Meat transportation: rules, conditions and requirements

Transportation, transportation of meat is a responsible process. It should provide a solution to the main problem - maintaining the quality of perishable products. This is primarily related to cooled, chilled, frozen, frozen meat. Moreover, each type of such products requires compliance with specific conditions of transportation.


The history of the modern meat transportation industry begins in the 17th century. In 1662, the Englishman Pincher created a company that packaged pork in barrels of salt to transport it by ships in the colony.

The first transportation of frozen meat (beef) took place in 1867. Then, ice was used as a refrigerant in railway cars. In the mid-eighties of the XIX century, mechanical cooling began to be used. And the first freezing equipment was created in 1893 with the invention of the ice generator.

The first refrigerated truck was launched in 1924. However, only in the 60s of the XX century, the transport of meat by cars became mass.


Before transporting meat and meat products, they are primarily prepared accordingly. According to global practice and the rules of Rospotrebnadzor, these products are divided into categories, namely: cooled, chilled, frozen, frozen meat.

Meat freezer

Cooled meat

It turns out when twelve hours have passed since the slaughter. At the same time, the meat was in natural conditions or in cooled, ventilated rooms. Its surface must be dry. Inside the muscles, the temperature is 12-15 degrees.

Chilled meat

This product is characterized by the fact that in the thickness of its muscles the temperature is maintained close to that at which the tissue fluid freezes. It should not exceed plus four degrees. Chilled products can be transported, but the distances should be small.

Frozen Meat

This product is more resistant to storage conditions than chilled. Partial freezing in carcasses (half carcasses) is carried out in volume up to twenty-five percent, starting with the surface layer. However, transportation of frozen meat has its drawbacks, since insignificant non-compliance with the temperature rules of transportation can lead to thawing and damage.

Frozen meat

In order to avoid damage to meat by microbiological factors, it is frozen to minus eight degrees. This temperature should be achieved in the thickness of the meat muscles. In this case, its transportation is possible in refrigerators.

Meat blocks

In order to carry out transportation in large volumes, frozen meat is cut into blocks. Their transportation is carried out according to certain rules:

  1. By rail in accordance with the existing regulatory documents developed by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation.
  2. Water transport in accordance with the provisions of the transport of perishable goods.
  3. By road, in cars with body cooling - in warm weather. When setting cold times, the blocks can be transported in uncooled car bodies if they are covered with tarpaulin or other waterproof materials.

Transportation process

Frozen meat for transportation

Transportation of meat outside the city is allowed only in a frozen, chilled or cooled state. Transportation of defrosted and paired raw materials is prohibited.

Frozen meat products in motor vehicle bodies must be laid out in stacks so that the volume is maximally used.

Cooled, chilled products, packed in containers, are laid according to certain schemes that provide air circulation. In this case, the rule applies - the top row from the ceiling of the body must be located at a distance of 30–35 cm or more. Gaps between the last row of the load and the body wall are not permitted.

The placement of packaged meat and meat products in the body must be carried out in such a way that the goods could not move.

Transportation of turkey meat

Chilled and cooled cattle meat (pork, horse meat, lamb) must be loaded into the body exclusively by hanging on hooks. It is possible to use rack pallets. In them, the transport of cattle meat is carried out when cutting into quarters. Pork is chopped into half carcasses. Lamb can be transported in its entirety. Transportation of chilled meat is carried out by transport, which is called "carriage".

Refrigerators that are loaded with meat are sealed without fail. Transportation of such products is possible only if there are relevant documents issued by the structures of veterinary and sanitary supervision.

Separate rules for the transport of meat

The meat of cattle (pork, horse meat, lamb, etc.) is transported without heads. Carcasses must be cleaned and cut in the established order. Bruising, blood traces are unacceptable on them. The meat should not contain residues of the contents of the stomach, intestines of animals and other substances. It is possible to transport goat, mutton with kidneys and perinephric fat. On transported carcasses, the presence of snow and ice is unacceptable.

Hooked Chilled Pork

Meat blocks intended for transportation are wrapped in parchment or other transparent film, packaged in containers, boxes made using corrugated cardboard. Sausage and meat products, smoked products, are transported only in boxes in which there are gaps.

Salted meat and meat products can be transported in barrels, while its presence in brine is more than ten days.

The carcasses of rabbits are transported exclusively frozen, they are packed in boxes.

Offal products, which include stomachs, ears, heads, lungs, tongues, liver, etc., are transported in a frozen state. They are packed in boxes, cardboard boxes, cloth bags, or kraft paper packaging. In this case, it is necessary to check the goods for the establishment of freshness.

Poultry meat: how to transport

Transportation of poultry meat is carried out in frozen and chilled form. It needs to be packed in boxes. For chilled birds, containers are used that have gaps.

Preparing the bird for transportation

The game can be feathered, however, it can only be frozen and in packaging, boxes.

Birds with mold, souring, a moistened surface, or mucus cannot be transported.

General transportation rules

For transporting meat through the territory of Russia, transport is used, which has a sanitary passport. It is issued by Rospotrebnadzor divisions for each vehicle. Its validity period is limited to 6 months.

Road transport

The main requirements for the carriage of meat by cars are that it is allowed to transport it in a refrigerated, frozen and cooled state. Transportation of fresh, defrosted (thawed) meat is prohibited by road.

Meat Disruption

If there is a non-specialized transport, then it is possible to carry cooled and cooled meat exclusively in special boxes. They are upholstered inside with white tin, galvanized metal and other permitted materials. In this case, tightly fitting covers are mandatory.

You can transport chilled meat in bulk. However, the number of layers is no more than two. At the same time, the underbody must be thoroughly washed, lined with tarpaulin, then sheets. From above, the meat is also covered with sheets, then tarpaulin.

Ice cream meat can be transported in stacks in open bodies. Moreover, the rules are the same as for the above cases.

Unauthorized persons must not be present along with the meat and meat products stored in the machine. The exception is the conditions when there are specially prepared places.

Mandatory for carcasses of meat and its parts the presence on them of the stigma of a veterinary examination, easy to read.

In the warm season, meat can be transported in open transport. However, the transportation period should not exceed the period during which its quality is maintained.

Meat Car

The transportation of meat in vehicles, bodies, containers contaminated with oil products, smelling substances, as well as with cargo that has a sharp specific smell, is unacceptable.


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