How much does a model earn in Russia?

The question of choosing a profession for young girls is a delicate and difficult matter, especially for those who have a beautiful appearance and are not eager to sit in offices, but, on the contrary, dream of seeing the world. Many aspire to get into show business thanks to their vocal skills or through dancing, for others, the easiest way to appear on the covers of gloss is to go into a modeling business. And here a completely logical and reasonable question arises: "In general, how much does the model earn?" Everyone knows that their income is quite large, but is it really so?

how much does the model earn

Model business

There are many rumors that almost any girl can get into the modeling business, however, what she has to go through with this is silent. And the point is not at all the terrible rumors that the cover can be reached only through the bed, but in the tough selection already at the first casting. There are a number of specific requirements for girls. Clothing is unimportant, the figure is important - and only she. Many girls, having come to the casting and thinking about how much the model earns, absolutely forget to think about other things, such as strict diets, the danger of anorexia, and the worst thing for many girls is exposure to the camera. But often even at castings it is necessary to defile in swimsuits, not to mention photo shoots for glossy magazines, where “juicy” photographs are a kind of “feature” of the issue.

Of course, everyone remembers the story of the Russian Cinderella, Natalya Vodianova, who managed to make a dizzying career and gain world fame, successfully marry and leave the country, but not many girls will be able to repeat such a feat, because in the modeling business, as you know, there are a lot of pitfalls, and in Russia - even more so. So is it worth starting your career, and if so, how much do models earn in Russia?

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What models are needed and why

In recent years, in society, nonetheless, non-standard appearance has been treated quite loyally, but, despite this fact, they rarely appear on the covers of magazines.

Often, just models are required for advertising companies' products, furniture stores, models for clothing catalogs, various thematic photo shoots and much more. This type of model, as a rule, earn the least - their rate can be from $ 10 to $ 50 per hour, while a modeling agency takes some percentage of the income for providing the girl herself and her preparation for the shoot. And if this seems like a big sum, then you should not flatter yourself. The volume of work in this case can be very small, respectively, and there will be no money. How much a model earns depends on what kind of demand it is.

how much do models earn in russia

Moreover, it should be borne in mind that in Russia the model business as such is not developed as well as in Europe, the USA and other countries. Nevertheless, in the capital there will always be a place for girls with good shape.

Moscow is a city of glamor, gloss, celebrities and beautiful places. Everyone is becoming famous here, and almost everyone can tear their star of fame, according to agencies. In order to conquer the capital, all that is needed is to join the ranks of the agency’s employees, and there they will write in paints and enthusiasm how much models earn in Moscow and what heights can be achieved in principle. Many initially promise their wards earnings up to $ 50,000, and all this without straining, so that very young girls can combine such earnings with study. The truth is, in what time frame the girls will have the desired amount - is unknown.

Is appearance important?

Many girls are complex about their appearance. And if earlier only models with the right subtle facial features fell into the modeling business, now now there is a demand for almost any appearance. Each non-standard feature can be turned into its own dignity and achieve success.

What really needs to be worked on is the ability to teach yourself: a figure, a pose, a facial expression, a hairstyle and makeup. Given current trends, a girl who wants to become a model must be able to paint and make her hair. Educational videos can help with this, and the budget cosmetics of the mass market will create a beauty from any woman.

Is there more money abroad?

Certainly more. And the more diverse the model’s portfolio, the higher the chance that they will be noticed and invited to a fashion week in Paris, Milan or London. To sign a contract abroad is a real breakthrough, since how much a model earns depends on impressions, new connections, sponsorship and acquaintances appear there, sometimes very successful ones.

Yes, the model’s income in Europe can exceed $ 100,000 a year, but only if there is a long-term contract. As lucky, it all depends on a successful combination of circumstances. Earnings from shows and photo shoots are inconsistent, because often models rush from one agency to another in search of work. Many painstakingly compose a portfolio, others go on experiments with their own appearance, just to be noticed.

how much do models earn in moscow

Alternative ways to make money

With the development of the Internet, it is not very important where you are and what you are doing, you can become famous from anywhere in the world using social networks. Instagram is a great platform to promote yourself without the help of various agencies taking away some of your income. All you need is a little independence and a phone with a good camera.

Have you heard about the "phytonyashki"? Yes, those same girls who promote a healthy lifestyle, go in for sports and on their Instagram almost daily publish photos with the signature on the benefits of proper nutrition and regular fitness.

Do you know how much fitness models earn? We can confidently say that more than any novice girl. Promoting your Instagram account is often easier than finding a client who pays well for a photo shoot. And for one advertising post in this social network, you can earn up to 100,000 rubles. Worth thinking about?

how much do fitness models earn

Web Models, or Work for Everyone

It just so happened that now you can also get acquainted on the Internet for money. Having a mediocre appearance, a mediocre webcam, you can become just a web model. The web model is a new type of profession, and the responsibilities of girls most often are to organize a pleasant leisure for their clients for money. She has a free work schedule, she chooses her clients herself, as a rule, absolutely no initial investments are required. At the same time, having learned how much web models earn, people often doubt that it is just a matter of communication. Nevertheless, in the evening she can "pick up" from $ 25 to $ 500 and above. Girls working in this field say that their monthly income is approximately 70,000 rubles, and this is far from the limit. Again, it all depends on the client and on his wishes.

Every day there are more and more agencies ready to show young girls the fascinating world of the Internet and, of course, earn "easy money". But the choice, as always, is yours.


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