Alfalfa as a siderate: cultivation, care, beneficial properties

As a siderat in their suburban areas, summer residents very often grow alfalfa. The roots of this crop, as well as its green mass, saturate the soil with nitrogen and give a very light humus. Alfalfa is also able to deter nematodes, rid areas of weeds and create excellent conditions for the development of beneficial bacteria and earthworms in the soil. But in order to get such an effect from this green manure on a suburban area, of course, you need to grow it correctly.

Which alfalfa to choose

Currently, several varieties of alfalfa can be grown in gardens and vegetable gardens. How siderate is used, for example:

  • blue sowing alfalfa;

  • North

  • changeable;

  • blue.

The most common and popular variety among summer residents is blue sowing alfalfa. This green manure can be planted almost throughout Russia. The main advantages of blue sowing alfalfa include frost resistance and the rapid growth of green mass. This variety can be planted under 2-3 mowing. A photo of alfalfa siderat of this particular variety can be seen just below. This plant, among other things, is also resistant to disease.

Alfalfa as a siderat

Northern and variable varieties are usually planted in cold regions of the country. The main advantage of these alfalfa is considered to be an increased degree of frost resistance. The northern variety, among other things, can be planted in floodplains. Changeable alfalfa is characterized by the greatest longevity.

The blue variety is not particularly frost-resistant and longevity. However, it is allowed to plant such alfalfa, including in floodplains of rivers salted with sea water.

Features of agricultural technology

Like any other plant, alfalfa has both โ€œfriendlyโ€ agricultural crops and โ€œhostileโ€ ones. It is believed that planting this siderat is best after:

  • potatoes;

  • maize;

  • root crops;

  • winter forage crops.

Moreover, as a predecessor of alfalfa, it is just perfect for:

  • radish and radish;

  • cabbage;

  • nightshade;

  • cereals and cotton.

Alfalfa as a siderat: when to sow

Planting the seeds of this plant in suburban areas is allowed from spring to autumn. In any case, the soil for this culture must first be carefully prepared. Acidic soil before alfalfa planting should necessarily be made. Also, the soil before sowing such green manure is dug to a depth of at least 25-30 cm.

Alfalfa seeds

Alfalfa seeds are very small. And therefore, before planting this crop in a suburban area, they are usually mixed with sand. The seed consumption for planting alfalfa as siderata in suburban areas should be approximately 300 g per hundredth.

In spring, this plant is usually planted immediately after the snow has melted. In this case, the seeds must first be scarified. In autumn, alfalfa seeds mixed with sand are usually just scattered around the site immediately after harvesting the potatoes with preliminary harrowing of the soil.

The depth of seed placement during planting in any period depends on the characteristics of the soil in this particular area. In any case, the seeding technology in this regard should be followed exactly. Alfalfa planting material is deepened:

  • on sandy soils - up to 3 cm;

  • on clay - up to 1-1.5 cm.

If the seeds are buried too much in the soil, the alfalfa yield may decrease by 40-60%. After planting the crop, it is advisable to roll the soil on the site with a homemade roller.

Growing Alfalfa as a Siderat: When to Mow

Alfalfa seedlings of almost all varieties appear above the ground approximately 5-7 days after sowing. A month after planting, this siderat throws buds with yellow or blue flowers.

Mowing alfalfa in suburban areas relies on during budding. That is, flowers on plants should not bloom yet. During this period, alfalfa is especially rich in nutrients and has the highest coefficient of green mass.

Alfalfa before the mowing

What to do next

When using alfalfa as siderate in suburban areas, two main methods of plowing after mowing can be used:

  • with embedment in the ground;

  • without digging.

In the first case, the green mass is pre-crushed by a summer flat-cutter (for example, a Fokin tool) or simply a hoe, and then they are shoveled into the ground with a bayonet.

Soil structure

If desired, the upper parts of alfalfa in the ground can not be smelled. Subsequently, this will hardly affect the yield of garden crops. The fact is that the root system of alfalfa itself is capable of improving the soil structure quite well and saturate it with nitrogen. Moreover, experienced summer residents even believe that incorporation of the green mass of this green manure can worsen the condition of the soil. Indeed, when digging in the upper layers of the soil, various kinds of beneficial bacteria die. Experienced gardeners advise simply to rake and mulch the green mass when using the method without embedding, under the berry bushes and fruit trees.

Second and third mowing

During the summer, on the areas resting from the main garden crops, the northern and blue alfalfa, as already mentioned, can produce 2-3 crops. For the second and third time, mowing both of these varieties in the garden is also necessary during the budding period. Leaving alfalfa before flowering and ripening of seeds on the site is not worth it. Mowing this green manure contributes to the formation of many small roots in the soil. And this, in turn, contributes to the maximum improvement of the soil structure.

Improving soil properties

Of course, you can grow alfalfa on the site for only one year. However, experienced summer residents still believe that the maximum effect of this green manure can be obtained in two years of cultivation. If it is decided to leave alfalfa on the site for the second season, you still need to mow it a second and third time. Alfalfa is a perennial plant and will grow on the site next year even without self-sowing seeds.


One of the main difficulties in growing alfalfa as siderate is that weeds often clog it in summer cottages. It is supposed to sow this culture in the garden where there are no plants with a very powerful root system - sow thistle, leek, etc.

However, this rule must be observed mainly only when it is supposed to grow alfalfa on the site for only one year. If the rest of the site is supposed to be extended by two, this siderat can be sown anywhere.

In the first year, sow thistle or leek, of course, will be a little bit killed by a novice and alfalfa will grow in the garden by islands. During budding, this siderat in this case is simply mowed together with weeds. The next year, alfalfa with a high degree of probability will enter into full force and without much effort will drown out even the most powerful plants.

Loose earth

Pros and cons

Many plants are able to saturate the soil with substances useful for cultivated plants and improve its structure. However, it was alfalfa that gained the greatest popularity among Russian summer residents as siderate.

This unpretentious plant, among other things, has such advantages as cold resistance and drought tolerance. Also useful properties of alfalfa siderate are:

  • ability to leach soil;

  • the ability to loosen the soil to a considerable depth.

Alfalfa can grow and develop well, unlike many other siderates, it can already at a temperature of + 3-5 ยฐ C.

Good reviews of alfalfa as siderat are also available because this plant does not need to be watered periodically. Alfalfa roots penetrate deep into the earth and extract moisture on their own. In the first year, they go into the ground by 1.5-2 m, and in the second by 3-4 m. If alfalfa stays on the site for a longer period, the length of its roots can reach 10 m.

Alfalfa disadvantages, like siderata, of course, also exist. But there are not so many of them. For example, the land before planting alfalfa is supposed to be liming. Otherwise, this plant may not sprout. It is also advisable to plant alfalfa only in well-lit areas. Otherwise, it will develop poorly and rise in shreds.

Soil nitrogen

Where you can not plant

Alfalfa is an unpretentious and undemanding plant. It will be easy to grow on the plot. Alfalfa siderate and beneficial properties have a lot. There are practically no contraindications for planting on a site of this plant. The only thing this siderat is highly not recommended to grow after peas or beans. Like these crops, alfalfa belongs to the legume family. And consequently, pea and bean diseases will necessarily be transmitted to her and it will most likely grow poorly. In addition, in the land when growing legumes in the same place for several years, various pests parasitizing on such crops will actively develop.


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