Mom said that you can’t trust a man ... How to deal with stereotypes?

Fortunately, now less and less girls are being brought up in bourgeois and prim traditions. Nevertheless, there are families where mothers and grandmothers vying with each other insistently that one cannot trust a man in anything, that anyone who wants to get acquainted with a young lady is only looking for easy entertainment. Is this so and why are such stereotypes regarding gender relations dangerous?

that you can’t trust a man

Of course, the time is difficult, dangerous, troubled. Increasingly, people have to make their own choices, take responsibility for their actions. There is no institution of matchmaking when the matrimonial was checked up to the tenth generation and only then they were graciously allowed to ask the girl's hands from a good house. The seriousness of intentions regarding the lady as if were to be an indicator of the reliability of the marriage and the future spouse. However, now we are laughing at many stereotypes. After all, they depend mainly on our negative experience or — even worse — on prejudices hammered into the head of the older generation. People brought up in a system of total control and suspicions are sure, firstly, that you can’t trust a man, and secondly (this applies to potential mother-in-law), that all the girls just look in the wallet or in the pocket of the future groom.

You can live in an atmosphere of suspicion and fear, but what kind of life is this? If a young girl was hammered into her head from childhood that one cannot trust a man in anything, then how can she see a person in a potential partner? Will he be able to understand and appreciate his needs, his feelings, his positive qualities? Or will he be treated as an enemy, with suspicion, and only wait for the slightest miss?

that you can’t trust a man

According to modern psychologists and family therapists, there is nothing that cannot be trusted in a man. On the contrary, any measures aimed at preserving a family or union imply first of all openness and sincerity. Not trusting another person, the closest, we deprive ourselves of the most important thing - real cordial communication with him. Stereotypes in marriage can only exacerbate problems. In fact, there is practically nothing that cannot be trusted with a man. A loving person will swaddle a baby, and he will cook dinner and provide for his family. Families in which roles have long been rigidly distributed wonder how a young husband can learn to serve both himself and, if necessary, his wife and child. After all, none of us is safe from illness, temporary disability, or cataclysms of life.

no one can be trusted

If we proceed from the principle that no one can be trusted, then we can never build a harmonious relationship with another person. Think for yourself: how would you feel if people around you perceived only as a source of problems or a dangerous person? True, an uncomfortable situation? Prejudices about the roles of the sexes - such as the fact that you can’t trust a man, that all girls are frivolous and are looking for rich spouses, that a woman should sit at home and raise children, and a partner will earn a living - only complicate our relationship. The first step towards harmony in marriage will be just sincerity and warmth. They are impossible without real - complete - trust.


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