Garden: how to feed strawberries

As is known to all summer residents, strawberries bring a plentiful harvest for no more than four years. Then it needs to be transplanted. For this, they usually arrange the so-called β€œschools” - special beds for preparing new plants. Here, small strawberries are grown to complete rooting. This happens around the first decade of August. Strawberry shoots from rooted antennae are carefully dug up and transferred to schools in the spring. Previously, humus is added to the wells.

So, what to feed strawberries in the period when it is a planting material, you now know. When transporting in August to a permanent place, fertilizers should also be added to the soil. To do this, take a bucket of humus with 40 g of superphosphate, 25 g of urea and 20 g of potassium salt. After that, make a groove and mix it all right in it with the ground.

how to feed strawberries
Next, the bushes themselves are planted. Then the plants must be watered as carefully as possible. To do this, use a bucket of water per meter per groove.

To know how to feed strawberries is only half the battle. Be sure to keep in mind that after such an event in the garden, the weeds may grow violently. Be sure to follow this and sprinkle strawberries in time. If this is not done, the plants can be affected by a disease - gray rot, which, of course, will adversely affect the crop. In addition, it is worth digging the soil under the bushes.

During the growing season, this culture also requires several top dressings. They do this most often in a non-root way. Let's see how to feed strawberries in this case is best. Usually the same composition is used that was applied during planting. It is allowed to add 3 g of potassium permanganate and 2 g of boric acid.

how to feed strawberries
Thus, fertilizer is applied three times - on green leaves, during flowering and during the beginning of the ovary of berries. All this, if desired, can be replaced with a fermented infusion of mullein, diluted in a proportion of 1/8, with the addition of 150 g of ash per bucket.

Next, consider how to feed strawberries in the second year of growth. The first time fertilizer is applied in the spring. Having cleaned the bed of last year's garbage, the earth is mulched with humus. You can take sawdust or even moss instead. Over time, they will turn into a very useful humus. In the second and fourth year of vegetation, the plants are fed during the season as well as in the first summer. In the third year of growth, the use of organic fertilizers is not recommended. You can make only mineral.

Again, it is important to know not only how to feed strawberries, but also how to do it correctly. In the event that the plants are fed under the root, the drug is buried in the ground by no more than two centimeters so as not to damage the roots. In the aisles - by 8 cm.

the better to feed strawberries
After each such top dressing, the bed should be watered in such a way as to soak the soil 30 cm in depth. It is this length that the roots of this culture have.

Sometimes it happens that the tops of strawberries grow unusually large and strong. However, very few colors are formed. In this case, the application of fertilizers will hardly help. Most likely, your bed is overgrown with a variety-weed. In this case, you just need to replace the bushes. Sometimes the reason is in another - an overabundance of nitrogen fertilizers. In this case, it is generally worthwhile to stop feeding strawberries with them, as well as with manure. Only ash can be useful in this case.

We hope we answered the question of what is the best way to feed strawberries. It all depends on how many years this culture has been growing in the same place. For this purpose, both mineral and organic fertilizers are used. Moreover, you can make them both under the root and the foliar method.


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