Chinese phrases: translation into Russian, pronunciation rules, basic and basic expressions, aphorisms and wise sayings

Chinese is a beautiful, peculiar and, undoubtedly, one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. The main difficulties on the way to mastering Chinese are in writing, consisting of hieroglyphs, pronunciation and cultural features of speech.

Recommendations for tourists

Once in China, you may notice that the Chinese speak little English: finding out the road or asking something important is sometimes really difficult. Therefore, before a trip to the Celestial Empire, it will be nice to find out how basic and simple phrases are pronounced in Chinese, but be careful: Chinese is complicated in terms of pronunciation and consists of tones. This means that different syllables can be pronounced with different intonations or tones, which is why the meaning of the word can change dramatically. Before you begin to study phrases in Chinese with translation, you should understand the main points of pronunciation and tones.

China is a country with a rich culture and traditions.

Tones and how to pronounce them correctly

There are only four tones in Chinese, and each of them is important to study.

  1. First tone. A high, even tone is indicated by a dash at the top of the syllable: mā. It reads as if you are picking a high note: la.
  2. The second tone is read as if you are asking something, with an upward intonation, and is indicated by the following line: má. Here is a simple example: you are talking to a friend, but you haven’t heard the last phrase. Then you ask: "Ah? What did you say?" This "a" in our Russian language is pronounced as the second tone in Chinese.
  3. The third tone, mă, is read very deeply and is pronounced low first, then high, as if falling, and then rising again.
  4. The fourth tone is very sharp, downward: mà. It is pronounced sharply, with sharply falling and breaking off intonation, as if we are brushing off someone. Say quickly, "That's it!" The fourth tone sounds something like that.

Why is it important to learn tones?

Let us give a classic answer to the question: is the tone really so important? Important. Many beginners do not attach much importance to pronunciation, although this is one of the most important points in learning Chinese. After all, the same simple syllable ma (ma), spoken in different tones, in the Chinese language can have radically different meanings:

  • 妈 - mā - mother (first tone);
  • 麻 - má - hemp (second tone);
  • 马 - mă - horse (third tone);
  • 骂 - mà - swearing, cursing, curse (fourth tone).
The great Wall of China

Chinese Alphabet - Pinyin

To read Chinese, you need to know what pinyin is. The pinyin system is a kind of recording of Chinese sounds, because it’s still difficult to understand how the word is read by hieroglyphs. Therefore, pinyin replaces the usual transcription, for example, in English. Many sounds that are in Chinese are neither in Russian nor in English, so you should first deal with the pronunciation first.

But remember: it is impossible to read the transcription without first familiarizing yourself with the sounds, and even more so to learn Chinese phrases without knowing the basic rules of pronunciation. Many letters that are part of the pinyin system do not sound exactly like in the same English, or even not at all.

The letters in Pinigne are divided into two categories: initials and finals.


The initials in the Chinese language are consonants, with which the syllable usually begins. To begin with, it is worth noting that in Chinese there are such concepts as aspirational and non-aspirational initials. What is aspiration? This is a light stream of air that comes out when you pronounce a certain letter. This aspiration to the sound [x] in Russian is close, but a bright sound [x] should be avoided. Place your palm in your mouth and try to exhale strongly: you will feel warm breath on your hand. About the same should be felt when pronouncing the aspiratory initial in Chinese.

There are 22 of them in a peculiar Chinese alphabet, and now we will try to parse them using the following table.

Letter designationHow to pronounce
bSomething between the sounds [p] and [b] in the Russian language.
dThe campaign on the Russian sound [d], but more deaf.
gA more muffled sound [g] in the Russian language, something in between between [g] and [k].
jWhen the next sound is pronounced, the tongue lies below, barely touching the lower teeth. Sounds soft [tz] or [dz]
zhIt looks like a combination [j], but it should be read as if with one sound.
zMore sonorous and hissing [dz]. The tongue touches the front teeth.
pThe sound of [n] aspirated. It turns out something like [ph].
tThe sound [t] with aspiration - [tx].
kThe sound [k] with the same aspiration - [kx].
qA very soft sound, similar to [ts], is breathy.
chWhen pronouncing this sound, the tongue seems to be wrapped back to the sky, a sound [wh] with a strong aspiration is obtained.
cA dull, hissing sound [tf] with a strong aspiration.
mRussian sound [m] with a stronger stress during pronunciation. The sound as if breaks out.
nIt sounds like a Russian sound [n], but the language here is a little raised.
ngThe nasal sound [n], like the -ing ending in English, is only deeper.
xSounds like a hissing sound [smiling].
shTongue turns to the sky, a more hissing sound [w].
sTense sound [s].
fThe sound [f].
lRussian sound [l], but when pronouncing it, his language drops a little.
hMore intense Russian sound [x].
rThere is no such sound in the Russian language, but it is closer to the Russian sound [w]. In this case, the language still turns towards the sky, as when pronouncing the sounds sh or ch


Typical chinese street

Finals in Chinese are vowels. They are single and combined (diphthongs). There are 38 finals in total. Enough, right?

Letter designationHow to pronounce
aMore intense Russian [a].
oMore intense Russian [o].
eSomething between the sounds [e] and [s]. When pronouncing this sound, the mouth should take such a position as if you were going to say [oh], but actually say [e].
üYou will not find such a sound in either Russian or English. In order to reproduce this sound, you need to close your lips, as in the pronunciation of [yu], but pronounce [iu].
ang[eng], but n is the sound of the nose, ng.
ieIt looks like a combination [s], but at the same time it is pronounced as if together.
iao[yao] or [yao]
iu / iou[yo]
iang[yang] with a nasal sound at the end.
ingLike the ending ing in English, the sound is nasal.
iongLike a combination [yong], with the sound of a nasal.
uaSimilar to [wa], or [wa], where y is a short and deep sound.
uo[wo] or [wo]
uaiLike the English word "why". [wye].
ui / uei[way], but uh, a short sound.
eng[en], the sound at the end of the nasal.
eiSoft [hey]
uan[one], y is deep.
un / uen[wen], uh - a short sound.
uang[wang] with nasal sound n.
ueng[wang] with nasal sound n.
ong[ong], the sound is n - nasal.
iong[yong], at the end of the nasal sound.
üeClose to a combination of sounds [yue].
erThe tip of the tongue seems to bend back and sounds like a combination of Russian sounds [ar].

If you want to learn Chinese or have already begun, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the points of pronunciation: this is almost the most important thing in Chinese.

Typical types of China

Simple Chinese phrases. Greetings and Farewell

If you are going to China as a tourist, it will be useful to learn basic phrases in Chinese. It contains all the simplest and most needed phrases that may come in handy during your trip.

  1. The easiest way - 你好 - nǐ hǎo - Hello! (Probably, many Russian people know this word, but if you were not familiar with it earlier, we advise you to get acquainted before going to China, because it is simple and universal.)
  2. 您好! - nín hǎo - Hello. (This is a more polite and formal way to greet a person than the previous one.)
  3. 你们 好 - nǐmen hǎo - Hello. (This greeting is used to say hello to several people at once.)
  4. 欢迎 - huānyíng - Welcome!
  5. 你 好吗? - nǐ hǎo ma - How are you? How are you? (This simple phrase can be said when you greet someone not for the first time. If you have already seen this person before, you can ask “nǐ hǎo ma?” And thereby show courtesy and some interest.)
  6. 早安! - zǎo ān! - Good morning! (Strange, but the Chinese especially like to use "good morning," and "good afternoon" or "good evening" are not so common.)
  7. 再见! - zàijiàn - Goodbye! (The most famous and easiest way to say goodbye to someone.)
  8. 晚上 见! - wǎnshàng jiàn! - Until the evening! (assumes an early meeting)
  9. 明天 见! - míngtiān jiàn! - Till tomorrow!
  10. 祝 你 好运 - zhù nǐ hǎo yùn! - Good luck!
  11. 晚安 - Wǎn'ān - Good night! / Good night!
Traditional chinese food

Key phrases

To communicate with native Chinese speakers, it’s important to know words such as “yes” or “no,” as well as “please” and “thank you.” It is these basic phrases in Chinese with pronunciation that we will now analyze.

  1. 是 - shì - Yes.
  2. 不是 - bù shì - No.
  3. 谢谢! - xiè xie - Thank you!
  4. 不用 谢 - bù yòng xiè - Not at all (response to thanks).
  5. 不客气 - bù kèqì - Please! (the answer to "thank you", literally translated as "do not be shy").
  6. 对不起 - duìbuqǐ - Please forgive me!
  7. 抱歉 - bàoqiàn - Sorry, sorry!
  8. 没关系 - méi guānxi - It's okay.
  9. 好 - hǎo - Good (As consent).
  10. 借 过 - Jièguò - Let me pass.


Phrases in Chinese with translation and pronunciation:

  1. To introduce yourself, you need to say: 我 叫 (here is your name) - Wǒ jiào - My name is (name).
  2. To ask the name of the interlocutor in an informal and friendly manner after they introduced themselves: 你 呢? - nǐ ne? - And what's your name?
  3. A more polite and formal way to ask a name: 怎么 称呼? -Zěnme chēnghu? “What should I call you?”
  4. Another neutral and more universal way to ask a name: 你 叫 什么? - nǐ jiào shénme? - What is your name?
  5. 很 高兴! - hěn gāoxìng! - Very nice! (After meeting).
  6. 很 高兴 认识 你 - hěn gāoxìng rènsh nǐ! - Pleased to meet you.
  7. To explain to the interlocutor where you came from, you can say: 我 从 (country, city) 来 - wǒ cóng ___ lái - I come from / I came from ...
  8. 你 多大 了? - nǐ duō dà le? - How old are you?
  9. 我 (number) 岁. - I'm ___ years old.
View of Shanghai

About languages: phrases into Chinese with translation into Russian

It is very difficult to overcome the language barrier in a foreign country. To understand what language a person speaks, you need to know the following Chinese phrases in Russian.

  1. 你 说 俄语 吗? - nǐ shuō èyǔ ma? - Do you speak Russian?
  2. 你 说 英语 吗? - nǐ shuō yīngyǔ ma? - Do you speak English?
  3. 我 不 说 汉语 - wǒ bù shuō hànyǔ - I don't speak Chinese.
  4. 我 说 一点儿 汉语 - wǒ shuō yīdiǎn er hànyǔ - I only speak a little Chinese.
  5. 你 懂 我 在 说 什么 吗? - nǐ dǒng wǒ zài shuō shénme ma? - Do you understand what I'm saying? / Do you understand me?
  6. 请 再说 一遍 - qǐng zài shuō yī biàn - Please repeat what you said.
  7. 我 不懂 - wǒ bù dǒng - I don't understand.
Chinese culture is very distinctive

Travel phrases

Travelers should always have a phrasebook with simple phrases and at least have a little command of English, in which case. English is poorly spoken in China, so in the Middle Kingdom you cannot do without a translator or at least the simplest phrasebook. It is very difficult to pronounce Chinese phrases, and a native speaker can hardly understand you if you do not study Chinese more deeply, so it’s better to just show a Chinese phrase in your phrasebook or translate it using your smartphone.

  1. 最近 的 厕所 在 哪里? - zuìjìn de cèsuǒ zài nǎlǐ? - Where is the nearest toilet?
  2. 我 怎样 可以 到 市里? - wǒ zěnyàng kěyǐ dào shì lǐ? - How can I get to the city?
  3. 我 怎样 可以 到 宾馆? - wǒ zěnyàng kěyǐ dào bīnguǎn? - How can I get to the hotel?
  4. 请问 坐 哪 路 公交 车 可以 到 市中心 吗? - qǐngwèn zuò nǎ lù gōngjiāo chē kěyǐ dào shì zhōngxīn ma? - Which bus goes to the city center?
  5. 最近 的 地铁 站在 哪儿? - Where is the nearest metro station?
  6. 在 哪儿 可以 稍微 吃点 东西? -Zài nǎ'er kěyǐ shāowéi chī diǎn dōngxī? - Where can I eat?
  7. 你们 有 俄语 菜单 吗? - Nǐmen yǒu èyǔ càidān ma? - Do you have a menu in Russian?
  8. 卫生间 在 哪里? - Wèishēngjiān zài nǎlǐ? - Where is the toilet?
  9. 超市 在 哪里? - Chāoshì zài nǎlǐ? - Where is the supermarket here?
  10. 这个 多少 钱? - Zhège duōshǎo qián? - How much is it?
  11. 试衣间 在 哪里? - Shì yī jiān zài nǎlǐ? - Where's the fitting room?
  12. 这个 对 我 来说 太贵 了 - Zhège duì wǒ lái shuō tài guìle - This is too expensive for me.
  13. 我 需要 另一个 号 - Wǒ xūyào lìng yīgè hào - Give me a different size / I need a different size.
  14. 我 穿 ___ 的 号 - Wǒ chuān ___ de hào - I wear ___ size.
  15. 请问, ___ 街路 在 哪里 - Qǐngwèn, ___ jiēlù zài nǎlǐ - Sorry, don’t tell me where the street is (street name).
  16. 从 这里 到 市中心 远 吗? - Cóng zhèlǐ dào shì zhōngxīn yuǎn ma? - Far from here to the city center?
  17. ___ 在 哪里? - ___ Zài nǎlǐ? - Where is ___?
  18. 我 迷路 了 - Wǒ mílùle - I got lost.
  19. 我 感觉 身体 不 舒服 - Wǒ gǎnjué shēntǐ bú shūfú - I don't feel very well.

Aphorisms, wise sayings and phrases with translation

Like all languages ​​and peoples in the world, Chinese for its long and rich history has gathered many proverbs, wise sayings and expressions. Chinese culture is very distinctive, and the Chinese are not in vain considered a wise people. Below are the most beautiful phrases in Chinese.

  • 十年 樹木 , 百年樹人 - To grow a tree, it will take tens of years to grow a person - a hundred.
  • 欲速 则不 达 - Doing things quicker won't finish the job. The Chinese analogue of the Russian proverb "Slower you go - you will continue."
  • 广 交友 , 无 深交 - Being friends with everyone means you are not friendly with anyone.
  • 空穴来风 未必 无 因 - The wind blows from an empty cave for a reason. It is very similar in meaning to the Russian proverb "There is no smoke without fire."
  • 善良 胜过 一切 美貌 - Kindness conquers all beauty.
  • 机不可失 , 时不再来 - The time that is lost cannot be returned. Do not miss the opportunity.
  • 花 有 重 开 日 , 人 无 再 少年 - If a flower blooms again, then a person will never become young again.
  • 小洞 不 补 , 大 洞 吃苦 - Without closing a small hole, you will find yourself with a large hole. There is a gap, there will be a hole.
  • 三人 一条心 , 黄土 变成 金 - If three people come in one, the earth will turn into gold.
  • 吃 一 堑 , 长 一 智 - Become smarter when you lose / fail.
  • 只要 功夫 深 , 铁杵磨成针 - By working a lot, you can turn an iron rod into a small needle. Russian counterpart: "Patience and labor will grind everything."
  • 冰冻 三尺 , 非 一日 之 寒 - Meter blocks of ice do not form in one day. Russian counterpart: "Moscow was not immediately built."
  • 一日 之 计 在于 晨 - Morning determines the whole day. Russian counterpart: "The evening is wiser than the evening."
  • 执 子 之 手 , 与 子 偕老 - Aging together, holding hands (Eternal love is meant).
  • 星星之火 , 可以 燎原 - One small spark can cause a huge fire (Butterfly Effect).


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