Winter depression. How to avoid it?

Perhaps there are few people who can safely say that winter depression is not for them. Alas, the facts speak for themselves: one way or another, but every third experiences the symptoms of winter depression. And here, domestic statistics are not much different from foreign ones. For example, in Germany and England, a third of the residents admitted that they are hard-suffering the autumn-winter months.

What is winter depression and is there any salvation from it?

Experts call winter depression a seasonal emotional disorder. Perhaps this definition does not reveal the whole essence of depression, but only general symptoms. Winter depression is nothing more than a violation of the emotional sphere, leading to disruptions in the functioning of the whole organism. If it were only emotions!

So, depressed mood entails sleep disturbances. This is just one option. No, sleep disturbance does not mean that you are tormented by insomnia. On the contrary, you can sleep for a long time, but it is difficult to call such a dream restorative. Wake up and feel tired again. Early awakenings or frequent awakenings in the middle of the night can sometimes disturb.

In addition, have you noticed that attacks of drowsiness happen for no apparent reason? It seems that they slept for 8, or even 10 hours, and in the middle of the day their eyes close again and thoughts are no longer about work, but only about how to survive until the evening, come home and fall back into bed again.

Another depressive state is expressed in attachment to something, even in dependence. This means that often depression wants to "get stuck." Food, as it seems to many, improves mood and makes you feel a little better. Therefore, often between the words winter depression and dependence on food, you can put an equal sign. But such an imaginary β€œtreatment” of depression with food, or, as mentioned above, seizing, can play a trick and only aggravate the situation. As a result, overweight appears, the state of health worsens, that is, depression is again aggravated.

In general, a person would be glad to get rid of this scourge, but not everything is as simple as it was thought before.

Winter depression usually occurs in November and lasts until March-April. Just think - 4-5 months are simply torn out of life!
Why is depression occurring?

Depression is the result of a deficiency of sunlight, more specifically the hormones serotonin and melanin, which are produced by the hypothalamus and which is activated by the sun. These hormones also affect sleep, appetite and even sexual desire.
Are there any ways to protect yourself or somehow neutralize the effect of autumn-winter depression? How to cure depression? Yes, these consequences can be minimized. To do this, you often need to be in the fresh air, be sure to in the bright, desirable morning time of the day. Walking is necessary in any weather, at least half an hour a day. But the matter is complicated by the fact that many work and go to work in the dark - early in the morning, and return in the evening, when, alas, nothing was left of the daytime sun. The day itself has to be spent in the office, sitting at the computer. Occupation, too, to put it mildly, is not too useful for the body. And on the weekend I want one thing - to sleep, because sleep seems to us saving. But alas, often after sleep there is even more bruising. Therefore, walk on weekends, take long walks, for example, ski, skate, build snowmen with your children. Laziness? Fatigue? Reluctance? And you try, show willpower, but after such walks and active sports you will forget about all the spleen!

Aromatherapy, massage, and light treatment also help a lot - that is, the inclusion of special lamps whose light is similar to sunlight.
There can be many options, the main thing is your desire to get rid of the autumn-winter blues.


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