Thyme: beneficial properties and contraindications

Known to all thyme (thyme) is an unusual creeping plant. This is the strongest doctor of various diseases, fatal in particular. Useful properties and contraindications for thyme were noted in ancient times. Then they were treated with various serious illnesses that did not allow a person to survive. At the same time, the healing properties of the grass of the patients were put on their feet, however, this took a large amount of time. In this article we will consider the beneficial properties of thyme and its use for medical purposes.

Thyme beneficial properties for women

Thyme Application

This creeping plant is of great benefit to the body. Therefore, it is used by traditional medicine. The famous "Pertussin" (cough remedy) is based on the beneficial substances of the plant. Another useful properties of thyme (see photo in this article) can help a person with tuberculosis, asthma and bee stings. The huge benefits of the plant are noted in urology, neurology and gynecology. Essential oil is widely used in cosmetology.

Healing provides the composition of the plant. It includes:

  • flavonoids and gum;
  • organic acids;
  • carotene and vitamins;
  • resins and tannins;
  • thymol and zymol.

This creeping plant is essential for the health of men and women. Mild tea is useful for children.

Useful properties and contraindications for thyme for men and women

This herb has many more beneficial qualities than contraindications. Healing properties of the herb:

  • wound healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • expectorant;
  • disinfectants;
  • soothing.

Herbal contraindications include gastric ulcer, gastritis and diabetes. Despite the huge benefits of thyme for asthma, tuberculosis and pneumonia, a huge dosage of the drug can cause great harm, despite all the useful properties of thyme. There are also contraindications for women - during pregnancy, only a doctor should pick up medications from thyme. The composition of the grass can trigger a miscarriage.

Thyme beneficial properties and contraindications for men

Benefits for women

The beneficial properties and contraindications of thyme for women are very interesting. It is worth mentioning right away that before starting treatment, they should be carefully studied. Useful substances perfectly tone, stop uterine bleeding and relieve cystitis, insomnia. To do this, make healing infusions. To do this, insist in a glass of boiling water for about 2 hours 10 g of herb. Having filtered, drink three times a day for a couple of spoons of the drug.

In addition, the beneficial properties of thyme for women contribute to weight loss. The benefit of the plant is that digestion is significantly improved. For example, food will be easier to digest. Tea is very high-calorie, which means that the feeling of hunger in 2 hours will completely disappear. You can add a couple of spoons of medicinal thyme to a simple tea leaves. Although the body will be of great benefit from pure black tea. To do this, pour a spoonful of raw water with boiling water (a glass), remove for a couple of hours, brew and consume warm. You can add honey. This slimming drink should be used within 2 weeks, then a two-month break.

Benefits for men

Useful properties and contraindications for thyme for men are quite extensive. It helps well with genitourinary infections, prostatitis, baldness, weak potency and alcoholism. Healing drinks from it can remove inflammation of the prostate gland. To do this, to get rid of it, you should make tea.

To do this, put five inflorescences of thyme and 2 leaves of mint in a simple tea leaves. Brew the mixture for 6 minutes and consume up to 4 times a day. Remember that prostatitis entails obstructed bowel movement and swelling. The useful properties of thyme for men can hardly be overestimated, since it is able to cope with this pathology.

Prepare the decoction according to the following recipe: boil in a half liter of water for a spoonful of string, thyme, burdock and celandine. Strain and pour into the bath. It should be used before cooling. In order to have tangible benefits, the lower back should be completely in the water. Such procedures do no harm.

It has been scientifically proven that the healing properties of this plant improve the quality of seminal fluid and relieve premature ejaculation. For this, the following recipe has been developed: 2 tablespoons of dried raw materials are poured into a thermos, where half a liter of boiling water is added, 2 hours are insisted and drunk in two doses. Benefits will be noticeable in 2 weeks.

Thyme useful properties and contraindications for women

Oil will also benefit the male body. Its medicinal substances improve sexual stamina. To do this, simply rub the oil into the crotch and groin. In doing so, remember that essential oil can cause skin harm.

Considering the beneficial properties of thyme for men, it is worth noting that its use is prohibited for people who suffer from ulcers, diabetes, thyroid diseases, arrhythmias and gastritis. In other cases, a small use will bring only health benefits.

Health Recipes

We have already considered some useful properties and contraindications for thyme. Healing decoctions and infusions will be good in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, pneumonia and rhinitis. The creeping plant has found application in eliminating putrefactive processes, gases in the intestines, as well as in the treatment of dysbiosis. Oil can be used to disinfect air.

Aromatherapy oil is suitable for one year old babies. Traditional medicine recommends that women use grass juice, as it relieves pain and inflammation of the appendages. In general, thyme has a huge number of useful recipes.

Thyme Tea

Considering the beneficial properties and contraindications of thyme, one can not help but mention tea, which is mainly included in the complex treatment. Its use in the prevention of neurosis and the common cold is also recommended. Its benefit to the human body lies in a disinfectant, expectorant and sedative effect.

So, you can get rid of a cold with a hot drink made from St. John's wort, lingonberries and thyme, equally joined. Next, a spoonful of the composition is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused as a simple tea. In this case, add honey to improve the taste. But if you consider the beneficial properties and contraindications of tea with thyme, it is worth noting that this tool can harm hypertensive patients, as well as with an exacerbation of an ulcer.

But the healing properties of thyme and other vitamin plants contribute to increased immunity, in addition to improving bowel function. For this tea, strawberry and currant leaves, rose hips, thyme are used. Take a spoonful of all the ingredients. Then 2 tablespoons of the mixture, steam in a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, the drink is ready. It will only benefit you, harm can only be done if you are allergic to any components. The healing properties of thyme in this case contribute to the restoration of appetite, relieve fatigue and improve human vision.

Thyme photo

Thyme Oil

Plant oil is made from all grass, while essential oil is made only from flowers. It combines the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • soothing;
  • anthelmintic.

The beneficial properties of thyme for women and men are multifaceted - the components of the product perfectly treat various skin diseases, joint, stomach and headaches. Traditional medicine of an ailment of the respiratory tract has always been treated with this remedy. For girls, essential oil is necessary to destroy various infections that appear in the genitourinary tract. In addition, it restores the menstrual cycle and helps get rid of insomnia.

But these are not all the beneficial properties of thyme. So, if you rub the essential oil into the scalp, there is an opportunity to increase attention and restore memory. It is also used in cosmetology. Oil treats problem skin and strengthens hair follicles.

Infusion for cystitis

The beneficial properties of thyme apply to the treatment of cystitis. With this ailment, the plant inhibits the inflammatory process and quenches the pain. Brew the infusion according to the following recipe: brew a spoon of grass in boiling water (cup). Set aside for half an hour and consume a quarter cup before each meal. Also, a person can drink a medicinal composition from one part of essential oil, 2 parts of tincture of celandine and belladonna, 7 parts of valerian. Apply 20 drops before meals. This medicine will help well with pain in the bladder.

Tincture for lotions

Useful properties of thyme are suitable for preparing lotions and various grindings. Such a tincture heals wounds, warms and stops putrefactive processes. Its indescribable benefit in rheumatism. It is prepared from 150 ml of vodka and 30 g of herb. The container is stored in the dark in closed form for 10 days. So that the medicinal components do not settle on the bottom, the tincture is regularly shaken. In order for the components to work, it is necessary to use the drug regularly. Lotions are made for at least 15 minutes.

Thyme useful properties and contraindications

Thyme during pregnancy

The main number of sources indicates that the grass when bearing a child is contraindicated because of the possibility of a miscarriage. But the beneficial properties of thyme are revealed when used properly. For example, for girls in position, the healing components of the plant are needed to relieve anxiety and tension. If you combine the seeds of dill and thyme, lactation is significantly improved. Medicinal drinks for a pregnant woman will relieve gas and diarrhea. You can still add a little honey to them. While plant essential oil is used to enhance labor pains during childbirth.

If the mother studied the beneficial properties and contraindications of thyme tea, but is still afraid to harm her baby, then the grass seeds can be added to salads.

Benefits for hair and face

The healing components of the herb to the hair are of great benefit. They reduce the release of sebum, in addition, strengthen the bulbs. Many healers with male pattern baldness advise rubbing ether into the head. To strengthen the hair, make a decoction: in two glasses of boiling water, put 4 tablespoons of thyme and boil for 10 minutes. After shampooing, pour the product onto your hair and massage your skin. It is not necessary to wash off the grass.

For facial skin, the beneficial properties of thyme are hidden under a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect. For combination and oily skin, a steam bath is excellent. Take a spoonful of grass for it (you can take leaves, seeds and flowers), bring it to a boil in a glass of water and cover it for 10 minutes, steam the face. It is worth noting that in this way a person can do harm to himself if he has acne progressing and capillaries are located nearby. In all other cases, the condition of the skin will improve.

Thyme beneficial properties and application

Cough infusion

Healing substances help the body cope with severe respiratory diseases and colds. Quite effective is the use of cough thyme. Make an infusion of a glass of boiling water and a spoonful of herb. After an hour, filter it and use it three times a day for a couple of spoons. Children need to be given 1-2 dessert spoons.

Recipes for Alcoholism

Thyme is of great benefit in the treatment of alcoholism. The body literally restores the grass, however, this process will be quite unpleasant - the use of grass in this case causes vomiting, which is the main in the treatment of this ailment.

A decoction should be made from a glass of boiling water and 15 g of thyme. In a water bath, the mixture languishes for 15 minutes, then the broth is drained and the same volume of water is added to the slurry. The drug should be drunk several times in 70 ml, after which the patient should sniff vodka for about 5 minutes, then drink 25 grams. This will be stressful for the body. Further and nausea will appear.

Thyme beneficial properties for men

A two-week use of thyme will cause a persistent hostility to alcohol. The benefits of such treatment will be persistent and lasting.


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