Influence of Music on Man - Classical, Church and Rock.

It has long been proven that the influence of music on a person is quite strong. This type of art, like many others, affects emotionality and sensuality, affects the human subconscious.

It is proved that if while listening to a piece of music at the same time quietly reading any text, it will be remembered much faster and easier. It is also noted that the impact of music on a person in terms of health is quite positive. The emotional perception of a pleasant melody in a complex physiological way is transformed into an improvement in the work of the whole organism.

Who is in the church, for sure, felt that the church chant removes the most negative stressful conditions. People leave the church enlightened, refined, spiritualized. And all this is the positive impact of music on a person.

An interesting fact is that there is even a science under the beautiful name - “music therapy”. And one of its specialists is Tom Kenyon, who created a specially crafted medical music album . A certain type of melody, according to the music therapist, affects certain organs. It is believed that basically the influence of classical music on a person cures and lengthens life, makes a person calmer and more balanced. When composing a special therapeutic or prophylactic composition, the music therapist necessarily includes natural pleasant sounds of nature from it: the sound of the surf, the rustling of leaves, the sound of rain, the singing of birds.

If a person accumulates negative emotions that do not find a way out, they can negatively affect not only his mental state, but also his physical one. In order to “let off steam”, get rid of stress, modern pop songs are great. You can not only listen to them, but move energetically, jump, even shout to the music.

But elderly people, who already find it difficult to be mobile, can use symphonic music to release negative energy, for example, concerts by Scriabin and Beethoven. A specially selected relaxation - music can both relieve stress, and relax the body, and simply improve the emotional state.

Specialists from music therapy also concluded that certain musical instruments act on certain organs. For example, harp improves lung function, saxophone - kidneys, piano - stomach, and guitar - hearts, violin - small intestines, harmonica - large intestines, pipe - pancreas, oboe - gall bladder, flute - liver.

But the influence of rock music on a person, on the contrary, is negative. The thing is that rock consists of loud low-frequency repeating sounds. These sounds force the cell to stay at a certain level, but eventually cause its partial destruction. In the end, the cell is evolutionarily blocked. And if a new low-frequency wave arrives, then it again returns the cell to its former forced state. The repetition of this process with the same frequency sways the cell, like a pendulum. This destabilizes them and destroys the astral body of the cell.

In addition, words are often used in rock, which in themselves mentally strain the consciousness and subconscious. Against the background of such musical accompaniment, words - calls for suicide or violence are brainwashed by young, immature minds. And under the influence of rock, many people commit acts that they would never have committed in a normal state.

Thus, it becomes clear how enormous is the influence of music on a person. Therefore, you should carefully select the music disc that you plan to listen to at home in your free time, because music can both heal and destroy human health.


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