Stupid person - signs, causes, characteristics and interesting facts

If we deeply understand the judgments about stupidity, then many scientists and psychologists agree that stupidity is rather a temporary state of mind with which a person does not live his whole life. But here the time interval for such a "problem" may be different. One month is enough to change your condition and back into the track of a wise and intelligent person. Five years is not enough for others.

If you put the question in a slightly different angle and consider stupidity from the point of view of the problems that it brings, then we can clearly say here that there are very few positive aspects in stupidity, both for the person himself and for his environment. So how do you recognize a stupid person? Most often, if a person is stupid, then in him you can notice several signs that recognize him.

Silly man signs

Signs of a stupid person

There are many superficial reasons to consider a person foolish. But all of them can be combined into the main six signs of a stupid person.

Smart and stupid people of distinction

So what are the signs that a person is stupid? Let's get it right.

Permanent monologue

A dialogue is an exchange of useful information between interlocutors. The ability to listen and hear your companion is an important component of communication with people in society. This component is absent only in a stupid person. For those who do not understand and do not accept the main factors that contribute to healthy communication between people, it will be difficult to find an interlocutor and take a high place in society.

None of the people would like to regularly contact a person who constantly uses monologues in his speech and is not able to listen to his interlocutor.

Conviction of the rightness

Stupid people rarely focus on the versatility of the world. They do not take into account other people's opinions and views. Moreover, many of them believe that the planet Earth is absolutely round and doesn’t have any flattenings. Such a view of the world is the highest degree of stupidity.

To convince in something stupid people with such thinking is simply impossible. Whatever evidence the interlocutor or scientific literature provides, such people will stand their ground and turn a blind eye to all the arguments of the opposite side.

Indifference to the opinions of others

A person suffering from stupidity is deeply convinced that the interlocutor is interested in his person. He is completely indifferent to the needs and interests of his opponent. The reasons for this behavior lie in the conviction that they are right. The consequence of this is the lack of need for feedback and selfishness.

Signs of a smart person interesting facts

The division into good and bad

A sign of a stupid person has in himself that one who is able to divide life only into black and white, bad and good. Ignoring shades and nuances can lead a fool into difficult life situations and despondency. Indeed, in a person’s life there are sometimes more negative moments and situations than positive ones. But even in them it is necessary to highlight the positive aspects and take them into account in the future. But when a person has only negative things in life (according to his judgment, of course), then you can lead your life into a dead end or even get depressed.

Life is very multifaceted, and is not divided only into black and white. It all depends on the situation, the worldview of the person and his capabilities.

Gross violation of etiquette

The basic and most important rules of etiquette are instilled in every person in childhood. But if it is also permissible for a child to neglect these rules, then an adult educated person must adhere to them.

A sign of stupidity is considered loud human behavior in places in which it is not permissible: in the workplace, in public transport, in the theater. There are, of course, exceptions in the form of charismatic people with a "loud" disposition. But even they allow themselves such behavior only in places permissible for this.

What are the signs that a person is stupid

Lack of fear

In our society, we have to deal with people who are absolutely not afraid of anything. Climbing, endless fights and insane behavior? Of course, this is about them. The absence of fear is comparable to the lack of the instinct of self-preservation, and this is not only a sign of stupidity in a person, but also a signal of a serious mental illness. A person in any situation must control his actions and analyze them so as not to harm his body. It is inherent in us by nature itself.

The flip side of this coin is constant fears not based on panic attacks. A person with signs of stupidity is afraid to make a phone call, go out to a crowded place, read poetry in public or go for an interview. This behavior is most often not associated with psychological diseases, but indicates a misunderstanding of a person why he needs it at all. This is necessary to overcome difficulties and gain experience. Without this experience and certain skills, a person will not be able to break through in society and overcome his fears.

Signs of an intelligent person: interesting facts

Silly people signs

What are the fundamental differences between smart and stupid people? In views on life and behavior in society. With smart people, things are a little more complicated. As mentioned above, stupidity is a temporary state of mind. In smart people, the main distinguishing feature is memory, due to which a person quickly remembers information, and brain activity, which contributes to the rapid processing of information. The following is a detailed list of signs of an intelligent person.


In modern society, it is important and necessary to know information not only that which is necessary for a person here and now, but also that which can help in the future. This is one of the main factors by which a person’s mind is evaluated. The point is not only the need to know a large amount of information, but also the interest in many aspects of life.

For example, while working as a teacher of the Russian language, a person is also engaged in the study of foreign languages, anatomy and scientific literature. Moreover, such a person has a hobby - embroidery and shooting classes. This example shows the versatility of an intelligent person who does not focus only on himself or his main work.


Smart people focus on their interlocutor and his interests. Also, such people are more fond of receiving information than giving it away. A person who is interested in communicating with different people becomes smarter.

Moral values

Humiliation and immorality for smart people is considered unacceptable, no matter what the other person is. Such citizens understand that they will not exalt themselves by humiliating or insulting anyone. Also, smart people do not specifically show all their advantages and skills for the sake of recognition by society or any benefit. They will hide their talents until they really need them.


For smart people, mindfulness and responsibility are very important, especially when it comes to work. They are able not only to develop independently, but also to help their colleagues in their career advancement. This is based on the desire to work with smart and educated people in a healthy team. For an intelligent person in the first place is the quality of work, and then the quantity and career ladder.


Today, education is a fundamental fact for a career. Without higher education, it is almost impossible to get a leadership position or a well-paid job. That is why most people believe that higher education is one of the most important aspects in human life. But even if smart people have a few crusts, they won’t put it on public display, because for a person with a mind, constant self-education is much more important than a narrow specialty for life.


It has long been proved by scientists that our thoughts are interconnected with events in our lives. Of course, this does not mean that you just want a huge cottage on the Caribbean, as tomorrow a person will have the keys to it. Thoughts are material in the sense that a person adjusts his thinking to the desired outcome of an event.

For example, having prepared in advance for a reduction, it is highly likely that a person will really be fired. And the point here is far not in magic, but in the fact that upon learning of the reduction, a person begins to fill all his thoughts with this negativity, while doing nothing to not be fired.

Smart people know that the right mindset and optimism helps in life and makes it easier. Positive thoughts contribute to the rapid assimilation of information and the resolution of problems. Even when bad moments come in the life of smart people, they think ahead and most likely already know ways to overcome the crisis.

List of signs of an intelligent person

How to distinguish a smart person from a fool?

Checking a person’s mind is easy enough. One has only to carefully observe his behavior in different cases of life and talk with him. If it is easy enough to identify a person wisely in a short pastime, then a fool must be contacted longer. After all, a person’s mind is immediately visible, and stupidity can not always manifest itself. But a person does not always have free time to compare smart and stupid people. And sometimes I want to immediately understand who you are dealing with, and not spend your free time and emotions on fools. So how to distinguish a stupid person from a smart person in a couple of minutes?

  1. The first thing that the interlocutor should pay attention to is with what emotions a person accepts criticism. The smart one will calmly accept all claims at his own expense and try to heed the opinions of others. The fool will reject all negative comments about his personality and will stand his ground.
  2. To tell a person that he is not competent in his specialty and does not have special mental abilities. Stupid people are egoists who believe that they are fully versed not only in their job responsibilities, but also in many aspects of life. A fool will never admit to himself or anyone else that he is. Smart people most often believe that they don’t know much and do not recognize themselves as gifted people.
  3. For a person with the mind, the main component of life is the constant development and processing of new information. Such people cannot be long without sources of new information and people. Smart people see society as a colossal source of knowledge, they learn from other people and are not afraid to ask for their help. Fools, on the contrary, have a rather narrow horizons, the result of which are the same type of thoughts and standard thinking. Such people do not develop in any way, considering themselves sufficiently educated and gifted.
  4. Smart people do not drown in illusions and do not wear "pink glasses". Only fools are actively engaged in this, unable to soberly assess the situation and make the right choice, because of which they constantly sit still or step on the same rake. People wisely are able to quickly analyze the situation, find the right way out of it and see the prospects for their decision.

How to distinguish a stupid person from a smart person in a couple of minutes

It is difficult to attribute oneself to any particular category of people, since most often a person does not see himself from the outside. You can ask for help from your loved ones and relatives. If certain signs of a stupid person have been noticed, self-analysis and constant self-development will help to cope with the problem. It is also necessary to listen to the opinion of your own environment and analyze it. After all, sometimes what appears black becomes colored at a certain angle.


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