How to get rid of irritability: causes of irritability, signs, symptoms, methods and rules of self-management, advice and recommendations of a psychologist

The state of irritability is characteristic of every person. Our life daily presents us with stressful situations in the form of troubles at work and problems with homework. Sometimes even the most insignificant unpleasant situation causes a person to have an emotionally violent response, which is expressed by aggression or anger. In this case, irritability may be a property of character or a sign of a disease.

the girl screams and covered her face with her hands

It is worth noting that in the same situations, people behave completely differently. Some may get nervous and calm down right away, while others lose their temper at the slightest occasion, find fault with trifles, shout and snarl at others. Literally everything does not suit these people. The subject of irritation is innocent pranks, gentle reproaches of a spouse, any situations that arise during traffic, and even bad weather. Why do some people lack restraint and self-control, while others allow their nerves to roam around?

The concept of irritability

What is understood by the phenomenon when a person expresses his reaction in the form of violent psychological outbursts? Irritability is an emotional state of an individual, which is caused by his increased sensitivity in connection with the existing deviations of a moral, moral or physiological nature. How a person manifests a negative reaction to a variety of situations or actions of people is largely determined by the type of his nervous system. At the same time, irritability can be an innate feature of a character, its hereditary-related trait or the result of certain conditions that are created in the surrounding reality, for example, responsible work, severe stress, a catastrophic lack of time, an excessive task, etc. The most surprising thing is that a person cannot explain why he ceases to control his own emotions. In the future, he will most likely regret those words that were uttered in the heat of anger, or about rashly committed acts.

man waved a hammer at a laptop

Very often, irritable people are aggressive. This makes others afraid of them. Aggressiveness is an alarming symptom. Indeed, through it manifests many mental disorders.

Irritation, which arose as a temporary phenomenon, indicates that the "thick skin" of the person began to wear out, and he began to pay attention to such things that previously left him indifferent. An example is the rage of a sudden car malfunction or a negative tirade pronounced in response to a good-natured remark by colleagues. But at the same time, irritability can be a symptom of almost all ailments. Often sick people become angry at everything that surrounds them, and they themselves do not understand why this happens to them.


With irritability, frequent fatigue, general weakness often appear, insomnia develops, or, conversely, drowsiness. Such a person has a feeling of nervousness and anxiety or depression, tearfulness and apathy. Sometimes irritability accompanies anger, turning into aggression. At the same time, movements become sharper, and the voice becomes piercing and loud. An annoyed person can be recognized by repeated actions. He can continuously walk around the room, swing his leg, tap with his fingers on any objects. Such actions are performed spontaneously, but all of them are aimed at restoring emotional balance and relieving emotional stress.

A typical phenomenon accompanying irritability is a decrease in interest in your favorite hobbies and in sex. Sometimes there is a reaction of the autonomic nervous system in the form of sweating of the palms, drying out in the mouth and the appearance of "goose bumps" on the body.


How not to get annoyed at people? To do this, you need to know the reason that caused such an emotional state.

a man with a red beard screams

This will allow you to choose the right direction to eliminate it.

A variety of causes cause irritation. Among them:

  1. Psychological. They are represented by overwork and chronic lack of sleep, anxiety and stress, as well as addiction to drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
  2. Physiological. In their list are hormonal disruptions and ailments of the thyroid gland. This type of cause of irritability includes a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the human body, as well as a feeling of hunger that arose in him. Sometimes a person becomes irritable due to the incompatibility of his medications. And this is also a physiological cause.
  3. Genetic. Increased irritability can be inherited. In this case, it is a character trait.
  4. Pathological. Sometimes irritability is one of the symptoms of the disease. It develops with infectious ailments, diabetes mellitus, stress after being injured and some mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, neurosis, Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Female irritability

A violent surge of emotions is more often observed in women. And there are reasons for this. Swedish researchers have proven the fact that irritability in women is genetically determined. The fact is that in women, the nervous system already initially has increased excitability. That is why women are prone to anxiety, increased excitability and sudden mood changes. In addition to genetic factors, there is still an excessive workload of the weaker sex with household chores. Inadequate rest leads to chronic lack of sleep and overwork. Thus, the psychological causes that cause irritability are formed.

In addition, hormonal changes regularly occur in the female body. They are caused by the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause. All this relates to the physiological causes of violent emotions. Based on the presence of such an extensive range of reasons, it becomes clear why many women have increased, and sometimes constant psychological imbalance.

Male irritability

More recently, a new diagnosis has appeared in medicine. It is called CMP, which stands for "male irritability syndrome." A similar condition begins to develop during menopause, which occurs in representatives of the strong half of humanity.

man angry talking on the phone

This is the time when the body begins to decrease the production of the hormone testosterone. It is his deficit that makes men irritable, aggressive and nervous. With the advent of such a period, they begin to complain of depression, drowsiness and fatigue. For similar physiological reasons, overload at work is added. Enhances negative emotions and fear of impotence.

Children's irritability

Increased irritability, hysteria, screaming and crying - all this sometimes manifests itself in babies from 1.5-2 years. Causes of children's irritability may be:

  1. Psychological. With his increased excitability, the child often seeks to draw attention to himself, to show offense at the actions of peers or adults, etc.
  2. Physiological. Such causes of irritability include the desire to fall asleep, fatigue, a feeling of thirst or hunger.
  3. Genetic. Sometimes children's irritability is a symptom of perinatal encephalopathy (brain damage during pregnancy or childbirth), allergic reactions, infectious diseases (SARS, flu), as well as individual intolerance to certain foods or mental illnesses.

Parents should keep in mind that irritability, due to physiological and psychological reasons, with proper education, already by the age of five begins to soften. If hot temper occurs at the genetic level, then the child will remain nervous for his whole life. A negative surge of emotions caused by diseases must be treated by a specific specialist - a psychiatrist, infectious disease specialist, allergist or neurologist.

Overcoming Negative Emotions

How to get rid of irritability and anger by learning to control your emotions? How to overcome sudden attacks of aggression?

woman under painted rain

Of course, the first intuitive reaction to anger is any violent action. A person begins to scream and seeks to throw something or smash something. However, it is unlikely that such a solution can be considered the best. So how to stop getting annoyed? To do this, you need:

  1. It is good to study situations that cause anger. How to get rid of irritability? In order to manage your emotions, you need to understand what situations or problems cause the most rage and anger. This will avoid them and prevent outbreaks of anger.
  2. Remove the words “always” and “never” from the vocabulary. How to stop being annoyed? To do this, it is worthwhile to understand that when a person is angry, he is able to say such things that in a normal state he would never have thought. Reflection on the situation will help to cope with irritation. It is necessary to look at it as objectively as possible, trying not to pronounce the words “never” and “always”, which you can later regret.
  3. Recognize the causes of irritability. Most often, they lie in the existing internal conflict, in accumulated problems, fatigue, or emotions "locked" inside. How to get rid of irritability? Experts recommend evaluating your sleep, nutrition and daily routine. Or maybe the whole thing is overwork? If the answer is yes, then you should begin to change your lifestyle. Sometimes the cause of irritability is not fatigue at all, but some obsessive detail, for example, a creaky or uncomfortable chair. By removing the discomfort, it will be possible to get rid of negative emotions. But sometimes the reasons lie quite deeply. They lie in dissatisfaction with work, life and oneself, as well as in various complexes, fears, anxieties and stresses. How to get rid of constant irritability in this case? Psychologists recommend, if there are such problems, to take a sheet of paper and honestly paint on it everything that does not suit life. Next to this should reflect the causes of this condition and their consequences.
  4. To do self-knowledge. Psychologists recommend studying your own character and temperament. Rigidity and stubbornness, intransigence and perfectionism, selfishness and conflict can also be causes of irritability.
  5. Take time to rest daily, while doing useful and favorite things.
  6. Develop self-control. Psychologists recommend learning how to feel the moment when tension approaches its critical point. For example, if you want to stomp and scream, with increased heart rate and muscle tension, etc. In such situations, it is necessary to make it a rule not to talk, not to make any decisions, but to do self-regulation in the form of auto-training, breathing techniques or relaxation.
  7. Change your thinking to positive. Psychologists recommend abandoning certain phrases such as “nothing good will happen” or “a terrible day begins again”. How to get rid of anger and irritability? To do this, you need to form and pronounce positive attitudes. It is necessary to try not to notice only failures, problems and difficulties, but to see alternatives and opportunities.
  8. Learn to express emotions using a socially acceptable way. A person should not be silent about what worries, try to avoid conflicts or try to please everyone.
  9. Learn to communicate, while controlling any conflict situation. This can be done if, in a calm tone, indicate to the interlocutor your feelings: “I am annoyed by the tone of command, please, speak softly.” After that, it will be possible to discuss the differences.
  10. To throw out the accumulated irritation in karaoke singing, in sports, in the field, shouting enough there, etc.
  11. Reduce servings of coffee, alcohol and sugar. But this can only be done if refusing them alone does not cause irritation.
  12. Find yourself and make friends with yourself. Irritability is a defensive reaction of the body. In a stormy expression of emotions, he tries to protect his health. For this, he should say thanks and begin to act consciously.
  13. Watch yourself. Psychologists recommend a "diary of irritability." It is necessary to fix the manifestation of negative emotions in it, their strengthening and weakening. If possible, all existing irritants should be removed from life. These are subjects and objects, contact with which leads to the appearance of a violent negative reaction. This stage is considered the most difficult. After all, it may turn out that you will need to change jobs, break off relationships, or search for the meaning of life. However, this will have to be done. After all, the path to harmony and happiness is not at all simple. If it is impossible to remove the stimulus, it is recommended to learn self-control by changing the attitude to the situation.


How to get rid of anxiety and irritability if self-correction of the situation is impossible? In this case, it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist. How to get rid of irritability and nervousness, the doctor will advise. Psychotherapists usually use cognitive-behavioral therapy. It allows a person to understand the reasons for his behavior and teaches to exercise control over these reactions, as well as understand himself.

male doctor

How to get rid of depression and irritability in the most severe cases? For this, the doctor may prescribe sedatives or antidepressants.

Emergency help

How to get rid of temper and irritability, if you need to do this urgently?

girl conducts auto-training

There are several fairly effective methods for this:

  1. Using accounts up to ten, switching attention to the most pleasant memories, distraction, changing activities. There is another rather interesting technique. She offers to relieve tension by writing on the paper with a pen, and then tearing it apart and waving her hands.
  2. Carrying out auto-training. How to get rid of anxiety depression and irritability. To do this, pronounce certain phrases. For example: “I realize that annoyance is a bad emotion. I control it. I accept and understand the world as it is. I live in harmony with him and without any annoyance. " Such auto-training is recommended every day.
  3. Performing breathing exercises. There are a lot of similar techniques. One of the techniques of respiratory relaxation is to take a prone position, inhale through the nose, rounding the stomach, inhale through the mouth while drawing in the abdomen. In this case, you need to breathe deeply and slowly. Repeat the exercise no more than 10 times.

How to get rid of anxiety, depression and irritability? Correction of such conditions, like any other psychological problems, will require an individual approach. First of all, you need to find the cause of discontent and fatigue, and then begin to fight it. It is also recommended to check the body for hormonal imbalance. And, of course, it is necessary to master the techniques of self-regulation and the development of willpower.


Those who are trying to answer the question "how to get rid of irritability?", Books on this topic will provide the most effective help. Currently, there is an extensive list of literature that allows a person to eliminate their own nervousness and temper. Very popular in our country is A. Kurpatov’s book “How to get rid of irritability”. It is worth familiarizing with those people who want to understand the causes of their unpleasant situations and understand how to avoid them. The book will answer the following questions: why is a person tormented by fears and anxieties? What causes depression and irritability? A practicing psychotherapist will popularly explain how people need to take care of themselves and the quality of their own lives.


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