Acid (brand): action, effect and consequences

Acid is one of the most effective substances. The best known compound is lysergine. Acid is applied to the marks. Most people describe the effect of this substance on the body in a very colorful way. Each compound has its own effect. Researchers claim that acid has special effects on the body.

How brands work

Brand acid

Most often, the effect of the substance lasts from 6 to 12 hours. Time depends on the individual characteristics of a person: weight, height, age, and so on. In some cases, the brand may last for several days, but such cases are very rare.

The effect of lysergin has not been fully studied. It is known that in its properties, acid is similar to serotonin, the hormone of joy. As soon as a person accepts a brand of acid, after 15 minutes he already has physiological manifestations of the effect of the substance. After about an hour - psychological.

Reviews on the brand of acid mixed. Most people describe how they were in a dream. Some believe that consciousness and the subconscious are connected.

The physical effects of lysergin

physical effect of consumption

Everyone reacts differently to a substance. It is impossible to accurately predict its effect on the body; this is influenced by the dosage, environment, and personal characteristics of the person. The effect of the acid brand begins to be felt 40 minutes after consumption, physiological manifestations are noticeable in a person:

  • Eye pupils dilate.
  • Body temperature rises or falls.
  • Loss of appetite for a long time.
  • Sweating intensifies.
  • Tremor appears. Most often, people shake hands violently.
  • Sensation of ant skin.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • High blood pressure.

The physical effect of the substance is manifested individually in all.

Psychological effects

Brand effects illustration

Acid on a brand can affect a person’s consciousness in different ways. It depends on the nature of the user, his environment, environment and so on. The effect of the brand of acid on the mental state of a person:

  • Very bright visual hallucinations appear.
  • The feeling of surrounding reality is changing. It may seem to a person that time is going very slowly or quickly. Also, brand acid distorts the parameters of surrounding objects, the sounds, color and shape of objects can change.
  • Feeling of euphoria.
  • Mood swings.
  • Depressive episodes and psychosis.

People under the brand name acid are afraid of losing self-control. They almost completely lose their sense of self-preservation. Often, in an altered state of people, the question arises: how much does the brand of acid “hold”. The danger is that effects can manifest negatively. The effect of the brand of acid lasts 6-12 hours.

Start of exposure

brand acid

The peak concentration of the substance occurs in the second or third hour after administration. At first, it may seem to a person that acid did not act on him. However, already at the third hour visual hallucinations, illusions, distortion of the angle of vision will begin to appear.

It is difficult for a person to perceive bright light or the saturated color of objects. At the beginning of the action of the drug, flashes may appear in front of the eyes, the contours of the surrounding objects begin to glow, blur. Later, true hallucinations appear , which, at times, are frightening.

Effects development

Sound hallucinations appear very rarely, but if they arise, a person may not notice them. The most common effect is a special perception of images. After a while, hallucinations can take a very strange form, unusually vivid images of people and animals can be seen.

A rather frequent effect is synesthesia: a person at the physical level can “see” the sounds he hears (music or people's conversations - it doesn’t matter), “hear” smells, “touch” the colors he is looking at.

Perhaps the most unusual effect of using a brand is depersonalization and derealization. It seems to a person that he is not in his body, that he is observing himself from the side or from above. In a state of narcotic intoxication with acid, people have a disturbed perception of their body, they cannot clearly recognize space and time, it seems to them that everything happens very slowly. In some cases, they believe that their soul is separated from the body and soars in zero gravity.

Hallucinations can occur in an increased form. A person may think that things around him breathe or swim. A fairly common effect is moving walls and ceiling. It seems that patterns, flowers, ornaments on wallpaper or decor are in motion. Even if a person closes his eyes, then an image will appear before him, which he saw a few seconds ago.

Sometimes it seems to a person that he is undergoing rebirth or death. Often the experience of using acid completely changes the perception of the world, sometimes for the worse, since all the experience experienced is the result of exposure to the substance, and not the influence of mystical factors.

Other effects

Acid illustration

Often, those who use acid feel the work of their organs: how the heart beats, oxygen circulates in the lungs, blood flows through the veins. Many people remember the events that they once experienced, the events of a long-forgotten past. Sometimes events from early childhood, when a person was 1-2 years old, are recalled.

During the action of a substance, a person feels insane, it may seem to him that he has turned into a madman and will never become normal. People describe a strange state - the complete dissolution of all boundaries between inner experiences and the world.

Common thoughts

Effects illustration

How a person behaves is determined by the content of his hallucinations. Sometimes effects are perceived as passive observation with elements of criticism. He understands that a temporary violation of his psyche is associated with the action of the drug, however, at high dosages, criticism may not occur. A person will be in a state of hallucinations and paranoia, which are manifested in manic-delusional moods.

During psychoses caused by acid, hallucinations and illusory perceptions of the world are always in the foreground. Sometimes the condition is similar to schizophrenic disorder, in this case, people inadequately show emotions, the adequacy of thinking is violated. These symptoms are combined with a relatively normal orientation in space.

Often there are depressive conditions that are life-threatening. These include aggression, thoughts of suicide, erroneous judgments about current events. A person can decide that he can fly and try to “fly out” of a window or jump from a roof.

One of the common negative effects is the manifestation of violence towards other people. Sometimes under the influence of the drug crimes and offenses are committed, the results of which can be very serious.

If you take a very large dose of acid, then under the influence of a substance, the consciousness and perception of the world around us changes for a long time. Most often, such thoughts are religious or fantastic. Man, under the influence of the acid brand, "talks" with God, with the Devil, sees mythical creatures and fantastic worlds. Sometimes ardent atheists after the cessation of the drug became believers, and believers began to completely deny the existence of higher powers.

Vivid experiences sometimes persist even after the complete removal of the substance from the body. This is due to the fact that a person has already made certain conclusions, which sometimes can completely destroy the existing life of people. Celebrities who have helped create something new for humanity include Steve Jobs, The Beatles.

The effects that the substance causes are different for everyone. This is greatly influenced by the experience that people have experienced before. The current psychological state can also affect emotional experiences during the action of the substance.

Side effects and effects

Acid brand

According to studies, the use of acid does not negatively affect the functioning of organs or tissues of a person. The main danger of a substance lies in its effect on the psyche and personality of people. Influence can be long and negative. Researchers argue that even the most prepared person is at risk of personality destruction.

The drug is able to seriously change the human psyche. Under the influence of matter, people do not realize what is happening around them. This can affect both others and the person himself. He may injure himself, fall into disaster, or die by negligence, as he feels invulnerable. However, such manifestations are rare.

In addition, depression may develop, suicidal thoughts may appear. Apathy and spleen last about a week, in some cases, acid leads to schizophrenic psychosis, which is accompanied by hallucinations. Often there is instability of the psyche even after removing the substance from the body, in some cases, epilepsy develops.

Other types of substance

Often use brands of nitric acid. This substance provokes hallucinations and a delusional state, the duration of exposure to the drug varies in the region of 4-5 hours.

Brands of oleic acid deserve special attention. By acting on the psyche, they cause serious harm to the psyche. Even a week after consumption, people still have hallucinations, which often develop into schizophrenia.

Marks of hydrochloric acid act specifically on the human psyche. Each person has different effects.

Narcologists and psychologists strongly do not recommend trying such substances, since the consequences for the psyche are irreversible.


Brands of acid with lysergine is one of the most mysterious drugs. It was discovered quite by accident when they were looking for a cure for schizophrenia, alcoholism, cocaine and heroin addiction. Studies are ongoing to this day, perhaps it will be a good drug, although most scientists believe that the substance should be banned.


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