Meditation on the upcoming dream: "I like to sleep"

Sleep is an important part of human life. A person sleeps half his whole life and enjoys it a lot. Almost every individual at least once in his life said the phrase: "I love to sleep!" And, almost everyone in a given period met with such an unpleasant phenomenon as insomnia.

In the sweet nets of Morpheus

How nice to sleep and soak in the crib! Wake up with good health, vigorous and in a good mood.

Good sleep is the key to high performance and well-being.

A huge number of factors are associated with the duration and feature of sleep:

  1. Rest for the body. The body and internal system, like a computer or smartphone, needs to be rebooted. During rest, the human body relaxes muscles, is stocked up with a charge of vivacity. Body functions switch to an economical mode, saving energy for the coming day. Thanks to rest, the body is restored and increases concentration. Our brain also rests in the morning to turn on all the "mental" levers again. The nervous system calms down.
  2. Improves mood.
  3. Promotes the coordinated work of immunity.
  4. Improves hormonal balance.
  5. Responsible for beauty and health.

If a person has slept, he looks healthy and beautiful: the skin is smoothed, his eyes shine, his health is excellent. No wonder the phrase "I love to sleep!" familiar to each of us. Sleep is health and pleasure.

cheerfulness in the morning

When the sheep do not help ...

Insomnia is an enemy to human health. Lack of sleep adversely affects all aspects of life. If a person has a sleep disorder for one reason or another, unpleasant consequences await him:

  • nervousness;
  • bad mood;
  • lethargy;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • fatigue;
  • migraine;
  • earlier skin aging;
  • loss of desire to live;
  • weakening of immunity.
disturbing dream

I like to sleep!

There are several surefire ways to get rid of insomnia. Following these rules, each person will be able to overcome "extra vigor" and improve the quality of sleep.

  1. Ventilate the room shortly before going to bed.
  2. Go to bed no later than 23:00.
  3. Make sure that the room temperature does not rise more than 20 degrees.
  4. A minimum of clothing on the body, and better its complete absence.
  5. Avoid unnecessary sounds or light sources in the room.
  6. Take a walk in the evenings.
  7. Do not read exciting literature and do not watch action films in the evening.
  8. Meditate.

Meditation is a sure way to restore calm and gain relaxation, to tune in to sleep. Many people resort to auto-training for sleep and are satisfied with the result.

For quality meditation, you should prepare for sleep, go to bed, alone, take a comfortable pose and mentally repeat these words:

"I like to sleep. My body is relaxed. I am calm, light and well. My body is resting. It is filled with warmth and light. I feel my hands being filled with warmth. My hands are getting heavy. My right foot and left foot are relaxing and filled with warmth. My legs are getting heavy .

I feel warm and good. I feel pleasant warmth and relaxation flowing from the tips of my toes to the crown of my head. The heart beats smoothly and calmly. I breathe easily and freely. I like to sleep a lot.

I feel drowsiness gradually overpowering me. She envelops my body more and more. My eyelids are heavy and stick together. My body is falling into a deep and sweet dream. "

deep sleep

Such relaxation will help each person to overcome insomnia and sleep soundly, and in the morning to say: "Most of all, I like to sleep."


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