How to deal with dust in the apartment: a review of effective methods and recommendations

Any housewife knows several methods how to deal with dust in the apartment. However, as you do not destroy the plaque on furniture, household appliances, paintings, it still reappears. Where do these dust particles boring all come from?

Dust origin

Scientists estimate that forty-three million tons of dust settles in America over the year. More than seventy percent is dust of natural origin. The remaining thirty percent falls on the one that appears as a result of human activity. Its main producers are:

  • the soil;
  • oceans - small drops of water rising into the air, when evaporated, saturate the atmosphere with salt crystals;
  • volcanoes, forest fires - constant fires and eruptions on different continents of the planet throw more than fourteen million tons of dust and ash into the air;
  • Sahara Desert - streams of air lift and carry over the world more than one hundred and ninety million tons of sand dust;
  • space - on the planet the remains of flying comets or burned in the atmosphere of comets or meteorites settle;
  • pollen.

Even in an apartment with tightly closed windows and without residents, more than ten thousand dusty particles are collected over a half-month on one square centimeter of the surfaces of the floor and furniture.

Fighting dust with appliances

how to deal with dust in apartment appliances

Consultants working in household appliances stores will advise you on how to deal with dust in your apartment. Devices that greatly facilitate this process are represented by several types:

  • vacuum cleaner - must have the function of wet air filtration so that the dust does not rise after cleaning;
  • air humidifiers - such devices, having built-in programs, will instantly saturate the apartmentโ€™s dry air with moisture, and will not allow dust particles to fly;
  • hygrometer - this device will show the humidity level in the apartment.

Dust control plants

how to deal with dust in apartment tips

A large number of plants do an excellent job of cleaning the air in the apartment, collect dust and other particles that harm residents. How to deal with dust in the apartment? Tips will help identify plants that help in this:

  1. Chlorophytum. It absorbs substances toxic to humans, including carbon monoxide, formaldehyde.
  2. Ficus Benjamin, Aloe. Deals with toxic compounds that secrete plastic products and furniture.
  3. Spathiphyllum. It is not replaceable in the fight against mold, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene elements.
  4. Geranium, citruses, laurel noble. Destroy pathogenic microbes, viruses, substances, bacteria.
  5. Mother-in-law's tongue. Fights nitrogen oxides.
  6. Gerbera, dracaena. Absorb benzene, trichlorethylene and carbon dioxide, while generating oxygen.
  7. Cypress. It attracts negative ions with which electrical appliances saturate the air and produces positive ions.
  8. Begonia. Humidifies the air, kills fungi and germs, reduces the harmful effects of electrical appliances.
  9. Dieffenbachia. It can crack down on staphylococci, as well as toxic compounds (toluene and xylene) that secrete varnished surfaces.
  10. Scheffler. Absorbs smoking tar and nicotine, purifying the air for residents.

Dust bags in an apartment setting

there is a lot of dust in the apartment how to fight

Being in your own home, you involuntarily notice that there is a lot of dust in the apartment. How to deal with it, if the devices do not really help? First of all, it is necessary to review things that are placed in cabinets, bedside tables and, if possible, get rid or replace them, namely:

  • throw away or reduce the number of carpet products - you can leave it for beauty and comfort, if only you can vacuum them often;
  • an incredibly large number of figurines, decorative crafts, pictures and napkins - must be folded in one place (cabinet or box);
  • objects that are not used - remove or discard;
  • dense curtains, heavy curtains - it is necessary to replace wooden or plastic blinds;
  • if possible, remove the woolen interior elements, and replace the fluff or feather that is in the pillows or seats with a synthetic filler.

We remove dust in hard to reach places

how to deal with dust a list of effective ways

When starting cleaning, it is necessary to take into account that in any room there are many inaccessible places that accumulate a large number of dust particles.

One of these is the soft surface of furniture. In order to get rid of dust, a wet sheet rests on the soft part. Having picked up a carpet beater, walk through all the covered places. The dust that is inside the chair or sofa is absorbed by the damp sheet. After removing it, it is advisable to vacuum again the soft parts of the furniture sets.

The following dust stores include bookshelves. To remove dust deposits from books, you must first go with a vacuum cleaner. To do this, use a brush with long villi. Then it is imperative to clean the entire surface of the collected literature and bookshelves with a damp cloth.

A sufficient amount of dust is also collected on the ceilings in the apartment. Dust deposits can be removed from suspended ceilings using soapy water, a ladder and a brush. Ceiling surfaces painted with paint or lime are cleaned using an ordinary mop with a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner, which has a long-bristle brush in stock.

Household chemicals - cleaning assistant

how to deal with dust in an apartment efficiently and quickly

On the shelves of shops you can find a lot of special household chemicals. The most popular means solve the problem of how to deal with dust in an apartment efficiently and quickly.

Furniture polish, in most cases, has an antistatic effect. Using this tool in cleaning rooms, the amount of dust particles settles much less. This effect is caused by a smooth surface. After use, the furniture shines and there are no stains on it.

Napkins with antibacterial impregnation perfectly clean and disinfect any items in the apartment. Using them, they rub the furniture, giving shine. They are ideal for glass and plastic products, mirror surfaces, computer and digital technology.

A special spray with which dust is removed from household appliances. This tool removes dust deposits from TVs, desktops, keyboards, scanners, printers, and cameras. Despite the inclusion in the network, such a spray can be used on a working technique.

Spray for the destruction of dust mites also excellently copes with cleaning and deals with allergens. Just one treatment of upholstered furniture surfaces, carpets, mattresses, blankets, curtains guarantees protection against parasites for six months.

DIY dust control products

how to deal with dust in the apartment home tips

Many do not trust ready-made cleaning products. How to deal with dust in the apartment? Home cooking tips will surely help:

  1. Carpet Cleaner. Pour 1 cup of water with two glasses of baking soda, four bay leaves, a pinch of cinnamon or cloves. To process a carpet with a solution. Vacuum a few hours later. Soda will remove dust and dirt accumulated in the carpet, and spices will leave a light aroma and disinfect.
  2. Bathroom Cleaner. Add half a glass of soda to a glass of vinegar. After mixing these ingredients, apply to the surface. Wash off after fifteen minutes, having previously rubbed the treated area.
  3. Cleaning wipes. Old things are cut into neat rags. Pour one fourth of vinegar into a glass container, then add water. Add a few drops of any essential oil to the aromatization solution and lower the wipes. Close tightly with a lid. Such rags should be wiped household appliances, kitchen items.
  4. Means for furniture. Add one fourth of vinegar to the glass container under the lid, then fill to the top with any vegetable oil. Add the juice of half a lemon or one tablespoon of the finished lemon juice. Store liquid in the refrigerator. Shake at the beginning of use.

Key recommendations for dust control

how to deal with dust in an apartment

How to deal with dust? The list of effective methods begins with the mandatory ventilation of the room. Favorite apartment - enclosed space. There is always less dust on the street, because the dispersion volumes are not comparable with the area of โ€‹โ€‹the apartment. It is necessary to start cleaning with wide open windows, in which mosquito nets are located that protect against the ingress of dust from the street.

Next, we determine the amount of work that needs to be done. The scattered clothes are sent to the washing basket; we put the scattered toys neatly in the children's room; things that are not in their place, we return back.

Vacuum all the soft parts of cabinet furniture. Use a damp cloth to knock dust out of it. We clean carpet products using special cleaning products.

If possible, wash the windows and wash the hanging curtains, curtains, tulle. Before you hang clean products, it is advisable to process them with hot steam or iron them. This process allows you to get rid of dust particles and disinfect window curtains.

We arrange wet cleaning for plants that care about the microclimate in the apartment. Wipe their leaves with a wet cloth, spray and water.

All items located in the house, wipe with a damp cloth, the floor is washed clean.

When asked how to deal with dust in an apartment, the famous actress replied that dust does not bother anyone if you do not touch it. A universal remedy does not exist. It must be remembered that cleaning is much easier and less time-consuming if you maintain order in your apartment every day.


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