Types of communications and their characteristics

Communication is the process of exchanging information between two people or a group. In any organization, the effectiveness of work largely depends on how knowledgeable the staff is in a particular issue. An important place in management is occupied by the moment of delegation of duties and powers, while communication also plays the main role.

Consider the types of communications. In management, they are divided into internal and external. The first type includes communications that occur between departments, individual employees of the organization. Typically, such communication occurs in connection with the coordination of actions within the enterprise.

External communications arise when the organization contacts the external environment. These include: communication with consumers, with government agencies, with the public.

By hierarchical organization, types of communications can be divided into horizontal, vertical and diagonal. Horizontal include the exchange of information between employees. These communications are important for coordinating the activities of people involved in a single production process. In this case, workers most often have a common manager, director. Horizontal communications help in the optimal allocation of resources, in the sale of goods, etc. They also allow you to establish equal ties between all units of the same level.

Vertical communication - the exchange of information between management and subordinates. These include: recommendations, orders, instructions. These documents help the manager to effectively convey information to employees. In turn, subordinates report that the order is noted or the task assigned has been completed. Vertical communications also include communication between units that are at different levels of the hierarchy.

Diagonal communications combine the features of the two previous types. Communication takes place between the bosses and subordinates of different departments.

Internal types of communication are divided into interpersonal and organizational. The first occur between two or more people. Organizational relations mean communication between groups. But this type of communication also includes the exchange of information of one person with a group of people.

The following types of communications can be distinguished : informal and formal. Informal usually do not relate to the hierarchy of the organization, they are formed within the same group. Similar communications arise in any company. Management can use such communication with great benefit. In informal communications, information is transmitted very quickly, most often in the form of gossip. Therefore, the leader can start up any news favorable to him precisely in the form of rumors. So the information will reach subordinates quickly, but sometimes with changes and additions in the form of fictions of employees.

Formal communications connect various elements in the structure of the organization. They are established by official rules, regulations, orders, instructions. These documents govern the interaction of units and employees.

Types of communications in management can also be considered in terms of means of transmitting information. People communicate verbally (written and spoken) and non-verbally (gestures, facial expressions, images, etc.).

Types of organizational communications can be divided depending on the needs of participants:

- communication in order to obtain any information;

- to transfer information to someone;

- communication to satisfy the emotional needs of the interlocutors;

- aimed at coordinating any actions between people or a group.

Communication plays an important role in the functioning of the organization. A wise leader with the correct use of all types of communications can maximize productivity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10320/

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