Family Access iOS 8: setup. IOS 8 Access Point

If you have already installed the new iOS 8 system on your device, then we would like to tell you about one very useful feature, which is completely new, is Family Access. Let's talk a little about this innovation, since not many users managed to get to know it. Thanks to this feature, relatives and friends, as well as relatives, will be able to exchange various content among themselves. All this happens using the iBookstore, App Store and iTunes Store apps. At the same time, distributing or receiving materials, you will not need to spend money. Surely many of you now have a question: "What is iOS 8 family access, how to connect it and start using it?" In fact, difficulties can arise here, since the function itself has a large number of settings, and not everyone is able to correctly set them. Therefore, we decided to write a detailed article on this topic. Using the “Family Access” function, you, as well as your relatives and friends, will be able to save considerable amounts of money, so the topic will be relevant for everyone.

A family

ios 8 family access
Today it is impossible to say with confidence that iOS devices are a luxury, so many in the same family have several gadgets at once. For example, parents can use the iPad and iPhone, but children often, in addition to these devices, turn to the iPod, where you can easily go online, listen to music, download applications, and so on.

New approach

ios 8 set up family access
It used to be very expensive to get the necessary offer, because if all the family members liked the new program, then it had to be downloaded and paid for activation from each device. Now you can adjust these costs. Of course, a way out of this situation could be found. For example, from each device, log in under the same user account on which a particular application was purchased. Imagine if there are four devices in a family, using them is inconvenient and unprofitable. This became a real problem, but it was soon resolved with a new feature. Now everything that you purchased under your unique ID will be provided to all your family members, naturally, if they know what iOS 8 family access is, how to use this opportunity, and why it is needed. In addition, a new eighth version of the platform must be installed on the device, otherwise connecting and adding devices will simply be impossible.

IOS 8 Family Access

ios access point 8
However, this is not all the rules that must be followed. Let's now figure out how to configure “Family Access” in iOS 8 and activate it. You can perform all the necessary actions quickly. This, of course, will happen only if you know about all the nuances, and there are a considerable number of them. So, let's start with the most important thing. You need to understand that the function will be available only if your device is updated to iOS 8. This is where you need to start.

New software

setting up ios 8 family access
One group can include no more than six people, but if you want to add even more people, then you will have to create new associations with the names “Relatives”, “Colleagues”, “Friends” and so on. So, how to properly activate “Family Access” iOS 8. First you need to go to the settings panel on your device, and then select “iCloud”, then you need to select the tab of the same name. You can see it right away, since there are not a large number of options. In the next step, just click on the big “Get started” button. Of course, this is not all; you will need to customize this function to your needs.

About scrupulousness

family access ios 8 instruction
Configuring iOS 8 Family Access is not that complicated, but we recommend that you pay special attention so that you don’t have any glitches later. Also, carefully study this article, and you can quickly resolve emerging issues. So, after you clicked the “Get started” button, an indication number will be displayed on the screen of your gadget. If you have not yet uploaded a personal photo, then if you wish, you can add it in this place, although this is not necessary. Next, click the "Continue" button, after which you will need to confirm your intention.

After that, you will be provided with several payment methods, and your task is to choose one of them. If you have already decided, then at this point you do not need to specify anything, but simply click the "Continue" button. By the way, if you are interested in “Family Access” iOS 8 in details, the instructions for use are attached to the function itself. However, in reality, not everything is so detailed there, so not all owners of “I” devices will be able to understand how to use it correctly.

Using the geolocation, the system will automatically offer to share information with family members and loved ones. Accordingly, with this function, everyone will be able to see who, where is currently. Your task is to click on the button “Share geo-location”. You can also postpone this setting if necessary, and in this case you need to select the "Not Now" item. So, the setup of “Family Access” iOS 8 for the most part was made, but that's not all, now you need to add your loved ones, acquaintances and friends.


ios 8 family access how to use
Let's start by adding adults. As we wrote a little higher, the beginning has already been made, and those users who will carry out a similar procedure will be able to become the organizers of “Family Access”. Naturally, such a person has the right to add new members to his group, as well as delete them. In order to see a list of all users who are in the union, you will need to go back to the settings, after which we go to iCloud and there we find the “Family” tab. It is in this section that you can add new participants, for this we press the corresponding button. It is called "Add a family member."


If you have family access (iOS 8 does not work), then you must definitely check your Internet connection, since such settings, as well as adding new users, are possible if you have access to the Network. After you click on the button “Add a family member”, a list of your contacts will open, from which you should select the person you want to add to the group. After specifying the user, you need to send an invitation. To do this, click the appropriate button. If you have information about the user you want to add, or rather, his username and password, then you can add a participant without an invitation. So, click on the "Enter Password" button, and also indicate all the necessary data that the form requires from us. As you can already understand, in this case, confirmation from the new participant is not required, and everything will happen only unilaterally. This action is suitable if you want to add your child, because you probably will have data from his device. IOS 8 Family Access is already open, but now we’ll talk about how to add adults. It is recommended to create a certain group, name it “Family” and add all your household members.


ios 8 family access not working
If you sent an offer to join the group, then after the user confirms it, you will receive a notification on your device. So, how to add adults, we have already figured out, now it is worth considering the option of adding children. By the way, if you decide on iOS 8 to configure "Family Access", which will include your friends, then you can make the appropriate settings. This is simple and is done according to the scheme already described above. Remember that the iOS 8 access point will be the same for all added users.


So, we move on to adding children to the “Family Access” iOS 8. In fact, all the small members of the group are added in the same way as adults, and, accordingly, they have certain rights. But if you decide to use your child who does not yet have his own indicator number, then you can do a little different. Naturally, there will also be a single access point iOS 8. First you need to go back to settings, then go to iCloud and “Family”, and after a window opens where you can add new users, you need to go to the very bottom, and there you can find the button "Create an indication number for the child." When a new window opens, you just need to click the "Next" button, it is in the upper left corner. After this, it is necessary to indicate the data of the child, or rather, his age. Again, select "Next." Your task is to accept the confidentiality agreement for parents, and only after that press the “Accept” button.

Who is in charge?

ios 8 family access how to connect
What is iOS 8 Family Access, how to share and configure it, you already know, but you can also appoint an organizer. It is not necessary to assign such responsibilities to one person. You can also give certain rights to all members who are in your group. Now you know what "Family Access" iOS 8 is, the instructions for using which we described above. It cannot be said that, in addition to the described function, the eighth generation operating system offers a number of other important innovations. As for photographs, they can now be searched by time and place, and special image editing capabilities have become available to the user. If we talk about messages, now you can attach an audio recording to the dialogue, as well as a map indicating the location. Photos and videos can be sent almost instantly. In addition, the Do Not Disturb function has appeared, which can be installed on certain dialogs.


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