How to choose a machine for welding plastic pipes? Welding equipment for plastic pipes

Today, more and more often plastic pipes are used for the installation of water pipes. This is due not only to their durability, but also to good performance properties. Due to the high thermal parameters, polypropylene pipes are excellent for supplying hot water. To connect them together, gluing, crimping with couplings and welding are used. The latter species is considered the most preferred. But in this case, you will need an apparatus for welding plastic pipes. We will talk about how to choose it in this article.

apparatus for welding plastic pipes

A little about welding features

Polypropylene pipe can be mounted in the system using several types of welding: butt, socket and socket. If you have no desire to purchase couplings and fittings, then you need to choose the butt connection method, since it is considered the most economical. Of course, you will need a machine for welding plastic pipes. The principle of operation of the unit is similar to a soldering iron, so it is sometimes called just that. The device is necessary for heating the connected ends of the pipes. Docking is implemented in several ways. The most popular is contact-butt. Its essence is to connect the molten ends under pressure. The strength of the seam in most cases is not inferior to the strength of the pipe. The main condition is to ensure high temperature, so the selected soldering iron should be heated to 250-260 degrees Celsius.

Apparatus for welding plastic pipes: manual or mechanical?

We all know that welding equipment provides a one- piece connection by heating the machined surfaces and their further connection. It is worth paying your attention to the fact that welding equipment for metal products and plastic have a number of features and design differences. Units for working with polypropylene can be divided into two large groups:

  • mechanical equipment - used to create permanent connections of large diameter pipes, as well as where it is necessary to apply great effort;
  • a manual welding machine is an ideal solution for use in domestic conditions (with the help of such an assembly, pipes whose diameter does not exceed 12.5 cm can be connected).

plastic pipe welding

Details of mechanical equipment

If you are going to earn money on welding, then you definitely should give preference to a professional model. Most of the mechanical equipment for connecting polypropylene pipes is designed for intensive use, unlike manual units. The device is a support frame on which the instrument unit and hydraulic unit are located. On both sides of the device there are half rings with grips. Between the grippers install liners, which are necessary for uniform distribution of pressure during connection and alignment. The inner diameter of each liner corresponds to the diameter of the processed pipe. The working body (heating element) is a cast disc with a special coating. Inside it are the heating elements. It is worth noting that the welding of plastic pipes takes place with temperature control. Any professional welder has such an assembly, but this does not mean that he does not have a manual apparatus. This is due to the fact that this device is better suited for large diameter pipes.

plastic welding

Iron, or manual machine for welding plastic pipes

Most of us choose a welding machine for one-time jobs. Of course, in the future this tool will come in handy, but it is unlikely that it will be intensively used. The device is called an iron for a reason, because by the principle of operation it resembles precisely this household appliance. The main differences are only in design. The design implies the presence of a heating plate and a temperature regulator. For the comfort of the work performed there is a special handle. At the end of the heating plate there are two holes in which the two ends of the pipes are inserted. The Teflon coating prevents the molten pipe from sticking to the plate.

Pay attention to the product structure.

When buying a product, it is extremely important to pay attention to the configuration in which it is provided. It all depends on the company of the manufacturer, however, you can highlight the main elements that must be present.

If you are going to work with pipes of one, at most two diameters, then in addition to the unit, only the key for nozzles can be included in the kit. Again, this is a very modest configuration, which is not always suitable. If you are an amateur, it is better to give preference to a kit where there will be nozzles for working with polypropylene pipes of the following dimeters: 20, 25, 32 and 40 mm, which are the most common.

plastic pipe welding machine
There is also a complete set. This option is the most expensive, so it is very popular only among professionals. If you are an amateur, then this equipment is unlikely to be useful to you. Well, now we will go directly to the criteria by which you need to buy a tool.

Equipment power

Of course, the apparatus for welding plastic pipes should be quite powerful. This parameter determines not only the maximum possible machined diameter, but also the speed of the work. Based on this, we can conclude that the larger the estimated amount of work, the higher the power required.

In many cases, an average power tool of 1.5-2.0 kW will be sufficient. But in most cases it is advisable to use a slightly different approach. It consists in the fact that the diameter of the processed pipe is multiplied by 10. As a result, you can get the minimum required power of the equipment. In this case, the welding of plastic pipes will take place, without any problems. It turns out that if you want to solder pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, then 50 x 10 = 500 watts. But it is strongly not recommended to buy a low-power tool, it is better to take with a margin of 20-40%.

soldering iron for welding plastic pipes

Manufacturer's choice

When choosing, it makes sense to pay attention to the company that produces welding equipment. It is worth noting that plastic welding is a very important task, and the state of the joint and its durability will depend on the quality of the tool.

To date, the best soldering irons are made in the Czech Republic by Daytron. Equipment from this manufacturer has earned worldwide recognition. Distinctive features: high quality and wide functionality. It is worth noting that a soldering iron for welding plastic pipes from the Czech Republic costs a lot, so Turkish products will be a good alternative. For example, the Kandan welding unit is designed to work with pipes with a diameter of 16-160 mm. Moreover, the quality is very good, and the price is acceptable.

plastic pipe welding instruction


That, in principle, is all that can be said about the choice of equipment. Remember that welding plastic may cause burns. For this simple reason, when you purchase equipment, instructions are attached to it. If this was not included in the kit, then consult with professionals or experienced welders. They will tell you how to weld plastic pipes. The instruction, however, is nevertheless desirable and should be read in any case, and all the requirements given there should be followed. Do not forget about it. And all will be well.


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