How to drink protein and in what cases is there a need for this supplement?

By the term โ€œproteinโ€ is meant sports nutrition, which is composed primarily of proteins. Supplementation contributes to weight gain , which is impossible to achieve with regular nutrition.

how to drink protein
If you are actively involved in sports, your body requires intensive recovery after the effort. If the body does not receive the proper amount of vitamins and beneficial elements, then there will be no result from training.

Bodybuilders are well aware of how to drink protein, who carry out hard workouts almost daily to achieve tremendous results.

The daily intake for active people is about 1-1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. If you consume less than this norm, then the recovery process slows down. And with an excessive amount of proteins, the load on the internal organs, in particular on the kidneys and digestive system, increases.

So, before considering how to drink protein, we determine in which cases it is necessary. Almost all athletes use this high-protein powder concentrate to ensure stable muscle growth and dietary correction. In no case do not confuse protein with steroids, since their purpose is radically different.

For athletes, the daily intake is 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight, and in some cases the norm increases to 3 g, but this applies only to professionals (and this decision is not always true).

Protein intake

pure protein
Pure protein is consumed immediately after exercise and upon awakening. Do not drink whey before or during classes, as protein is required for recovery. Protein has no effect on stamina.

We recommend drinking long-digesting casein, as well as mixtures with its content between main meals. Depending on the degree of stress, determine how to drink protein. The number of receptions per day ranges from 1 to 5 times. At the same time, remember that the most important tricks are after training. Having worked physically, your body urgently needs protein, which is the building material for muscles. If protein does not enter within 20-30 minutes, then the body processes the reserves, and this crosses out all efforts.

Some athletes, talking about how to drink protein, are advised to consume the norm up to 4 g per 1 kg of weight. But remember that there is no reason to switch to such a dosage. It is also known that taking serum more than 2-3 g per 1 kg of weight can lead to the fact that proteins are spent on energy needs, burning. Combustion products in this case are nitrogenous compounds that overload the liver and kidneys. So we strongly recommend not to exceed the notorious 2 g per 1 kg of weight. And for many, 1-1.5 g will be enough, which was noted at the beginning of the article.

sports nutrition for the mass

Summing up, it should be noted that sports nutrition for the mass should be only of high quality. Do not save on your health, as cheap analogues often contain a low percentage of protein in the mixture. And from the usual diet, it is difficult to get the required amount of nutrients. Be sure to consult a trainer in the gym and determine your daily protein intake.


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