The most popular cocktail in our country is Mojito with vodka.

One of the most common and sought after cocktails is Mojito. It is known to regulars of expensive bars at the most famous world resorts, and residents of provincial cities of all countries, except for those in which the prohibition is in force. Residents of our country most often prepare Mojito with vodka at home.

Who invented the cocktail

This drink was born thanks to the pirates of the Caribbean. It was they who invented the cocktail, the basis of which is their favorite rum. β€œMojito” is very fond of Ernest Hemingway and the beau monde of that time. His fame quickly went beyond Havana. First, the drink was recognized in the United States, and then around the world.

Mojito at home

Now this popular cocktail with a light hand of the International Association of Bartenders belongs to the modern classics with an approved composition. It includes:

  • white rum;
  • soda;
  • cane sugar;
  • lime;
  • mint;
  • ice.

It is believed that only with the classic combination of ingredients a unique taste is born, filled with refreshing astringency with pronounced sourness, and an unforgettable mint aroma.

Peppermint for Mojito

Like any other popular cocktail, this drink has many varieties.

Types and analogues

In the former Soviet Union, for example, Mojito with vodka is popular. Most often, lime is replaced with lemon juice in a cocktail; instead of soda, Sprite or sour lemonade is added. Some bartenders sin with new ingredients, for example, Mojito with peach or strawberry is very popular among girls.

Alcoholic Mojito with vodka is a group of delicious recipes. It is easy to understand that instead of rum, vodka is added to them.

A bit of history

In America, β€œMojito” fell in love in the 80s of the last century, and from there the fame of it went around the world. The homeland of the drink is Cuba. The cocktail recipe that is being used now was invented in the small restaurant La Bodegita del Media, located in the heart of Havana. It was there that all the other ingredients began to be added to the rum and mint leaves.

Mojito with vodka at home

The institution was opened in 1942 and very quickly became a cult. It was here that Ernest Hemingway first tasted the cocktail, which later became his favorite drink.

Since rum is expensive for many, it is quite possible to make alcoholic Mojito with vodka at home. The first option is practically no different from the classic, the only replacement will be alcohol.

Mojito recipe with vodka: how to cook


  • 4-6 mint leaves;
  • Three tablespoons of sugar;
  • Β½ lime (you can take a lemon);
  • 30 ml of vodka;
  • 60 ml of soda;
  • 100 g of ice cubes.

The drink practically does not differ from the original, and only a real bartender can determine that instead of rum it contains vodka.

  1. Mint is sent to the glass, kneading or crushing. This can be done both with the help of a professional madeler, and with a spoon.
  2. Mint leaves are filled with sugar, poured with juice squeezed from lime.
  3. The glass is completely filled with ice.
  4. Ice and mint are poured with vodka and gently mixed.
  5. There will be a little space in the glass - it is intended for soda.

That, in fact, is all. The classic Mojito with vodka is ready. For decoration, you can use mint leaves and lime slices.

Vodka and Sprite Cocktail

This option is not much different from the previous one. You just need to replace the soda with "Sprite" or "Schweppes" - it is much easier than preparing a soda, especially since not everyone knows how to do it. The taste of substitution will not lose anything at all, but it will take much less time to prepare a cocktail.

Peach Mojito

This version of Mojito with vodka will appeal to cocktail lovers who are tired of the classic version. Peach gives the drink an extra twist. You will need:

  • fresh mint leaves to taste;
  • 450 grams of peaches;
  • two glasses of vodka;
  • one teaspoon of lime zest;
  • one glass of lime juice;
  • ΒΎ cup sugar;
  • 4 glasses of "Sprite";
  • crushed ice.

The cooking process is not entirely standard. Peach Mojito with vodka will taste just as refreshing, but softer.

Peach mojito
  1. Remove the seeds from the peaches and grind them to a puree state. This is most conveniently done with a blender.
  2. Squeeze juice out of the resulting puree - either using gauze or a juicer.
  3. Crush the mint until the juice is allocated and transfer it to a container for a cocktail. Send zest, lime juice, sugar and mix everything. Do not forget, there will be several cocktails from these ingredients, so for mixing it is better to choose a larger container.
  4. Pour alcohol and peach juice into the dishes . Mix everything thoroughly until sugar is completely dissolved. So that the process does not drag on, you can dissolve sugar in advance.
  5. Pour Sprite and mix again.
  6. Put the ice in glasses. Decorate glasses, for example, with sprigs of mint and lime slices.
  7. It remains only to cool the "Mojito" with vodka and pour. Be sure to add a cocktail straw to each glass.
Mojito with berries

It is not necessary to use peaches at all, you can take any fruits or berries. For example, Mojito with vodka and strawberries is considered very popular.

Lemonade Cocktail


  • 65-75 ml of vodka;
  • half lime;
  • 5-6 mint leaves;
  • 80-100 ml of lemonade;
  • 100 g of crushed ice.

The cooking method is simple. You need to rub the mint well, you can even use your fingers and put it in a glass. Then squeeze the juice from the lime, strain it through cheesecloth and also send into a glass. It is advisable to once again walk through the leaves with a small spoon so that they highlight the juice. Further, ice is poured into the container and filled with alcohol. The drink is gently shaken, lemonade is added. By the way, you can use any of its kind.


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