Bohemian crystal: history and modernity

Bohemian crystal - how much in this definition ... It is enough to hear it, and immediately the imagination draws aristocratic tricks and clinking glasses. What kind of dishes can actually be called this term and what are its differences from everything else?

History of Crystal Craft

Bohemian crystal
It is believed that the modern history of glass in Europe begins in the first half of the seventeenth century. It was at that time that, by chance, it became known that with a certain processing option , the glass becomes transparent. That is how the new quality standard appeared - craftsmen all over Europe tried to make their products translucent and playing in the sun. A little later, the original formula was invented, according to which a certain amount of lead oxide was added to the molten glass. The new recipe allowed to significantly change the characteristics of finished products. Crystal is easier to polish, and when faceted, the product becomes more beautiful.

Bohemian crystal: the history of Czech glassblowers

Bohemian Crystal Glass Vases for Flowers
Glass craft is one of the oldest and most respected crafts in Europe. Of course, their masters and workshops were in all European countries, but Bohemia and Venice were most famous thanks to this art. Murano glass (named after the place of production - the island of Murano) is distinguished by its elegance, transparency and a variety of color effects. All these are the traditions of the masters of Venice in glass-blowing craft. But already in the XIII century in Bohemia (the historical region of the Czech Republic) worthy analogues of Italian glass of local production appeared. Today, Bohemian crystal and glass are valued for their extraordinary transparency. But the technology that could give this quality to products was first discovered by a master who lived and worked in Bohemia.

Production stages

Bohemian crystal story
Even today, in the age of scientific and technological progress, Bohemian crystal is considered a luxury and an indicator of the ownerโ€™s particular taste. But why is this brand so appreciated? The times when craftsmen were forbidden to tell even their relatives any facts related to the production have passed. Today, many factories in Bohemia conduct tours for tourists, and we will try to understand how the legendary crystal and glass are made. The first stage of production is the melting of raw materials and blowing of the product. Next, the resulting workpiece is placed in a wet wooden mold. The third stage - one of the most exciting - is grinding and cutting on glass. It is important to understand the subtlety of the work: the time during which the material can be processed is too short. Usually, the wizard uses a pre-prepared sketch when working. The next stage is the creation of reliefs and the application of gilding. And the last thing is polishing the finished product. Bohemian crystal is valued not only for its beauty, but also for quality. All products are tested and, if there is the slightest defect, they are sent not to stores, but for processing. It is worth noting that today glass and crystal in Bohemia are made manually and on special automated lines in the stamping technology.

Crystal or glass?

Do you know why this vase is crystal, and glasses so similar to it are glass? Than two materials obtained from the same raw material differ from each other. It is believed that if the glass contains from 6 to 36% lead oxide, it can be called crystal. The world standard of quality is 24%. It is believed that the higher the percentage of lead, the better the crystal. Elite and high quality are products, in the composition of which this indicator exceeds the mark of 30%. Bohemian crystal (photo you can see in our article) should not have air bubbles and any other inclusions. The product should be uniformly transparent and sparkling in all places, without opacities.

Quality indicators

Bohemian crystal photo
How to choose a crystal and not make a mistake when buying? The traditional way to check glass is to gently tap with a pencil or other object on the edge of the glass or salad bowl. The whole and high-quality product will answer you with a pleasant sound. Another option for checking crystal when buying is to rub it with a wet finger. The original and high-quality product will make an interesting sound, but ordinary glass and other analogs will remain silent. All dishes made in Bohemia have a โ€œsignatureโ€ seam - at the base of the glass leg. Glasses and vases of Bohemian crystal (for flowers) have such a distinctive feature at the bottom.

How much does such dishes and decorative items cost?

Antique Bohemian Crystal Candy Box
In the days of the USSR, any crystal was considered a symbol of prosperity, each self-respecting housewife was obliged to have such dishes in her home. All holidays and solemn events were associated precisely with the melodic chimes of glasses from this material. And it is not for nothing that crystal is considered a symbol of taste and prosperity: you really have to pay for quality and beauty. On average, a set of glasses can be bought for 3000-4000 rubles, and some single medium-sized serving item or decorative interior decoration - for 2000-3000 rubles. Of course, we are talking about factory products. Handwork costs many times more. Crystal glassware does not age, but only gets better with the past years. Accordingly, an antique antique candy can from Bohemian crystal can cost a fortune. Often, such interior items and dishes are sold at auctions. It turns out that crystal is not only a decoration of the table and interior, but also a valuable investment.


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