What is a tamper for coffee?

To make espresso, one often uses a tool such as a tamper for coffee. It can be made of metal or plastic. With the help of such a device coffee is rammed. Barista uses, as a rule, a metal tool. It is more reliable and durable.

tamper for coffee

The main functions of the device

Espresso coffee is a drink with a rich taste and unique aroma. How to make it? In order to obtain a stable taste, it is necessary to ensure uniform coffee pressing. As a result of tempering, a dense tablet is formed. Water will leak through it much more slowly. When preparing a drink, tamper is simply indispensable.

When ramming the raw materials, it is necessary to evenly distribute the forces so that there are no cavities in the tablet. Otherwise, water will quickly leak through it. The result is a low-quality drink. The liquid should be enriched with essential oils and aromatic substances of coffee.

History of occurrence

Temper for a coffee machine arose completely by accident. The history of this accessory says that Rage Barber at some point decided to start a coffee business. However, after some time he was disappointed. What was the problem? In tamper for coffee. It was a bar made of plastic. Such a device was extremely inconvenient and impractical. And this influenced the taste of the finished drink. So the idea of ​​making original and more convenient tampers came up. As a result, the businessman was the winner.

coffee barista

Base shape

Coffee temper can have various sizes and shapes. Similar tools are also classified by the material from which they are made. The basis of the accessory can be not only flat, but also oval. However, there are no exact recommendations for choosing a tempera. In America, the traditional form is oval, while in Europe it is flat.

When choosing a tamper for coffee, there are several more factors to consider. The oval-shaped tool is suitable for a double portfilter, and with a flat one - for a single one. But how to make barista coffee? Usually masters use an oval shape. However, at home, you can apply and flat.

tamper for coffee machine

What material

A typical coffee tamper usually consists of a base and a handle. The last part of the tool should be neat and comfortable enough. Handles are usually made of wood or steel.

As for the base, then its models for sale can be seen not only plastic, but also aluminum. Each of the varieties of such accessories has its own characteristics. For example, a tamper for coffee with a plastic base is very light. It is rarely used for tamping ground raw materials. Aluminum is also not a particularly heavy material. However, it is susceptible to corrosion and various deformations. In addition, aluminum is not an environmentally friendly metal. Professionals recommend purchasing tampers, the base of which is made of steel, and the handle is made of wood.

When choosing an accessory, you should pay attention to the size of the sole. Its diameter should correspond to the parameters of the holder. Otherwise, the coffee pills will be too large or small.

coffee pills

Application features

How to prepare a rich and aromatic drink? To answer this question, a lot of research has been done. As a result, a lot of instructions were written on the preparation of delicious and high-quality coffee. The most important thing in this process is a good compaction of ground raw materials. In addition, the size of the tempera should correspond to the size of the filter basket.

Stack ground coffee carefully. Having poured the raw materials into the container, it should be carefully leveled. The result should be an ideal mass that does not contain tubercles, dimples, and lumps. The coffee tamper should be carefully installed on the surface of the raw material and pressed. This should be done carefully, as cavities may form in the tablet.

Before the first application of the accessory, it is important to ensure that the surface of the coffee is absolutely even. Only then can it be pressed. Pressure on the tamper should be from 12 to 15 kilograms. The finished tablet remains to be placed in the coffee machine and prepare a fragrant drink. It must match the size of the filter. If the tablet has cavities, then water will flow through them much faster. The drink will turn out not so saturated.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10208/

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