Grapes "Everest": description of the variety, rules of care, photos and reviews

Everest grapes were bred by amateur breeder Yevgeny Georgievich Pavlovsky. The created hybrid variety is really successful and worthy of special attention of farmers and winemakers. Everest berries are distinguished by aroma and bright taste, as well as an excellent ratio of grape acids to sugars. A relatively new table variety is actively used not only as a raw material for winemaking, but is also often used fresh. The parent pair “talisman” and “k-81” provided the hybrid in question with excellent taste and marketability, as well as relatively high frost resistance and resistance to dry periods.

Hybrid "Everest"

Official grape variety data

The vine of grapes has a relatively large growth force. Bushes are not located to overloads. The hybrid yield reaches up to 20 kg of berries from one bush. The first harvesting (the technical ripeness of the Everest grapes occurs on day 115) is possible approximately in the middle of August.

Form description

The first planted seedlings literally in the third year can begin to bear fruit, bypassing the stage of the signal (first) bunch. Breeders note that wood is forming at a fast pace. In terms of ripening grapes "Everest" belong to the early variety. The leaves of the plant are five-lobed and strongly dissected.

Berries of grapes "Everest"


The fruits have a uniform beautiful pink color. At the beginning of ripening, a grape appears with a slight addition of pink. When fully ripened and overripe, the berry of the hybrid in question acquires a dark burgundy hue. It is important to note that the fruits of the Everest grape variety tend to fade slightly in the sun, while the shadow side preserves the brightness of the color. Given this property, farmers are in no hurry to open the berry to the sun.

Berries begin to acquire their color not all at once, but only those that have already gained a mass of at least 15 grams. Other grapes ripen patiently and only then catch up in color first. Ripe berries gain an average of 18–20 grams each. However, weights sometimes noted the weight of Everest grapes up to 25 grams.

The shape of the grapes is oval with a slightly narrowed tip, the length of the berries is 4.5 cm, and the seed has a length of 1 cm. Initially, it may seem that the fruits are incorrectly formed, but the proportions are still observed.

According to the tasting assessment (the photo of Everest grapes also indirectly confirms this), the hybrid is defined as a plant with an attractive appearance and harmonious taste. The peel gives the berry fruity notes, in thickness it is average, but chewed well. There is almost no muscular taste. The proportion of sugars and organic acids is balanced. All this makes the hybrid pleasant to eat for both lovers of sweet varieties and those who do not like to feel sugar.

A bunch of grapes "Everest"


Many farmers note that the Everest grapes have beautiful symmetrical clusters, dense, with long branches, voluminous and slightly elongated. In length, they reach up to 35–40 cm, and about 0.7–1 kg in weight. In a bunch of grapes hang very tightly to each other.

Harvesting takes place on 3-4 years. Even without the formation of a sufficient amount of wood, the everest grape bush produces clusters weighing up to 1.2–1.5 kg. However, during this period, the appearance of uneven shoots can be observed. One bush can produce both very large clusters, and those that have a mass of not more than 0.5 kg.

Good pollination of the crop allows you to get a large and beautiful berry, but only after a good thinning. The shape of the vine has a conical shape with well-defined wings.


According to the Everest grape description, the berry has high rates of transportability. The medium-density peel protects the fruit well from the negative effects of the environment and all kinds of damage. Berries can easily tolerate long transportation and are well stored.

One of the special characteristics of this hybrid is its attractive presentation. On the market, such clusters are hard to miss and pass by. According to the description of the grape variety "Everest" fruits:

  • do not crack;
  • long stay on the bush, while not changing their organoleptic properties;
  • have high transportability even over long distances;
  • long stored after cutting from the bush.
Marketability of the hybrid "Everest"

A distinctive feature of the berries of the hybrid during ripening is also the fact that “sagging” for up to 30 days, they soften a little at the tips, this indicates overripening. The state of ripening is not a minus for the Everest grape fruit, but it is better to pick the berries on time, according to the ripening dates.


The flavoring properties of the table variety "Everest" are good, the flesh of the fruit is juicy and even dumb. The peel is well spliced ​​with pulp, has an average thickness and is easily chewed. There are no more than two seeds in each grape, and they are easily bitten, without giving off bitterness. The fruits gain sugar quickly, while the balance of acids in them is such that even at the beginning of the ripening period they acquire a pleasant aftertaste and do not acidify. Subsequent ripening of the fruits only improves their taste.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

According to the description of the Everest grape variety, the photo of which is presented below, it has the following advantages:

  • farmers can count on an early and stable harvest;
  • grape berries have an attractive appearance and excellent taste;
  • no tendency to pea;
  • there is no rapid cracking of the fruit;
  • excellent rooting of cuttings;
  • high adaptability to various climatic conditions;
  • resistance to major diseases and damage by pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the crop is well transported.

We also highlight the disadvantages of the variety:

  • still unexplored winter hardiness;
  • the culture should be additionally insulated;
  • huge area is needed for growing.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The subtleties of landing

According to the reviews, description and photos of the variety, Everest grapes are propagated by seeds, branches, by grafting the cuttings to seedlings or grafting another variety. A significant amount of time takes the second method. Many growers initially sow seeds in a plastic or peat pot. When the young grapes reach a height of 10-15 cm, it is transferred to the open ground. This process takes an average of 2-3 years.

Reproduction by branches is quite possible to produce only if there is already at least one “everest” grape bush on the site. To do this, one or more strong vines are bent and covered with soil. Reproduction in this way is recommended to be carried out in the spring or in the fall.

Unpretentious and undemanding variety "Everest" many farmers advise to plant it in the second half of April. The landing site should be found on a hill with normal wind protection and good lighting, which is important for crop formation.

Soil for growing crops is suitable for almost anyone. Everest can successfully produce crops, even sprouting on rocky slopes. The main advice is the lack of close occurrence of groundwater and places where spring flooding occurs.

According to the experience of many farmers, the culture most like to grow from the south. When forming pits for planting grapes, half a bucket of humus is placed on their bottom.

Resistance of grapes to frost

Resistance of grapes to frost and disease

Today it is not yet clear whether it is possible to get a normal crop if you plant a crop in the northern regions of the country. Therefore, to declare 100% that "Everest" is completely frost-resistant, is impossible.

Winter hardiness, according to reviews of Everest grapes, has not yet been sufficiently studied. Since the hybrid was created relatively recently, many experts have not yet had time to study it well. To avoid crop loss, farmers advise to insulate the plant for the winter. In autumn, at the onset of the first frosts, it is important to wrap the vine bushes with the dry method. That is, the vine is carefully folded and placed on pre-prepared boards. Branches are covered with several layers of non-woven material. Many farmers fill the vine with dry sawdust. After the branches have been insulated, they necessarily build the top layer of a film or roofing material, it will help protect the culture from moisture.

The first processing measures should be carried out when young leaves appear. To do this, you can use Tiovit Jet in a dosage of 40 grams per 9-10 liters of water. Such treatment will prevent the development of diseases such as oidium, phomopsis and rubella.

Everest did not show a tendency to high infection rates with diseases. The culture is not susceptible to the emergence of dangerous diseases, such as powdery mildew, mildew, gray rot. However, the key to a high-quality crop is precisely the preventive treatment of the crop. The presence of a dense skin reliably protects the juicy pulp from insects and small pests. Grapes are not afraid of bees and wasps.

Grape bush "Everest"

Preventive measures

In order to protect plants from insects, rodents and fungal infections, preventive measures can be taken. The first thing that experts do is spring spraying of the vine and soil. To do this, use a 3% solution of iron or copper sulfate.

The second spraying is carried out during the period of budding and the appearance of the second leaf. To do this, take drugs with an antifungal effect. The third spraying of Everest grapes is also mandatory before flowering begins, for which they use “cocktails” of antifungal preparations, insecticides and top dressing.

Subsequent spraying of bushes is carried out only as diseases appear, and also taking into account the epidemiological situation in the region of grape growing. If experts carried out prophylaxis in a timely and competent manner, then further spraying may not be useful. As you can see from the article, there is nothing difficult in growing Everest grapes.


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