Assortment of goods. What is he like?

An assortment of goods is a set of goods that are grouped according to certain characteristics. All of them are subject to detailed classification. The goods are distributed by type into assortment groups, then there are subgroups and positions. The main signs by which the distribution occurs are consumer, raw materials and production.

Assortment classification

The product range group includes products that are manufactured and manufactured by agricultural, industrial and other enterprises. Such enterprises produce products of narrow specialization, which gives them the opportunity to introduce and improve the technologies used in production. Therefore, to take into account the requirements of trade, you need to perform a sorting. It can be carried out both at wholesale bases, and already in a trading store.

The group of trading assortment includes products intended for sale in a retail network. The entire range of products in this group is divided into food and non-food subgroups. Each of them, in turn, is classified depending on the industry, and the goods are grouped according to various signs and criteria.

The classification of the assortment of goods is complex in structure and includes many components. So, products are divided according to the material of manufacture, consumer purpose, basic properties, complexity, frequency of demand and so on. The assortment incorporates the concepts of a group, subgroup, species, varieties, brand, type and name.

If we classify the assortment according to the breadth of coverage, then the following types are distinguished:

- simple: a small group of products that can satisfy the needs of a limited number of customers;

- complex: a large group, which may include several groups, types and varieties of goods that can satisfy a significant demand for them;

- group: united by common features homogeneous products capable of satisfying similar consumer needs; components of this type are the branded and specific assortment of goods;

- Expanded: several homogeneous groups that differ in individual characteristics;

- attendant: auxiliary group;

- mixed: goods of various groups that are distinguished by their diversity.

Features of the process of forming a product range

The purpose of the processes of management, planning, formation and control over the product range is the timely offer by the manufacturer of certain products that would satisfy specific customer demand. This is due to the fact that in any market there is competition. Victory in it makes the functioning of the enterprise successful and profitable.

Before forming the assortment of goods, it is necessary to develop a single assortment concept. This implies the construction of an optimal product structure, which, on the one hand, will satisfy the demand of customers, on the other hand, will allow rationally and without losses to use the resources of the enterprise, competing favorably with other market participants.

The range of goods is characterized by such parameters as:

- latitude (all products presented at the enterprise);

- harmony (the degree of proximity of products located in different assortment groups regarding their use, production, distribution, etc.);

- saturation (the amount of goods that make up the assortment);

- depth (product variations within the same group).

The planning process involves the optimal use of available materials and resources, turning into products that can bring profit to the enterprise, and will also have steady demand in the consumer market.


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