System of push-ups from the floor for endurance: program and recommendations

Push-ups are a great way to keep your body in good shape. This is a fairly simple but very effective exercise. However, not everyone can boast of good results in this type of training. If you want to fix this, then you can choose an individual system of push-ups and increase your strength indicators several times. This exercise is especially good at developing endurance, because it is a great way to combine power and dynamic loads.

Effectiveness of exercise: what are the benefits of push-ups

endurance push-ups

Push-ups are a good basic exercise, all due to the fact that a number of muscle groups are involved in biomechanics. This type of training allows you to develop strength and endurance well, and therefore an individual system of push-ups from the floor should be present in the training complex of each athlete. The main plus of the exercise is that I have a slightly technique, you can work out different muscle groups, which means you can pump a lot of anatomical groups in one workout. Muscles involved in work:

  • Chest. It works due to abduction and adduction of arms and rotation of the shoulder joint. The most actively involved in the work in a wide setting of hands.
  • Triceps. Responsible for extending the arm. He is most actively involved in the load during push-ups with the most narrow setting of hands.
  • Biceps. Responsible for bending the arm at the elbow joint. It works as a stabilizer in any training variation.
  • Deltas. Stabilize the back and neck. Participate in all kinds of push ups.
  • Jagged muscles. These rather "lazy" muscles take part only in some types of training, including push-ups.
  • Pyramidal muscles. They are a continuation of the triceps muscle, also participate in the extension of the arm.

If this type of training is new to you, it is better to start getting acquainted with the technique gradually, there are many push-up systems for beginners that will help, gradually increasing the load, achieve good performance in a short time. Such exercises have a number of advantages and advantages over muscle pumping in exercise machines, that's why:

  • Your workouts are not tied to either place or time. It is not necessary to keep up with the gym every day after work. You can train anywhere, anytime. Even on vacation, you can continue classes.
  • No special equipment required. For the classic variation of the exercise, there is no need to purchase special sports equipment, and for more advanced modifications, you can easily do with improvised means.
  • Push-ups combine three types of load: aerobic, power and static. This makes the exercise a comprehensive training that works not only on building muscle, but also on fat burning.

How to get started: tips and tricks

Before starting training, it is important to understand that despite the fact that this exercise involves almost the entire body, it is primarily effective for the pectoral muscles. The system of push-ups from the floor is designed to gradually increase repetitions by one approach. This means that over time, you can squeeze out 50, or even 100 times, without a break. Impressive, isn't it? Naturally, achieving this will be quite difficult, both from a physical and psychological point of view. After all, it is possible that at some point the progression of the result will stop and your hands will simply drop. The main thing here is to collect the remnants of strength and will into a fist and, in spite of everything, continue training. After a while, you will surely overcome your imaginary physiological limit and increase your indicators at least twice.

Before starting workouts, select the appropriate push-up system for yourself, and then proceed to the gradual implementation of the training program. To avoid errors, follow these rules and recommendations:

  • The progression of the loads should be gradual, if the classic version of the exercise is too complicated for you and you cannot even do five repetitions, then start with more simplified options. For example, push up from the wall or from the table. Listen to the behavior of the muscles during training, you should not feel pain and discomfort. Allowed only tension and a slight burning sensation in the last repetitions.
  • Never start a workout without warming up, it can result in fast muscle fatigue and injuries. Be sure to work out your shoulders and elbows, pull your chest. Divide the planned number of repetitions into several approaches, it is better to perform from more to less. Give the muscles enough time to rest, pauses are allowed even for 120-180 seconds.
  • In any sport, regularity is important. Never skip classes, even if you are tired and do not have time. Make at least a lightweight training option with a minimum number of repetitions.
  • Set a real goal, this will create additional motivation. If you work for a mass, then be sure to combine a system of push-ups with other types of training, and to maintain yourself in good physical shape it is enough to use several types of exercises.
  • Do not overdo it with training, any muscles need rest. Exercise at least every other day, your strength and physical indicators will not suffer from this, but on the contrary, they will only improve.
  • Before you start adding new modifications of the exercise to the base push-up system, be sure to perfect the standard technique to automatism. Only in this way will you learn new exercises, while protecting yourself from injuries.

What to choose? Types of push-ups to increase endurance

Surprisingly, such a simple exercise has more than fifty versions, and each of them involves the muscles in the work in a new way. So, you can change your system of push-ups from the floor at least every month and your muscles will not have time to adapt to the loads, which means that the effectiveness of the training will constantly grow. Consider the main technical features of the most popular modifications of the exercise.

Classic. This kind of push-ups is familiar to absolutely everyone, because the boys begin to do it back in school. The setting of the hands is medium, the body is stretched in one line, the legs rest on socks. It is necessary to go down as low as possible and it is advisable to reach the floor with the breast. The upward movement is carried out until the arms are fully extended in the joints.

From the wall. The system of push-ups from the floor for beginners can safely begin with this modification of the training, because not everyone has the strength to lift their own body weight, especially when it comes to women. The technique is very primitive:

  • Stand near the wall and lean on it with your hands, it is better to give preference to the average setting.
  • Move your arms and body, as in a regular exercise.

Despite its simplicity, this is a fairly effective type of training, because it is possible to prepare muscles and joints for heavier loads in a fairly short time.

With the support. This is a more advanced version of the previous exercise. If push-ups from the wall are too simple for you, but you still cannot do the exercise from the floor, then you can use a table, sofa, window sill or a simple bench as a support. Just choose the appropriate height for yourself based on your physical capabilities.

From the knees. This is the last step before the classical technique of exercise, so women and people who have significant problems with the lower back usually train.

Bars. There is a separate system of push-ups on the uneven bars, however this option is also a modification of the classical exercise. By the way, if you want to practice at home, you can replace the bars with two fixed chairs with high backs. In this type of training, the muscles of the hands work stronger, namely the biceps and the triceps.

push ups on one arm

On one arm. This is a sophisticated push-up option for advanced athletes. Thus, you can complicate the workout, while not using various weights.


  • To maintain balance, you need to spread your legs very wide.
  • So that the free hand does not interfere with balancing, the beam should be removed behind her back.
  • The supporting arm should not move toward the center; try to keep it at the same level with the body.
  • The amplitude should also be full, which means: the chest touches the floor at the bottom, and the arm is fully extended in the top.

With cotton. This type of exercise works to increase explosive strength and gives the training some dynamism. Very often, such a variation of push-ups is used in workout or crossfit. There is only one difference from the standard technique - when moving up, you need to push your arms so hard that you have enough strength to hold the body in motion while making cotton.

push ups

With a burden. If exercises with your own weight become too light, you need to change your training system. Push-ups with weights will help you not to part with your favorite exercise, even if your strength indicators have stepped far forward.

On fingers and knuckles. In some sports it is very important to have strong hands, fingers and knuckles, especially when it comes to martial arts. Using these types of push-ups, you can significantly strengthen these parts of the hands and simultaneously develop other muscles of the body.

deep push ups

Deep. By improving your system of push-ups from the floor, sooner or later you will want to complicate your workouts. To do this, you can increase the amplitude of motion using special hand rests. In the gym, it can be platforms, pancakes, skirtings or special handles, and at home you can get by with ordinary books. The longer the trajectory, the beam the muscles will stretch, which means that they will be loaded more.

We focus on working muscles: the impact of arm positioning on exercise biomechanics

The participation of the working muscles will depend on the position of the hands during the exercise, and therefore it is necessary to adjust the starting position for your training system. Push-ups can be performed as follows:

wide push ups
  • wide setting - the entire load goes into the pectoral muscles;
  • medium setting - uniform distribution of force with little emphasis on triceps;
narrow push ups
  • narrow setting - load concentration in the triceps and deltas.

For the most inexperienced: a five-month zero-push endurance push-up scheme

If you are completely far from sports, but really want to do push-ups at least 50 times, then this can be done in less than six months. This is provided that the more you do not engage in any sports at all. The course is designed for 22 weeks, each should include at least three classes, a detailed table of the system of push-ups from the floor is presented below.

Week numberNumber of approachesNumber of repetitions

For those who want faster results: a six-week program of 100 push-ups

If you are an inexperienced athlete, but really want to learn how to push up 100 times without a break, then it's time to start training. Such a system of push-ups from the floor is suitable for beginners, the table is also designed for people with a minimum level of training. So if you are not very good at push-ups or can perform at least 15-20 repetitions, this program will help you improve your results.

First week. Pauses between sets are 40-60 seconds.

Number of approachesBeginnersPeople with little training

Second week. The pauses between sets are 70-100 seconds from 1 to 3 days and 40-60 seconds from 4 to 5 days.

You have already decided on your own strength and the number of repetitions becomes fixed.

Number of approachesBeginnersPeople with little training

Third week. The pauses between sets are 150-200 seconds from 1 to 3 days and 70-100 seconds from 4 to 5 days.

Number of approachesBeginnersPeople with little training

Fourth week. Pauses between sets are 150-200 seconds.

Number of approachesBeginnersPeople with little training

Fifth week. The pauses between sets are 150-200 seconds from 1 to 3 days and 70-100 seconds from 4 to 5 days.

Number of approachesBeginnersPeople with little training

Sixth week. The pauses between sets are 150-200 seconds from 1 to 3 days and 70-100 seconds from 4 to 5 days.

Number of approachesBeginnersPeople with little training

Standard program for beginners: working to increase strength and endurance

If you want to include push-ups in your standard workout, this selection of tables will help. The system of push-ups for beginners is designed for three weeks. As soon as you deal with this program, you can move on to a more advanced version.

First week.

Type of exerciseNumber of repetitionsNumber of approachesTime relax
Classic push ups10220-30 sec
Narrow option12330-40 sec
Wide optionfifteen240-50 sec
Push ups7350-60 sec

Second week.

Type of exerciseNumber of repetitionsNumber of approachesTime relax
Classic push ups12320-30 sec
Narrow optionfifteen430-40 sec
Wide option18340-50 sec
Push ups10450-60 sec

Third week.

Type of exerciseNumber of repetitionsNumber of approachesTime relax
Classic push upsfifteen420-30 sec
Narrow option18530-40 sec
Wide option20440-50 sec
Push ups12550-60 sec

Let's make the task harder: endurance push-ups for advanced

If you already have some training experience, you can significantly complicate classes. To do this, you can combine push-ups with other types of training, this will give the body a good shock load. This program is designed for only a month, the system of push-ups includes modifications of exercises with different positions of the hands, for a more detailed study of the muscles. In a month - 4 weeks, each should have 4 classes.

1 day

Name of exerciseThe approachesRepetitions
Extra weight push ups4fifteen
Narrow option412

2 day

Name of exerciseThe approachesRepetitions
Wide option4thirty
Narrow option440

3 day

Name of exerciseThe approachesRepetitions
Wide option5thirty
Average hand420
Narrow option310

4 day

Name of exerciseThe approachesRepetitions
Extra weight push ups520
Deep squats4fifteen

Extreme lovers: crossfit complexes with push-ups

If you are a fan of crossfit, you can combine power loads and a system of push-ups from the floor. The table shows the most popular training programs that include this exercise:


For three rounds, you must complete:

  • pull-ups on the crossbar - 25.
  • Classic push ups from the floor - 90.
  • Sit-up - 100.
  • Bench press in the supine position - 10.
  • Running - 1 km.
  • Jumping with a change of legs - 30.
Strange pyramid

Only two rounds: swings of the weight with holding the projectile with two hands and classic push-ups from the floor.

The number of approaches and repetitions occurs according to the scheme:



The program is designed for 5 rounds. Exercise List:

  • 200m Sprint
  • Pushups from the floor - 15.
  • Squats - 15.
Football workout

The program is designed for 5 rounds. Exercise List:

  • Barbell bench press - 10.
  • Burpy - 10.
  • Pullups on the rings - 10.
  • Pushups from the floor - 10.
Meat grinder

The program is designed for 10 rounds. Exercise List:

  • Pushups - 15.
  • Deadlift - 10.

General physical indicators: program for preparing for the TRP

push up exercise

Do not forget that TRP standards also include push-ups. If you plan to pass the standards, then you need to prepare yourself for the exam and develop an individual push-up system. Tables will help you navigate with indicators based on your age and desired grade.

Young men from 18 to 40 instead of push-ups perform pull-ups on the horizontal bar.


AgeRepeats per icon:

From 40 years there is a single standard of preparation:

60-699 (from the bench)
70+7 (from the chair)


AgeRepeats per icon:

From 40 years there is a single standard of preparation:

60-695 (from the bench)
70+4 (from the chair)

Now you know everything about push-ups from the floor and you can choose any system that suits you. If you work hard and combine this exercise with other sports, you can achieve good results very quickly.


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