of course, the Fully hair product, reviews of which were made by both ladies and men, is not suitable for a completely bald or shaved head, on which there is no vegetation, since the components of the substance will have nothing to attach to.

hair product fully reviews

Modern experts distinguish between male and female pattern baldness, the first of which is usually caused by the special sensitivity of the hair of the stronger sex to a hormone of the type dihydrotesterone. Because of this chemical, more than 90% of men are predisposed to one type or another of hair loss, and it is laid down at the genetic level.

Types of baldness and the effectiveness of the drug

There are three main types of male pattern baldness that are distinguished - by the type of horseshoe (thinning of hair starts from the forehead), by the type of nest - a bald spot appears on the crown, mixed, including the first two types. Each type of baldness has up to four stages of development, in the first three of which (especially for the type of a horseshoe and a nest) Fully hair care product perfectly helps, reviews of which confirm the high quality of this drug.

hair restoration fully reviews

The use of a restorative for man’s hair can be somewhat ineffective for the last stage of mixed male pattern baldness, since here the hair remains only in the temples and on the back of the head, which does not allow the drug to work effectively in the crown area. Female type of baldness, based on the same hormone imbalance, develops in a slightly different scenario. This can be a β€œstrip” in the parting area, β€œo” - figurative hair loss again in the parting area and a rather rare option when the fair hair is completely absent on the crown of the head.

Instructions for use for women and not only

When can a fully hair thickener help women ? Reviews report that he copes with the "shortage" with all three types, even in a serious stage of the disease. To use it, you need to choose the right tone and act in accordance with the instructions. In some cases, the product can be applied directly to the hair by shaking it from the tube, in other cases, you may need to mix the drug with a liquid (water). Properly applied thickener does not leave marks on the skin, does not look like a powder, holds well for a day, after which it must be washed off and a new portion applied the next day. In case of shortage of hair on the back of the head, it is recommended to use outside help or a pair of mirrors in order to more accurately distribute granules on the surface. The tool can be used in the absence of baldness to improve the appearance of the hairstyle after perming or multi-stage coloring.

fully hair thickener reviews

What you need to know about Fully

The tool for thickening hair is microscopic fibers that rely on their own hair and create volume and visibility of the hair rods in the area of ​​their thinning. They camouflage problem areas so well that no one will detect their use even in the afternoon in the sunlight. The product remains on the curls during moderate rain and wind, does not get dirty hands and clothes when applied due to its electrostatic properties. The original product is produced in Germany by a company that has been working in this field for about 15 years, which allows it to produce the softest and thinnest artificial microwaves that look perfect. Counterfeits of Fully for hair, reviews of which periodically come across, indicate that such a product quickly crumbles from the hair and causes itching of the head. Therefore, the product must be bought from reliable, trusted suppliers or sent directly to Germany for it.

Funds of different generations

Today on the market you can find two generations of the original Fully hair product. Reviews of the second of them indicate that the product does not contain active ingredients or harmful substances that could affect the scalp and other organs (nevertheless, the drug must be applied carefully so that the particles do not enter the respiratory system).

fully remedy for hair loss

This generation of the product does not contain preservatives, does not clog pores, does not dry hair, and is not bactericidal. It allows you to get the most natural look due to the fact that the particles of the drug spread through the problem area in their own way, clinging to existing hairs, and a smaller amount of funds gets on the scalp. The head does not look dirty, which maximizes the comfort of using the drug. Due to its unique properties, Fully is in demand in fashion salons, where it is used to add volume to the hair when creating holiday, model and wedding hairstyles. When used economically, one bottle may last for up to six months (for ladies with moderately rare hair).

Additional ways to strengthen curls

In order not to bring your head to baldness, you need to carefully take care of it. Experts believe that for this you need to eat well (have proteins and fats in the diet), not expose this part of the body to temperature shocks (hypothermia, overheating), heal hormonal failures in time, and lead a healthy lifestyle (avoiding smoking and excess doses of alcohol). Additional tools, such as John Frieda Full Repair hair mask, will not interfere. Customer reviews of this drug claim that the mask is intensely regenerative, due to the oils contained in it (Inca Inchi). It is easy to apply, not greasy, rinses off quickly, gives the hair volume and a silky appearance. Designed for all types of hair subjected to repeated dyeing and styling. The product was developed for women.

hair mask john frieda full repair customer reviews

The drug is produced in the UK by a company with many years of experience and a good reputation, it has Russian certificates of conformity from authorized dealers. The fair sex recommend using a mask once or twice a week to achieve optimal results. The drug has a high speed and keeps on the hair without additional rubbing or wrapping the head with a towel. In just 5 minutes you get lush and thicker hair. It is produced in jars of one hundred and fifty milliliters, which are enough for a long time, if the user's hair does not differ in excessive length.


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