What to do if a pan burned? How to wash, restore the original shine and not damage the coating?

Cooking is an interesting and exciting process. Each time you can discover something new and try to implement a variety of recipes. However, this also has its unpleasant sides: for example, you decided to cook several dishes at once, hesitated - and as a result the pan burned. β€œHow to wash this terrible soot so that your favorite dishes take their original appearance and serve you an nth amount of time?” - you ask. Of course, a lot depends on which particular pan burned: enameled, aluminum, Teflon-coated, cast iron, stainless steel, etc.

burned pan how to wash
Today, to help housewives, the household chemicals market offers a variety of tools to combat fat and soot. Of course, the effect of their use is obvious, but in the composition of these cleaning products, as a rule, there are various acids and other substances hazardous to human health.

Save your favorite saucepan without chemistry

There are times when a cleaning agent is simply not at hand. What to do if a pan burned, how to wash it quickly and without using household chemicals? In such a situation, you can always recall a few grandmother's recipes, where the main characters, in addition to, of course, the affected dishes, are salt, soda, vinegar, citric acid, which are almost certainly found in every kitchen. However, it is also important not to overdo it, since salt, soda and vinegar will help one type of dishware, and the other - on the contrary - will spoil it even more.

how to wash a burnt enameled pan
How to wash a burnt enamel pan?

Compared to the same aluminum and cast iron, enameled dishes are much more capricious and fragile. For example, she does not like temperature changes and uneven heating: this can lead to cracking and subsequent destruction of the enamel layer. Well, if it happened that the pan burned, how to wash the enamel without damaging it, see below:

- Pour a solution of baking soda (25 g per 1 liter of water) into the pan and boil for 10-15 minutes. Leave the pan overnight, and the next day remove the carbon deposits with a soft sponge or cloth, but in no case use hard brushes or metal nets, as they greatly destroy the enamel.

- Generously sprinkle the burnt surface with sodium chloride and leave for several hours.

- Dry tooth powder helps not only to cope with soot, but also to preserve enamel shine for a long time.

- If milk is burnt in an enameled pan, water with the addition of sifted wood ash will help.

How to wash a burnt aluminum pan
How to wash a burnt aluminum pan?

There are many more folk ways to wash burnt aluminum dishes, and not only soda and salt, but also vinegar, citric acid, ammonia and even office glue can participate in the process of saving your favorite saucepan ! Here are just some recipes that tell you what to do if the pan burned: how to wash the carbon deposits, return the dishes to their original shine and not damage it:

- A few drops of ammonia, added to the water, will greatly facilitate their cleaning of carbon deposits and restore shine.

- Cotton wool soaked in vinegar is another effective tool. If the case is especially severe, the vinegar is diluted with water and boiled in a saucepan for 10-15 minutes.

- A slice of sour apple or half an onion are excellent substitutes for the toughest sponge or brush in the fight against soot.

So, now you are armed and, undoubtedly, you can cope even with the strongest soot, without resorting to concentrated chemicals. So you will be more careful with your health, and with the dishes themselves. Good luck, and let your favorite pots always shine!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10327/

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