Why are towels after washing in the machine hard? Washing tips

After acquiring terry towels, everyone wants to enjoy their softness for a long time. Unfortunately, a situation often arises when, after a small number of washings, such products lose their tenderness. This is the result of improper care for them. Why are towels after washing in the machine hard? How to wash and dry them? Is it possible to restore the lost softness and tenderness of the product? The answers to these and other questions can be found below in the article.

Why are towels after washing in the machine hard?

Any housewife knows that high-quality washing of terry products is not an easy process. After all, one wants to keep their original softness.

how to wash towels
If you consider such a towel using a magnifying glass, you will see that the terry product consists of loop-like villi. They give the fabric softness and elasticity and allow it to absorb moisture well. If towels are improperly looked after, these loops cease to hold their shape. As a result, the once soft and delicate terry product becomes stiff and does not absorb moisture well.

The fabric structure is damaged due to the use of improperly selected detergent, improper washing and drying. Terry products also lose their softness due to interaction with hard water.

Now you know why towels after washing in the machine are hard. It is time to talk about the proper care of such products.

Pre-soaking terry towels

How to wash a terry towel if it is very dirty? In this case, the pre-soaking step will help. This procedure will help to better remove various stains. And vinegar added to the water will help keep the structure of the towel soft and tender.

why towels after washing in the machine are hard
The proportions of the preparation of the solution are as follows: 15-20 milliliters of vinegar per 1 liter of warm water. In addition, such a soaking of towels helps to remove even stubborn stains, for example from solid oil.

Basic rules for washing towels

The main tips for washing terry products are as follows:

  • It is recommended to use special linen or mesh bags so that towels do not rub against the drum of the washing machine.
  • It is necessary to separate the white products from the colored ones to avoid molting. Although modern dyes are resistant, it sometimes happens that light towels are randomly stained.

how to wash a terry towel

  • It is not recommended to wash terry towels with products that are decorated with metal or plastic elements. These hard parts can damage the pile.
  • Do not wash your wet towel. It must first be dried. Otherwise, a musty odor may occur. If such an unpleasant aroma has already arisen, it is recommended to ventilate the towel in the fresh air for several hours, and then wash it in the usual way.

Choosing the right laundry detergent

The main mistake when caring for terry items is the use of improper detergents. It is strictly forbidden to use an inexpensive washing powder. "Tide", "Ariel" and other advertised funds will also not work. After all, particles of powdered products are clogged into the fibers of the fabric and make the terry stiff.

For washing such towels, you should choose liquid detergents in the form of gels. They are well washed out of thread loops, of which terry products are made, without leading to their rigidity.

terry towels
If you are unable to use a liquid product, then at the end of washing the towels should be thoroughly rinsed.

Do not use bleach when caring for terry products. After all, such a tool also penetrates deep into the tissue and gives it excessive rigidity. How to wash towels that are heavily soiled? It is better to use ammonia or household soap by applying one of these products directly to the stain before washing. After some time, you need to rinse the thing well in warm water. And only after that start machine wash.

Choosing the right program for washing terry towels

When choosing a washing machine program, you should use the following recommendations:

  • The optimum water temperature is 30-40 ° C. The permissible maximum is 60 ° C. Before washing, be sure to pay attention to the tab on which the recommended washing parameters are indicated.

how to make towels soft after washing

  • It is recommended to squeeze terry products at low speeds - from 500 to 700 per minute. You can even refuse this option. This will only extend the life of the towels. If you use intense extraction, then the fibers of the terry become stretched, cease to hold shape and, accordingly, no longer cope with their functions.
  • It is strongly not recommended to use economical washing modes, because when choosing such programs the machine uses a limited amount of water throughout the entire working cycle. Terry products can absorb a large amount of moisture. If there is not enough water, the towels will become stiff and may even shrink. For the same reason, do not load the machine drum more than 2/3. A minimum of three rinses is recommended. Water in this process should be present in sufficient quantities. It is under these conditions that the remnants of the detergent will be removed, and terry towels will eventually remain soft and fluffy.

Rinse aid use

Another way to make towels soft after washing is to use a rinse conditioner. This tool restores the structure of the fabric and makes terry products softer to the touch.

An important point is the correct choice of rinse aid. You should choose the tool, which includes silicone. And do not use a lot of air conditioning. Indeed, in this case, he will cover each towel villus, which will lead to a decrease in the absorbency of the terry product.

You can also rinse the towels after washing in vinegar. This will also give them softness.

How to dry terry products?

Above were given washing tips, following which you can keep terry things soft and fluffy. However, another important process is the drying of such products.

Before you hang towels to dry, it is recommended to shake each of them well. This will help the loops of terry to take the right shape.

Terry products do not like direct sunlight. After drying under such conditions, they become stiff, and it will be extremely difficult to restore towels in this case.

washing powder tide
The softest terry products will remain after drying in the fresh air. You need to hang them in a shady place. If it is windy, this will be an additional plus. After all, the wind will quickly rid the towels of the remaining moisture and will not worsen the fabric properties. With this drying method, you need to make sure that things do not dry out.

If there is no opportunity to hang towels in the fresh air, then the bathroom will be the best place for this. After all, the humidity in this room is higher than in other rooms.

If a special drying machine is available, you should definitely use it. When using this device towels remain soft and tender.

Terry things do not like to be ironed. Indeed, in this case, the shape of the loops changes, they become embossed. As a result, the towel becomes stiff. It is recommended to replace the iron with a steamer.

How to restore a towel that has become stiff?

There are several ways to restore terry products:

  • A hard towel is recommended to be washed again following the above tips. At the same time, it is recommended to soften the water using special tablets for washing machines or capsules for hand washing. Then you need to lower the product into a solution of sodium chloride for at least 40 minutes. This will have a beneficial effect on the fibers of the terry and spread them. After the specified time, you need to squeeze the towel with your hands, shake well and dry.

washing tips

  • A terry product that has lost its softness and fluffiness should be soaked in a large amount of cold water overnight. In the morning, rinse and dry the towel. Clean water will help remove detergent residues that have led to coarsening of the product.
  • A hard towel is recommended to steam. A stream of hot, humid air will return the loops of terry to their original state.


Why are towels after washing in the machine hard? The reason for this may be a number of factors. The softness of terry things is influenced by the process of washing, drying, ironing, the choice of detergent and conditioner. There are several ways that can help restore the properties of coarsened tissue. If you follow the recommendations given in the article when caring for towels, terry products will remain soft, delicate and fluffy throughout the entire period of use.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10310/

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