We replenish our vocabulary: the game is ...

Game, toy, play, playful, lose, playfulness, player, lose, play, video game, play, flirt, play, replay, play, toy, play, win, play, win, win, game - these are the same words. In this article we will consider the noun "game".

The game is ...

In everyday speech, we do not so often hear this word. From this we can conclude that the game is an obsolete noun. It meant "gatherings, usually festive, with dances and songs." As a rule, the participants in the games were young unmarried guys and girls.

Morphological characteristics, declination

The game is an inanimate and common noun of the middle gender. Middle nouns belong to the second type of declension.

Game: stress
NominativeWhat?The game began with a perky dance.Games always took place according to the same scenario.
GenitiveWhat?Maroussia did not miss a single Sunday party.Parubok never saw such games.
DativeWhy?Let's get ready for the game.In the city of Mila missed the village games.
AccusativeWhat?Almost my first story about the game.It's time to complete these riotous games.
Instrumental caseThan?Under the game means ordinary gatherings with songs and dances.You got me already with these games, don't you want to take a break from them?
PrepositionalAbout what?The story told in detail about the youth game.All of Nikola's youth was spent in games and entertainment.

Game: stress

The word "game" consists of six letters and the same number of sounds. If you try to put emphasis in turn on each vowel, it becomes clear that one of the letters "and" is stressed. Which one, exactly?

Modern game

Remember: the emphasis in this word falls on the first syllable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10311/

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