The ruble crazy is your chance

Money is of great importance in human life. Whatever skeptics and folk sayings say that “money is evil”, the soul becomes warmer and the world is more comfortable and lighter when treasured pieces of paper rustle in your pocket. Money gives access to the most desirable things: delicious food, beautiful clothes, entertainment. They have only two drawbacks: they end quickly and are hard to mine.

Penny to penny

To make money, a person needs to work hard and hard. Money, unfortunately, just does not get anyone. People spend most of their time at work, staying overtime with one goal - to get rich. Every citizen has a dream, as a rule, to purchase their own comfortable housing, buy a car, periodically go on trips. To fulfill these desires is possible only with the help of valuable papers. To become rich is a cherished dream, but for some people life sometimes presents a big surprise as easy money.

many rubles

What is crazy

Crazy is reckless, sudden, extravagant. When the word "crazy" refers to a person, an image of a madman with a blurred reason emerges. A spoiled person who does not know the rules of decency, bordering on pampering - this is a "crazy" person. One way or another, he is capable of an unexpected trick.

Calling money crazy, it is worth remembering that the meaning of the word takes on a slightly different meaning. These are the material means that went easily, without any effort. Winning the lottery, inheritance from a rich uncle, a treasure found or a stolen amount - all this characterizes the money as crazy.

Such funds are divided into several categories:

  • Found.
  • Given.
  • Unexpectedly earned.
  • Won easy money.

Here it is luck that turns to face the lucky one, and this chance is worth appreciating.

big money

Hold and increase

Our ancestors were very careful about crazy money and observed a number of certain rules. This helped them not only to save new finances, but also to increase capital. It is about the following:

  1. Keep the amount in a separate place, it is better away from wages.
  2. Spend on the purchase of the treasured item.
  3. From one bill to make a talisman, which contributes to the attraction of wealth.

Easy money is not only a pleasant surprise. They can harm their master. Accustomed to the gifts of fate, a person is looking for easy ways to obtain new financial resources. Thus there is a reluctance to earn their own labor. A man, forgetting all caution and wisdom, is at great risk to receive another gift of fate. Remember that luck is a fine line. It is changeable and inconstant. As they say, hope for luck, but don’t be fooled!


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