Conflict of interest at work. How to solve the problem?

As far as we know, teamwork is not the most rewarding thing. From time to time there is a migraine, and sometimes depression associated with misunderstanding. The main problems in the service appear due to the fact that in the process of communication with colleagues there is a difference of opinion. However, it often happens that the opinions are too similar, as a result of which there is competition for a particular idea.

Conflict situations such as crossing the line of interests most often occur in the male, because the spirit of competition is inherent in them. For example, the struggle for the girl’s heart has long led men to wars and killings. The stronger sex does not tolerate competition, however, without her presence he sees life as meaningless.

At work, a conflict of interest may arise due to the desire to take a position, and the whole team may express a desire to get it. It happens that the rivalry begins with such a banal situation as claiming parking rights.

Consider several factors that affect the occurrence of a problem:

  1. A conflict of interest can arise among assertive personalities, because melancholic people are not inherent in the pursuit of anything.
  2. The cultural factor of the conflicting parties also influences. That is, if in a tense situation a person is involved that does not differ in the level of upbringing, there is the possibility that provocations and insults will be used when communicating with a potential competitor.
  3. Relations between people in a conflict of interest also play an important role. If initially they are not adjusted, then this can lead to the appearance of similar goals.

Conflict of interest. Solution of a problem

There are several ways to get out of such situations. It all depends on what interpersonal relations connect the conflicting parties. If, for example, you take a married couple, then in this case, in fact, such circumstances cannot arise, because the relationship is built on love, which means mutual assistance, not competition. Thus, a conflict of interest does not apply to family relationships.

You can resolve the problem by choosing one of five methods:

  1. Rivalry. This method of resolving a conflict of interest is for one of the parties to take a leadership position, thereby damaging the opponent in the form of a damaged reputation. Often in this way, personalities of a hard nature use it.
  2. Reconciliation. A way to come to terms with the fact that the "production" will go to the opponent. This method is suitable for people who do not want or are afraid to compete with a competitor.
  3. Compromise. A concept that is beneficial to all parties and is based on resolving the conflict through mutual concessions.
  4. Avoidance Separation from conflict.
  5. Cooperation. An alternative solution to the situation.

Nevertheless, rather than realizing a settlement of the conflict, it is better not to allow it at all, relying on social interests. When accepting a person to any position, it is necessary to conduct psychological tests that will reveal the behavior of a potential employee in a particular situation. This method is practiced in the United States and Europe. It is also required to increase the authority of the administration in order to prevent a conflict situation.

Another method for the prevention of stressful situations is to create a favorable atmosphere among colleagues, and this is the direct responsibility of the leader. It is necessary to promote a positive attitude in solving problems that have arisen between colleagues. In order to protect the organization from tense situations, you need to understand the structure of the conflict and the essence of its occurrence. Quite often, the results of this are layoffs, reprimands and fines. Management is obliged to solve such problems so as not to bring them to a destructive conflict.


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