Reviews: sink made of artificial stone. Artificial stone corner sinks

Repair in the kitchen is expensive and troublesome, because you need to buy so much: furniture, plumbing, and decoration materials. And since in many apartments the kitchen is not only a place for cooking and eating, but also a traditional room for gatherings, interior elements should be chosen so that they are both beautiful, comfortable and practical.

One of the indispensable attributes of the kitchen is the sink. There is no way without it, but you should not buy it in a hurry. Previously, it does not hurt to go to specialized stores, read reviews. A sink made of artificial stone is an option that is increasingly found on shelves. It appeared not very long ago, but there are already quite a lot of responses about the quality of the material and its practicality. Moreover, both positive and negative.

reviews sink made of artificial stone

What shells are made of

There are quite a few materials used to make this element. Stainless steel sinks have been and remain popular. This material is very practical and completely harmless. The only drawback is the lack of the ability to choose a color, which is quite eloquent in the reviews. A sink made of artificial stone, along with a variety of shades, is distinguished by a host of other positive qualities. The enameled sink in the kitchen looks good. But this type of product has one serious drawback - even when a not very heavy object falls (and this happens in the kitchen) chips will form on the surface. As a result, corrosion appears, which looks unaesthetic.

artificial stone sinks

What is artificial stone?

In fact, this name hides a certain composite material from natural chips and synthetic resin. Granite, marble, quartz, or a mixture thereof is usually used as the first constituent. And acryl serves as a connecting link (but there can be other options). To achieve the desired visual effect and a certain color, various dyes, sparkles, etc. are poured into the mixture. Artificial stone is used for facing surfaces, making furniture, countertops and even souvenirs. In recent years, kitchen sinks made of artificial stone have been very popular. Due to the variety of possible shades, they harmoniously fit into any interior.

Artificial Marble and Granite

One of the varieties of composite material, which is most often used for the production of tiles and countertops, is marble chips in acrylic resin. It looks like a natural stone, so sinks from it are usually installed in the bathroom. The kitchen is used infrequently, only in the case when it fits into the overall design.

Artificial granite is made similar to marble, but thanks to a fundamentally different appearance, it is much more often used in the manufacture of kitchen sinks. The material is quite popular, as eloquently testified to. A sink made of artificial stone in classic shades, as a rule, is made of granite chips. Although some manufacturers use brighter colors.

artificial stone sink prices

Other options

As a solid filler for the manufacture of artificial stone, quartz or mixtures of different crumbs are sometimes used. In the domestic market, an acrylic composite is often called a "polygran". Sinks made of artificial stone of the same manufacturer are very popular among consumers and gain many positive reviews. The company offers a wide range of diverse colors and shapes of sinks.

In their manufacture, 80% of stone chips and 20% of polymer are used. At the price of such a sink is more expensive than the Chinese, but more affordable products of many European manufacturers. In terms of quality, it is a cut above the first and is not inferior to the second. Sinks "Polygran" - beautiful, comfortable and designed for long-term operation.

Material advantages

First of all, these are aesthetic qualities. Kitchen sinks made of artificial stone can be made in any color scheme, which means they fit perfectly into the tonal direction of the furniture and the room as a whole. Secondly, the composite is a silent material. If you pour water on a metal surface, then it will make unpleasant sounds. You can get used to them over time. But they are still annoying many housewives.

artificial stone sinks photo
Sinks from such a material can be of absolutely any shape; custom-made are often made non-standard. Due to its property of excellent soldering, there is a so-called integrated sink made of artificial stone. In this case, the sink is a fragment of the working surface of the table.

Among other advantages - wear resistance and impact resistance, the absence of a chemical reaction with food products and detergents, antibacterial properties.


Sure, they also exist. Despite its attractiveness (sinks made of artificial stone, photos of which can be seen in the article, look good), sometimes not very successful color solutions are found. But it is rather a matter of taste.

What really can stop the consumer is the cost of the sink. Indeed, a solid and high-quality sink made of artificial stone, the prices of which sometimes exceed 6000 rubles, are not affordable for everyone. And when it comes to an integrated or non-standard option, it can come out even more expensive. There is an opinion (not unfounded) about the dangers of acrylic, but this concerns not the final product, but the production process.

Everything else, as the reviews say, a sink made of artificial stone is difficult to install. Therefore, in most cases, you have to resort to the services of a specialist, and this is an additional cost.

integrated sink made of artificial stone

Depth and shape

In addition to the material from which the sink is made, there are other selection criteria. For example, the shape of the sink. Such products are round, oval, square, rectangular and in the form of very intricate shapes. All this sometimes looks funny, but before making a choice, you must remember that in addition to aesthetic qualities, the sink has practical properties.

So if you overdo it with imagination, it may turn out that the sink will play the role of an interior item, but it will not be possible to use it for its intended purpose. But to choose a round or square one, each housewife must decide for herself. In practice, corner sinks made of artificial stone are often made either integrated or oval. They take up less space and look better. In other cases, use a square or rectangular shape. If the area of ​​the kitchen allows, get a double option. This sink also has more capacity, and it looks better, and it is more convenient to use it. Although round is much easier to wash.

As for the depth of washing, here, too, the picture is ambiguous. Spatter usually flies from the shallow, but the deeper it is, the more you have to bend over. So the choice is often made in favor of an intermediate option.

artificial stone sinks

Installation methods

In addition to depth and shape, sinks can be divided into several types, depending on how they are attached to the work surface. In addition to the integrated version, when the sink is part of the countertop, there are mortise, surface-mounted installation methods, as well as mounting on brackets.

The latter option is considered the simplest, so even a layman can handle it. Mounting on brackets is also used in cases where the sink is replaced with the old one, but they do not plan to change furniture.

The mortise sink differs from the consignment note in that in the first case it is installed at the same level with the countertop, and in the second it rises above it.

Why are some consumers unhappy

Reviews of sinks made of artificial stone are more likely to be positive. But sometimes they can be neutral, and even angry. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the quality of a particular instance. Trying to save on a purchase, a consumer often chooses a cheap analogue from a Chinese manufacturer. The result is a poor-quality product that is easily scratched or may even burst.

artificial stone sink polygran
The second reason is incorrect installation. Since the artificial stone is quite light, it is necessary to tighten or support it when installing the sink, special attention should be paid to the points of attachment and connection with pipes, a mixer, and other components. If you do not take into account these nuances, it can burst under the weight of a large amount of dishes or water. Unfortunately, fittings are often the cause of the fragility of sinks. When choosing it, it is also not worth saving.

Artificial stone is a beautiful and comfortable modern material. It can not be called cheap, but due to its durability and practicality, it will serve for a long time without creating additional problems and costs. The main thing is not to try to save money by choosing products of dubious quality.


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