Meaning of the word "eating", origin, synonyms and sentences

You can imagine some wild beast that bites off meat from a bone, or you can imagine a young nervous person who can’t decide whether to invite a girl on a date or not. In both paintings, the closing moment is the meaning of the word "gnawing."


According to the etymological dictionary, the word is Slavic and is formed from the word "swallow", that is, "gnaw, swallow." In one of the dialects of Ukrainian there is a word “globa”, that is, “misfortune, care”. What does this give us? We understand that the meaning of the word “gnaws” is quite ancient. Moreover, from time immemorial there have been two meanings in it - physical and psychological, or direct and figurative. To consolidate the success, we turn to the next section.

Meaning and synonyms

So, we scooped up history from the bottomless well, and our catch was not to say that it was great. But he (the catch) clarified the origin of the object of study and indicated its venerable age. So, it's time to see what is written in the explanatory dictionary:

  1. Gnaw, eating, biting the flesh with teeth.
  2. Torment, torment.
Girl yearns on the roof

Human life is such that periods of happiness are relatively rare. On the other hand, existence constantly throws a person various tasks that he is forced to solve. He copes with some, but not with others. And when there is some kind of congestion in the stream of life, a person is overtaken by longing and grief. Kruchina is the folk poetic name of sadness. But then life goes on. The good news is that problems are being solved one way or another.

We need to make a list of synonyms for “eating”. Here they are:

  • eats up;
  • tormenting;
  • oppressed;
  • gnaws;
  • overcomes;
  • sharpens.

The list is not extensive. But we, as usual, present the best to the reader, and leave the rest to us in the form of verbal recyclables.

“What Gilbert Grape Eats” and other examples

The main example, of course, is presented directly in the title. And by the way, the whole film, all its narrative answers this question. But it’s difficult to isolate the main line from that complex range of emotions overwhelming the protagonist. In general, Grape’s life is not too fun.

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But we digress from the film and come up with three sentences that will take into their arms the meaning of the word "gnawing":

  • Tell me, son, what is eating you? But I see that something is wrong.
  • Listen, why are you tormented by all sorts of nonsense? Indeed, almost every day something eats you! It's good that you still do not experience emotional pain when you need to choose breakfast or lunch. This must be done!
  • The fact that love questions and doubts about his attractiveness gnaw at him is normal: he is such an age.

The traditional homework is to write similar sentences and (very important) watch a movie. And we talked about the meaning of the word "eating".


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