How to stop being afraid

Perhaps in the world there is no such person who would not be afraid of anything at all. We are constantly held captive by various fears, sometimes without even suspecting it. In some cases, these feelings live deep in the subconscious and make themselves felt only at certain moments. Despite this, we note that they can cause various kinds of complexes that can darken life.

The hidden fear is more difficult to fight. Some people are not even able to fight them on their own. How to overcome fears? It is advisable to look into their eyes. Only by understanding the true state of affairs can we draw the right conclusions.

How to overcome fears

They are different. Many of them are natural, but there are fears that are irrational. Fear of fire, for example, is inherent in all living beings, and fear of individuals of the opposite sex is characteristic only of man. Agree, many boys do not know how to stop being afraid of girls. There are fears that are completely unfounded. For example, fear of foreigners, open spaces and so on.

Natural fears are somehow connected with the instinct of self-preservation. The first people were also afraid, we are also afraid. Nowhere without it. In case of danger, the body begins to react to everything that happens differently: some feelings become aggravated, and some become dull.

Often with a fright an adrenaline rush occurs - so we get ready to run or fight back. Sometimes fear helps us survive. The battle is not always the best option. To be afraid does not mean to be a coward. A fool is one who does not think about the consequences. How to stop being afraid of dangers? This is really not easy. I’ll have to work hard on myself. What exactly are you afraid of? Criminals? Dangers? First, learn to believe in yourself. An insecure person will always be afraid of something. Keep repeating to yourself that you are a brave person who can protect himself and those around him. Start going to the gym - becoming strong you will surely become brave.

Constantly test yourself. Come up with more and more tasks. Review the results regularly. With all this, it is worth noting that you should not bend the stick.

Let's talk about more specific fears. These, for example, include fears of people. In some cases, they can go into anthropophobia, sociophobia, and so on. Such fears arise from any kind of mental trauma, complexes, disorders. Often people, not being able to interact normally with others, begin to avoid, to shun them. What can the fear of others bring? A man will live his whole life alone, without friends and family. How to stop being afraid of people? Try to look for only the good in them (after all, it is in everyone). Understand that not everyone is evil, but there are those that can make your life much better.

Some suffer not from fear of people, but from fear that they will be deceived. Their main reason is a bad experience in the past. In both of these cases, you should consult a psychiatrist, since self-medication can drag on for an indefinite period of time.

How to stop being afraid? In some situations, it is simply necessary to face the danger face to face. Indeed, it often happens that we are afraid of something all our lives, but after a collision with it, we immediately stop being afraid of it. Yes, fears are indeed unfounded.

How to stop being afraid? Psychologists advise imagining the worst-case scenario that can happen. This will help you assess the situation correctly. Also, after such thoughts, obsessive thoughts about the possibility of an unsuccessful outcome will stop.


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