Iron Sulfate: Composition, Formula, Properties, Purpose and Application

Since iron sulfate is a simple to obtain and affordable chemical substance, it is widely used in various fields. In everyday life, it is a famous iron sulfate, common in gardening. If we talk about the application on a large scale, then it is used not only in the agricultural industry, but also in industry.

What is this substance?

Iron sulfate is an inorganic substance, a combination of sulfuric acid and iron salt, colorless, opaque, odorless. Crystal hydrates are pale bluish-green in color, transparent, tetrahydrates (FeSO 4 · 4H 2 O) are green, and monohydrates (FeSO 4 · H 2 O) are colorless. The substance tastes sharply astringent, with a metallic flavor. From the name it is clear that it has a strong acid component, the molar mass of the reagent is 151 g / mol. The formula of iron sulfate is FeSO 4 .

iron ii sulfate

In air, the substance erodes, losing the crystallization liquid in the process. The compound quickly dissolves in water at a temperature of 20 ° C. Its toxicity is relatively small. Of liquid mixtures, only the bluish-green heptahydrate, better known as iron sulfate (FeSO 4 · 7H 2 O), has the ability to crystallize. Due to its properties, the substance is used in chemistry classes, showing students how unusual crystals can be grown from it in a short time.

The properties

Iron sulfate is isolated from liquid mixtures at positive temperatures from 1.82 to 56.8 degrees in the form of iron sulfate. A saturated solution is obtained by mixing 100 ml of water and 26.6 g of anhydrous ferrous iron at 20 ° C, and 54.4 g at 56 ° C. Iron sulfate (II) under the influence of oxygen has the property of oxidizing, passing into the III form. When heated to a temperature of more than 480 ° C, it begins to decompose.

iron sulfate gost

One of its most important properties is its need for the human body to maintain active life. In its natural form, the element is found in many food products: apples, nuts, pomegranates, buckwheat, beef liver.

Receiving a substance

Ammonium sulfate of iron is produced by exposure to iron scrap in a dilute solution of sulfuric acid. On an industrial scale, it is obtained as a result of etching of various iron materials, wire, etc. It is also a by-product in the production of titanium oxide from an element such as ilmenite.

Iron sulfate is found in nature and in its purest form. Geologists know it as a mineral called melanterite.

Industrial application

Iron sulfate is a compound that metallurgists often have to deal with, since it is a by-product in many plants of this type.

use in metallurgy

It is natural that using a resource is much more profitable and more convenient for an enterprise than disposing of it. For example, iron sulfate is used as a top dressing for many garden crops. It is on a special account with summer residents.

On an industrial scale, iron sulfate is widely used in the textile industry. A solution based on it makes it possible to dye fabrics in black. Probably, every person at home has one or more things processed with a dye created on the basis of iron sulfate. Not many people know that this substance is used to produce ink for pens.

Iron sulfate (GOST 4148-78) is also used as a reagent in the production of ferrites.

Medical use

This is an indispensable tool for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in adults and children. Based on it, tablets, liquid preparations, capsules are produced, which are freely available and dispensed without a doctor’s prescription.

iron sulfate formula

It is worth noting here that iron - this is one of the most important components that make up hemoglobin, is of vital importance to humans. In cases of severe injuries and major blood loss, iron-containing drugs are prescribed without fail. The most common of them: “Hemofer”, “Maltofer”, “Sorbifer Durules”, “Ferlatum” and others. Often they are combined with vitamin C as a powerful antioxidant.

Agricultural application

Iron sulfate has found its application in agriculture. Particularly widely used among farmers is iron sulfate as a fungicide to combat the numerous fungal diseases to which plants are susceptible. Moreover, they disinfect the walls of basements and vegetable stores.

ammonium iron sulfate

A solution of ferrous sulfate on an ongoing basis is used for seed treatment. In this way, their infection with harmful microorganisms is excluded, germination is increased, and infection of other crops is excluded. It is important to note the undeniable benefits of iron sulfate as an effective fertilizer for a certain type of soil and crops.

Garden application

This is one of the most important branches of agriculture, so iron sulfate is used here quite widely. The main applications are sanitary treatment of premises, preventive treatment of wood from house fungus, whitewashing of young plantings in the spring.

iron sulfate

Iron sulfate is best suited for protecting flowers and horticultural crops from pests. For this, the plants are sprayed with a ready-made solution based on iron, which, in addition, begin to bloom more magnificent. That is, the substance also serves as a nutrient bait. It is worthwhile to know that lime cannot be added to it, only copper sulfate is allowed.

To achieve a better result, it is necessary to introduce mineral foliar fertilizers into the soil in the form of an aqueous solution (5 g per bucket of water). Such top dressing will favorably affect the yield of, for example, strawberries and currants. It is equally effective to use it in combination with compost. The dosage in this case should be 100 g per bucket of organics. By feeding garden crops in this way, in the fall you can harvest a rich crop, which in volume will be much larger than what was grown without fertilizer.

Application in viticulture

Many summer residents are trying to plant grape crops on the house plot. At the same time, the bush is fruitful not only in the southern regions of the country, but also in the middle lane. If you provide him with proper care, you can collect a good crop. The main secret of experienced gardeners is to spray vineyards in the fall with iron sulfate. With it, you can resist the attack of harmful bacteria and various kinds of microorganisms. Do not regret the nutrient solution of iron sulfate, it is necessary to spray the vine with it strongly enough, as well as cultivate the soil around the vine bush, as pests can multiply in it.

The use of iron sulfate for the vineyard is also effective in the spring. Such top dressing will allow the plant to tolerate possible frosts more easily. In addition, solution treatment will slightly inhibit kidney growth. That is why it is important to spray before the first leaves appear. In addition, when a liquid solution with a high concentration gets on them, burns form.

Before planting the cuttings in the ground, they will also not be amiss to moisten with a solution of iron sulfate. Prepare it in the same way as for spraying. Such processing will allow scraps to take root faster and germinate. The composition retains its beneficial properties for three months from the date of preparation.

Spraying trees

Experienced summer residents consider this manipulation an important procedure. They note that before spraying horticultural crops, it is important to properly prepare a solution of iron sulfate, avoiding too much concentration.

As a prevention and control of harmful insects, moss and various types of lichen, a 5% composition is prepared (500 g of substance is dissolved in a bucket of water). Spraying is carried out twice a year, in early spring and autumn after harvesting. For processing shrub and stone fruit crops, the same schedule is followed, however, the concentration in this case should be less (300 g of substance per 10 liters of water).

ferrous sulfate

For chemists and technologists, iron sulfate is one of the many chemical compounds that can be obtained artificially. For a person who is far from this science, iron sulfate is a tool that helps to solve pressing domestic issues in the garden and vegetable garden, construction, and medicine.

The article describes the production and use of iron sulfate in industry and for the livelihoods of people in everyday life, its use for the treatment of certain diseases in children and adults is described. A detailed description of the use of this substance in horticulture is also given.


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